What is the gift? In the Badlands' super power fully explained

What is the gift? In the Badlands' super power fully explained


  • The poison in "In the Badlands" is a powerful defense mechanism that boosts strength and speed when triggered by blood, making fighters deadly.

  • There are different versions of the venom, with unique powers like telekinesis and memory sealing, making each Dark One unique in abilities.

  • The origins of the poison are shrouded in mystery, but hints suggest it may have a technological origin associated with a place called Azra and Freedom.

Warning: Spoilers for Into the Badlands

In the center of the story in In the Badlands is a mysterious ability known as "The talent." It doesn't take long for it to become clear in the AMC series that the poison is an incredibly powerful tool, and one that could easily tip the balance of power in the Badlands. It's partly why it gets so much attention from In the Badlands Characters like Emily Beecham's The Widow.

How dangerous the poison is was shown as soon as it debuted. Temporarily adopting black eyes, MK would transform into an almost unstoppable killing machine. As for where it comes from, its true purpose in In the badlands Apocalypse, and other aspects of the ability, The show littered hints and other reveals in the story as the series unfolded over a three-season run, eventually creating an almost complete explanation of the poison.


How the talent works in the badlands

The gift is a powerful defense mechanism

In the Badlands Pilgrim MK Nix

People who possess the talent in In the Badlands are referred to as dark ones. As demonstrated with MK, Dark Ones get a boost of strength and speed when they bleed. This activates their enhanced abilities (and a killer instinct), making them extremely deadly in combat. It can easily turn an unskilled fighter into a force to be reckoned with. In this way, it is easy to see the poison as an effective weapon, because it protects the Dark One from harm.

While the drawing of blood is indeed a trigger for the poison, the Dark One does not necessarily wait to be wounded before using their hidden talents. like In the Badlands Confirmed, Dark Ones can be trained to unleash their venom in battle. Similarly, they can be trained to close it too. Discipline and a strong will can help the Dark One shut down the poison temporarily.

All three seasons of In the Badlands are streaming on Netflix.

Unfortunately for the Dark Ones, there are massive drawbacks to the poison. The obvious one, of course, is not in control of what they hurt when it takes over, while another is its long-term effects on the body. Consistent reliance on the poison can wreck a person's physical health to a point where it can become fatal. The nature of the poison was explored in depth during In the Badlands Season 3 through the role of Castor, one of Pilgrim's top two fighters.

There are different versions of the gift

There are multiple powers attached to the gift, but not all dark ones have them

While MK acts as an introduction to Venom, his character does not define it, as the series makes clear that there are complexities to it that go far beyond his character and his capabilities. In the world of In the BadlandsThere are some dark ones that can do things with the venom that MK doesn't or simply never learned about. for example, In the badlands Kannin can seal a person's memories. It is also understood that the poison can be used to heal injuries, almost making it seem like a form of magic.

Based on what is shown in In the BadlandsIt's likely that the show never revealed every version of ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​with the poison in existence. Clearly, there are all sorts of powers that can come with it, and many seem to be unique to certain Dark Ones. One example of this is the widow, who possesses telekinesis when her poison is activated. However, there are constants to the poison, as the loss of emotion and boosts in a person's physical abilities are shared by every Dark One in In the Badlands.

How people get (and lose) the gift in the badlands

It can be taken away

Daniel Wu as Sunny and Emily Beecham as The Widow in a scene from Into the Badlands.

Primarily, the gift is an ability that people are born with. Characters like MK, Nix, Castor and the Widow all have this ability naturally. It can manifest under different situations, meaning that people can go years of their lives without ever realizing that they have it.

While the vast majority of Dark Ones get the power by birth, there are ways to get the poison artificially. It was discovered in season 3 that Azra's men designed the Meridian Chamber, an extremely complex machine capable of instilling people with the poison. Through the Meridian Chamber, Azra has a way of essentially mass-producing Dark Ones. This comes with a risk, though, because Pilgrim's use of the machine proved that some people are not suitable for the poison, resulting in their minds being ink.

Just as the gift can be imparted to someone, it can also be taken away. Pilgrim possesses the unique power to permanently shut off a Dark One's talent. The monks in the monastery also had the ability, which is why the widow was without it for so many years.

Everything in the Badlands told about the origin and purpose of the gift

In the Badlands has dropped some clues about his origins

In The Badlands Season 3 Pilgrim Cressida

Despite how crucial the poison is to the story, its origins have been largely ambiguous. But there were some interesting hints found at certain points in the series. One of these came when the Lord said that the gift "is never meant to dominate or control." Instead, she pointed out that The gift was meant for doing good in the world. This explains the healing power, but its destructive potential demonstrated throughout the series made the argument confusing. But what it did confirm, however, was that the poison had both a purpose and a creator.

This corroborates a detail of a 2024 Wired Magazine Cover featured in the series. It mentions "Ezra," "Slavery," and "year of the robots,"and"Hacking the perfect gift." Putting all these things together, plus the master's notes and the function of the Meridian Chamber, gives a lot of insight into what the poison really is. The specifics are unclear, but It looks like the poison is technological in origin. It is possible that Azra, the place that so many people in the Badlands are obsessed with, are the scientists behind this innovation.

The idea that the poison is a form of technology helps make sense of how the Meridian Chamber - a machine - can give this power to people. As for why they would do this in the first place, it could be that the opposition was the goal. The phrase was mentioned by the magazine, and it is an idea that was confirmed by the master saying that the poison should be used to "Free"People.