The fifth and sixth episodes of Peacock's new Stephen King-approved horror series Cup of tea I've finally begun to fill in some gaps in the overarching narrative as I move towards what promises to be a thrilling conclusion. With just two episodes left in the limited series' short season, the questions that have slowly been building up since episode 2's horrific ending finally got some answers in the form of a lengthy flashback sequence centered on the mysterious masked man, McNab. , and the young man who trapped James in the Navarro basement, Travis.
The flashback provided some much-needed clarification about the origins of the two conflicting entities that jump from person to person at Chenoweth Farm. Harbinger is the name given to the seemingly good entity that inhabits Arlo's young mind, while his more murderous counterpart is known as the Assassin. At the end of Cup of tea episode 4, Assassin jumps from Lieutenant Olsen to Ellen Chenoweth, mother of James and grandmother of Meryl and Arlo. Episodes 5 and 6 provided some confirmation about the nature of Harbinger and Assassin, although there are still many unanswered questions.
What are Harbinger and Assassin doing on Earth
The two visitors have conflicting goals
Harbinger and Assassin are the names the Chenoweths and their unintentional guests use for the two entities that inhabit the people on the farm, but McNab referred to them by another name: Visitors. Harbinger and Assassin are technically aliens, and as McNab describes, they are invisible, able to jump from person to person like vapor or air. There was no spacecraft to recover from an accident, just as there were no spacecraft at all; Harbinger came to Earth on a meteor, while Assassin followed him wherever they both originated from to hunt him down.
McNab's explanation to Travis is that There are always two visitors, one good and one bad. Whenever a good visitor lands on Earth via a meteor, a bad visitor arrives soon after to hunt it down and eliminate it, usually eliminating the host in the process. Assassin has jumped at least four people so far: Mary Alice Ducker, Travis and Olsen, as seen in the flashback, and Ellen Chenoweth in the Chenoweths' barn haystack. So far, he has been shown attacking anyone who allows him to continue his pursuit of the Harbinger.
Cup of tea Episode release schedule |
Episode |
Episode title |
Release date |
1 |
"Think about bubbles" |
10/10/2024 |
2 |
"My Little Lighthouse" |
10/10/2024 |
3 |
"No reason" |
10/17/2024 |
4 |
"In the heart of the country" |
10/17/2024 |
5 |
"I am a witness to the disease" |
10/24/2024 |
6 |
"You don't know what it means to win" |
10/24/2024 |
7 |
"This Is Nowhere: Part 1" |
10/31/2024 |
8 |
"This Is Nowhere: Part 2" |
10/31/2024 |
Harbinger, interestingly enough, chose to stick with Arlo instead of jumping to Meryl, Nicholas, or one of the other group members. Cup of tea cast, despite many opportunities to do so. Episodes 5 and 6 provide their reasoning: if it stays in Arlo, it allows all adults to have full capacity to protect them. Harbinger also needs to stay safe, because the last few episodes have also revealed that Assassin isn't the only bad visitor to Earth.
Arlo finally explains what brought Harbinger to Earth in the first place, albeit in a cryptic way. He/Harbinger warns them about a “machine” that they need to turn on, but they need to stay quiet so as not to “wake up” the other killers. Harbinger appears to be the last line of defense against a full-scale invasion of Earth on behalf of the bad visitors, and he needs Arlo to help him stop it.
How McNab Knows About Visitors
McNab's tragic story details how he met the visitors
McNab discovers what he knows about the Visitors under dire circumstances, though they help explain why he is so desperate to stop them. Ten years earlier, McNab's daughter was lost in the woods and a paramedic offered to help find her. McNab noticed he was acting strangely, and sure enough, the paramedic ended up dragging his daughter away at gunpoint. McNab discovers his daughter with her throat slit the next day; which puts you down the rabbit hole into aliens and mysterious entitieswhich connected him with people like Olsen.
It is implied that his daughter played host to a good visitor like Harbinger, and that the paramedic who approached McNab was a bad visitor like Assassin. Therefore, McNab has seen exactly the cat and mouse game playing out at present-day Chenoweth Farm at least once before.and knows the symptoms and patterns. McNab's notebook is discovered by the Shanleys, which contains all of his notes on the entire Visitor experience.
Why adults quarantine with children
Paranoia settled in everyone
At the end of Cup of tea episode 6, everything turned into a modern iteration of John Carpenter's climax The thing. Ellen Chenoweth was left alone while the parties split up to find McNab, take care of Arlo, or get back to McNab's car, meaning there is no one on the farm who can confirm if Assassin is still inside Ellenor if it jumped to someone else. No one can be trusted, and Ellen states that she doesn't believe Assassin is inside her, but states that she might as well be lying if he was.
This leads the group to establish a sort of quarantine until they find a way to determine who the Assassin's new host is. Fortunately, McNab's notebook provides a clue as to how they can determine (and subsequently free) who the person hosting the Assassin is: you need to drown him. The cliffhanger ending points to the group testing this theory in the final episodes of Cup of tea.