Notice! Spoilers for Outlander season 7, episode 12 ahead!
Jamie Fraser risked a lot bringing something special to George Washington Outlander Season 7 - but what exactly was it and why was the future US president so pleased? All over OutlanderJamie and Claire did their best to use their knowledge of the future to do some good. In the case of the American Revolution, it was important for them to help guarantee the Colonies' freedom from the English, as they wanted to protect the world where their daughters and grandchildren live in the 20th century. Now, in Outlander Season 7, Jamie took significant steps to make this happen.
Jamie was presumed dead when the ship he was supposed to cross from Scotland was lost at sea. However, in Outlander season 7, episode 11, Jamie suddenly appears alive and well at Lord John Grey's Philadelphia home, with British soldiers hot on his trail. After pretending to kidnap Lord John, Jamie revealed that he was being hunted because he refused a search upon entering the city. Apparently, he had some papers with him that he didn't want the British to find. After Jamie delivers them to George Washington in Outlander Season 7, Episode 12, it's clear why.
Jamie delivers letters to George Washington confirming donations from France
Jamie secured much-needed support from France
Jamie was so eager to send his secret letters to George Washington in Outlander Season 7, Episode 12, that he allowed Lord John Gray to be captured by rebel soldiers - something he will certainly have to deal with later. At that moment, meeting the first president of the future United States was his priority. Jamie first met with his friend Colonel Morgan and revealed that the letters he was carrying were from his "friends in France." This led Morgan to take Jamie to George Washington, who was overjoyed to receive the letters, revealing that were confirmations of considerable donations.
The Starz fantasy series cleverly implies that the independence of the United States of America would not have happened if not for the efforts of this Outlander character.
It is not clear in Outlander season 7, episode 12, who are these letters from. Most likely, the promises of money come directly from the French crown. In the end, George Washington famously benefited from a close alliance with the French during the Revolutionary War and received a great deal of financial support. The idea here is that this historic alliance happened because of Jamie Fraser. The Starz fantasy series cleverly implies that the independence of the United States of America would not have happened if not for the efforts of this Outlander character.
Jamie is back in an important leadership role
It is clear that George Washington did not expect Jamie's delivery in Outlander season 7. He questions the Scotsman on whose orders he acted, and Jamie reveals that he traveled to France to seek financial support on his own. Jamie must have done this after Ian Murray Sr died early in Outlanderwhen he traveled to France with Joan MacKimmie, daughter of Laoghaire, to install her in his convent. This would be part of the reason Jamie's trip back to the Americas was postponed, further explaining how he didn't end up on the lost ship he was presumed dead on.
Washington was impressed with the initiative Jamie took to secure more funds for the American Revolution. Traveling to France and seeking support was not something Jamie was ordered to do - in fact, he was asked to travel across the Pacific on behalf of the British Army, as one of his Scottish generals (and Jamie's cousin) needed his corps returned home. . Jamie took this obligation to England and turned it into a mission to benefit the revolution. This inspired George Washington to promote Jamie to brigadier general and give him his own battalion, although this needed to be approved by Congress.
Jamie and George Washington's Outlander Story Explained
Jamie met George Washington once before
Outlander Episode 12 of Season 7 is the first that Jamie and George Washington meet as revolutionary allies, but this isn't their first meeting overall. They came face to face a long time ago in Outlander Season 4 in Willmington while in theater. Claire pointed out the legendary man, revealing to Jamie that he would one day be the first president of the newly formed United States of America. Naturally, this is something Jamie would commit to memory, but George Washington doesn't seem to remember Jamie at all. Outlander Season 7, when the last man points out their previous encounter.
What the Scotsman doesn't realize is that he shares an additional connection with Washington through his wife, who has been transmitting secret letters addressed to the general during his stay in Philadelphia.
Jamie said nothing to George Washington about Claire, who had made a big scene (as she often does) at the Willmington theater the night they met the general. What the Scotsman doesn't realize is that he shares an additional connection with Washington through his wife, who has been transmitting secret letters addressed to the general during his stay in Philadelphia. That's it precisely for this reason that Claire was forced to marry Lord John Gray to avoid being hanged for being identified as a spy. From Outlander Season 7, Episode 12, Jamie doesn't know anything about any of this.
Jamie could again cross arms with his son William
Jamie's new appointment and battalion in Outlander It will have to be approved by Congress, but George Washington seems to expect this to pass without any problems. Once that happens, Jamie will once again be in charge of a group of fighters. Naturally, he and Claire would be unable to return to Fraser's Ridge to rebuild their home, at least for a while. Yet, more significant than that, Jamie will certainly remain at odds with Lord John Gray and his son, Williamboth enlisted in the British Army. Altogether, things in Outlander will continue to be complicated in this regard.
Still, Jamie's promotion helps his and Claire's overall plans. Both are eager to participate in the American Revolution, as they want to secure the country's freedom for the sake of Brianna, who will grow up in the United States in the 20th century. They see it as a way to take care of her from afar. With Jamie serving as brigadier general and Claire working her magic as combat medic, their roles within the Continental Army were sure to be significant. Of course, with allies like George Washington in OutlanderEverything will certainly be very exciting.