One of the biggest gameplay changes introduced by the Silent Hill 2 Remake is his new collectibles, including glimpses of the past. Since certain elements of Silent Hill 2The narrative has been rearranged for the remake, with glimpses of the past serving as nods to iconic locations from the original. When the player finds one, they will see a wide, static shot of the location, similar to the original Silent Hill 2s fixed camera perspective, as a short piano sting plays and the controller vibrates.
Along with funny photos, Glimpses of the past provide an extra goal to achieve while playing Silent Hill 2. Although they are much easier to collect during an NG+ run of Silent Hill 2They are all available during a first playthrough. Whether the reward at the end of the process is worth the effort, however, is up to each player to decide.
What are the glimpses of the past in Silent Hill 2 remake?
Glimpses of the Past Reference the original Silent Hill 2
simply, Glimpses of the past represent the sites of important events from the original Silent Hill 2 who have moved to oldWright locations. For example, since James runs into Eddie and Laura in the movies instead of the bowling alley in the remake, there is a glimpse of the past located in the bowling alley - a mostly-eaten pizza lying on a table. Since the grandfather clock has been moved, the streaks on the wall that serve to indicate that it is pushable in the original game create another glimpse of the past.
There are 26 glimpses of the past to collect Over the Silent Hill 2 Remake. They span the entirety of the game; The first is found at the beginning, in the tunnel where Jacob has his first Liar figure encounter in the original game, and the last is found in the Nightmare Hotel after Jacob watches the fateful videotape.
Why you should collect all the glimpses of the past
A treat for longtime Silent Hill fans
The material rewards for collecting all the glimpses of the past in Silent Hill 2 is pretty poor: it's just the "Echoes"Achievement/TrophyA Gold Trophy on PlayStation Network. Doing so does not affect anything in Silent Hill 2s endings or gameplay; It is a completely self-contained and self-assigned goal.
Players will have to find every glimpse of the past in a single game; They do not transfer into NG+.
If nothing else, though, The glimpses of the past are like Easter eggs for fans of the original Silent Hill 2. In fact, if a player is trying to run through the remake as if it were the original Silent Hill 2Going through the same motions required to complete the PS2 version, they will probably discover most (if not all) of the glimpses naturally. This draws attention to the remake's smartest change, and serves as a nice little reminder of what made the original Silent Hill 2 So iconic.