What happens to the Fourteenth Doctor Doctor when he regenerates, explained by 1 Ncuti Gatwa Line

What happens to the Fourteenth Doctor Doctor when he regenerates, explained by 1 Ncuti Gatwa Line

With David Tennant's Fourteenth Doctor still hanging around in the Doctor Who universe alongside his successor, it is unclear what will happen to him when he next regenerates, but a line of Ncuti Gatwa's version of The Time Lord may have revealed what awaits in Fourteen's future. Although Gatwa went on to the Doctor Who The cast of season 14 After the show's shocking bi-generational twist, the fact that Tennant's Doctor did not make a traditional exit raised many questions about his fate. Interesting, Fifteen explained quietly.

The end of the US Doctor Who The 60th anniversary special was one of the biggest moments in the show's considerable history. For the first time, one version of the Doctor was able to pass the baton to the next in a much more tangible way than in previous instances. As a result, Gatwa is the only one of the actors to play the Doctor to essentially share an era, with Tennant's Doctor living a remote, domestic existence. Fourteen can presumably regenerateWhat could bring him back to the main post of doctors.

Ncuti Gatwa's Doctor Teased That Fourteen Will Join The Fifteenth Doctor

Fifteen explained why Fourteen needed to take a break

Although they both lead autonomous lives without affecting each other, the fates of the fourteenth and fifteenth doctors are still connected - according to a line of dialogue from Nkuti Gatwa's character in "The Giggle." After the episode's shocking bi-generational twist that caused the Doctor to split in two, Fifteen explains that he is not really independent of FurtzenBut from his future. As the pair discuss the centuries of traumatic adventures they have both experienced, Gatwa's Doctor offers a very timely summary of events. The implication is that when Fourteen regenerates, he will become Gatva's version.

"I'm fine because you fixed yourself. We are time masters. We do rehabilitation in order."

Because they interact so freely and seemingly without the threat of a paradox, It is easy to wrongly see the two doctors as completely separate from one another. However, Fifteen's statement strongly suggests that Fourteen's time off to heal after so long saving the universe directly benefits Fifteen. For this to be true, Tennant's version of ​​the Time Lord would not only need to regenerate into Gatva when the time comes, but he would also need to materialize during the two-generation scene in "The Giggle" to close The loop. Otherwise, there would be two versions of Gatwa's Doctor in existence simultaneously.

How Fourteen could become the current Fifteenth Doctor in the future of Doctor Who

The Doctor's complex timeline could be about to get even more confusing

David Tennant's Fourteenth Doctor smiling in Doctor Who as he hugs Ncuti Gatwa's Fifteenth Doctor

The choice of writing by Russell T Davies makes this part of the Doctor's timeline incredibly difficult to visualize, but it is possible to understand. Although the Time Lord ages much more slowly than humans, there will come a point where he will need to regenerate. It may be after Donna Noble has long since passed, or it may be much sooner than that. Regardless, The process of what the Fourteenth Doctor's regeneration process might look like is fascinating. use fifteen'sRehabilitation out of order” Note, Fourteen would need to reintegrate with Fifteen in order to have free time to benefit from Gatwa's iteration.

Possible regeneration timeline from the physician's perspective (accounting for reintegration)

  • Pre-William Hartnell Doctors (such as Jo Martin's Ruth / Fugitive Doctor)

  • Memory wipe
  • Hartnell's First Doctor - Jodie Whitaker's Thirteenth Doctor

  • The Fourteenth Doctor by David Tennant

  • Fourteen bi-generates, spawning Nkuti Gatwa's fifteenth - who leaves

  • Fourteen regenerates years later, appearing to disappear to any viewer

  • Fifteen emerges from his past self during the bi-generational scene in "The Giggle"

  • Fifteen leaves fourteen behind

The most likely explanation for why this would look like to anyone watching Fourteen Regeneration is that he would simply disappear in a flurry of orange Time Lord energy. From the Doctor's perspective, he would be regenerated at the end of fourteen's life, and suddenly emerge as fifteen during the two-generation scene in "The Giggle." It's certainly a mind-bending scenario, but it aligns with Fifteen's explanation of being from Fourteen's future. The only other explanation is that both versions of the Doctor remain autonomousWhich wouldn't make sense as far as Fifteen's rehabilitation commentary goes.

Fourteen & fifteen recombining would result in a spare TARDIS

The doubled TARDIS would be left without a Doctor to fly it

Two Doctors in Doctor Who looking at two TARDISes

The lingering powers of Neil Patrick Harris' Toymaker allowed Fifteen to duplicate the TARDIS so that Fourteen was not left stranded. If Gatwa's Doctor knew that Tennant's version of ​​the Time Lord would eventually cross back and become him, that seems like an unusual move. If the pair would recombine through a new form of temporal regeneration, then The duplicated TARDIS would become surplus to requirements. Although the blue box does not have any traditional weapon, it would still be a dangerous tool if it fell into the wrong hands. Without a doctor to watch it, this can certainly happen.

Thankfully, the existence of a spare TARDIS opens up many exciting story possibilities, so it can't be all bad if one is left unattended.

Of course, both TARDISes could also recombine. However, chances are slim. With the door maker already long, his powers will be dispersed. Not only that, but twinning the TARDIS is also the result of fifteen claiming his "Price"For winning the game and defeating the Toymaker. Although the villain's powers are not entirely clear, it seems unlikely that a second prize could be claimed - which is probably the scenario required for the TARDIS to reintegrate. Thankfully, the existence of A spare TARDIS opens up many exciting story possibilitiesSo it may not be all bad if one is left unattended.

Why bi-generation is still necessary, even if the Fourteenth Doctor turns fifteen anyway

The doctor could not continue without having time to rest

The two-generation scene was thrilling Doctor Who moment, but if fourteen will eventually just become fifteen at some point down the line, it could be argued to all be a bit redundant. In a way, it seems like the whole arrangement is just delaying the inevitable by huge amounts. The Doctor transitions between different bodies on a fairly regular basis, so Bi-Dur, on the surface, doesn't seem to add anything new to Doctor Who Study. on the other hand, It also gave the Doctor some much needed recuperation time after being on the front lines for so long.

His body's unconscious decision to return to the form of the Tenth Doctor and seek out his best friend is an obvious sign that he is desperate for some respite.

Doctor WhoThe main character clearly has a high threshold for tolerating emotional trauma. Alternatively, it was just buried for an impossible amount of time. anyway, The Fourteenth Doctor is the breaking point for how much he can shoulder alone. His body's unconscious decision to return to the form of the Tenth Doctor and seek out his best friend is an obvious sign that he is desperate for some respite.


The Doctor has selflessly put himself at risk for thousands of years without the opportunity to hold and process all these experiences. Sure, some of these events are good, but the vast majority involved the Doctor watching loved ones leave him behind - sometimes in far more upsetting ways than others. With fourteen remaining intact while a healed fifteen continues to be the hero, the former has a vital period of rest so his future self can return to continually save the day as Doctor Who Surges forward.

The final season of Doctor Who introduces the Fifteenth Doctor, joined by new companion Ruby Sunday. Their first adventure begins with "The Church on Ruby Road," where they face powerful new enemies and unravel the mystery surrounding Ruby's origins. The Doctor grapples with the aftermath of a unique regeneration event and battles enemies more formidable than ever before.


Ncuti Gatwa, Millie Gibson, Susan Twist, Michelle Greenidge, Angela Wynter, Jemma Redgrave, Yasmin Finney, Anita Dobson.

Release date

December 25, 2023




Russell T. Davies, Dave Gibbons, Kate Herron, Steven Moffat