What happens to King Aegon II Targaryen's sword, Blackfyre, between House Of The Dragon and Game Of Thrones is a huge mystery, and the winds of winter theory solves it

What happens to King Aegon II Targaryen's sword, Blackfyre, between House Of The Dragon and Game Of Thrones is a huge mystery, and the winds of winter theory solves it

NOTICE! This article contains major SPOILERS for George RR Martin's book Fire & Blood, on which House of the Dragon is based!King Aegon II Targaryen wields the historic Targaryen sword Blackfyre in Dragon Housebut this weapon mysteriously disappears before Game of Thrones'timeline. Although the ancient swords carried by members of House Targaryen in Dragon House play a convincing factor in the legitimacy of their demands, the two most valued, Blackfyre and Dark Sister disappeared during Game of Thrones. It can be assumed that the fall of the Targaryen dynasty played a role in Blackfyre and Dark Sister's disappearances, but that may not be the exact case.

The disappearance of Daemon's sword Dark Sister is partially explained by its later wielder, Brynden Rivers,'s journey to becoming the Three-Eyed Raven some 100 years later. Dragon Housewith Aegon's weapon becoming a mystery some 50 years before that. Game of Thrones was unable to confirm the whereabouts of the Valyrian steel blade, and Dragon House It won't help much either. However, if a convincing theory about Game of Thrones'cut character Young Griff is proven right, so the answer to What happened to Blackfyre could finally be revealed in George R.R. Martin's next film The winds of winter book.

What happens to Blackfyre after House Of The Dragon

The last known wielder of Blackfyre was Aegor "Bittersteel" Rivers during the second Blackfyre Rebellion

King Aegon II Targaryen retains possession of Blackfyre until his death in Dragon House. After Aegon kills Queen Rhaenyra during the Dance of the Dragons, he returns to King's Landing after hiding in Dragonstone. Aegon then sentences certain of Rhaenyra's followers to death, including the squire Trystane Truefyre. With the gravely injured Aegon confined to his prophesied “wooden throne”, he has Ser Alfred Broom (who betrayed Rhaenyra) decapitate Trystane with Blackfyre. This is the last known use of Blackfyre during the reign of Aegon II, as he was fatally poisoned by his own men soon after.

After the death of King Aegon II Targaryen, his successor to the Iron Throne is the eldest living son of Rhaenyra and Daemon, who becomes King Aegon III Targaryen. However, George RR Martin's books have not given any indication of what happens to Blackfyre immediately after Aegon II's death, as there is no mention of the sword during King Aegon III Targaryen's early reign in the 2018 novel. Fire and Blood. It is assumed that King Aegon III Targaryen inherited the swordbut he was also known for his pacifism, so he may have chosen not to exercise it later Dragon Housethe tragedies.

Aemond takes possession of Blackfyre while Aegon is bedridden during Dragon House Season 2, but that didn't happen in Martin's novel.

Eventually, Blackfyre was passed to the eldest son of King Aegon III Targaryen, who would succeed him on the Iron Throne as King Daeron I Targaryen. Daeron, also known as the “Young Dragon,” was known to have wielded the ancient sword Blackfyre during the conquest of Dorne, about 20-30 years later Dragon Houseis ending. However, Daeron was killed in battle with Blackfyre still in his hands, and it appears that the Dornish held the sword for an uncertain period of time after his death.

There is no confirmation whether Blackfyre was returned during the reigns of Daeron's next two successors, King Baelor I Targaryen and King Viserys II Targaryen. Instead of, the next recorded use of Blackfyre in Martin's books was during the reign of King Aegon IV Targaryenson of King Viserys II and grandson of Rhaenyra and Daemon. King Aegon IV Targaryen chose to gift Blackfyre to his bastard son Daemon instead of his heir, Daeron II Targaryen, which began a new legacy in Westeros.

Aegon IV's son Daemon would eventually call himself Daemon Blackfyre when wielding the sword, and would continue to possess the blade during the First Blackfyre Rebellion against Daeron II. During these battles, Daemon's son Aemon Blackfyre also took up the sword for a brief period before his death, with his half-brother Aegor “Bittersteel” Rivers also wielding it after Daemon's death. Bittersteel was soon exiled to the Free Cities of Essos, where he founded the Golden Company with Blackfyre as his weapon.

Known carriers of Blackfyre in GOT

Confirmed in the book/show

King Aegon I Targaryen

Fire and Blood

King Aenys I Targaryen

Fire and Blood

King Maegor I Targaryen

Fire and Blood

King Jaehaerys I Targaryen

Fire and Blood, Dragon House

King Aegon II Targaryen

Fire and Blood, Dragon House

Prince Aemond Targaryen

Dragon House

Ser Alfred Broome

Fire and Blood

King Daeron I Targaryen

The World of Ice and Fire

Ser Daemon I Blackfyre

The World of Ice and Fire

Aemon Blackfyre

The sworn sword

Rivers of Ser Aegor "Bitter Steel"

The World of Ice and Fire

Since Bittersteel's exile around 212 AC, Blackfyre's whereabouts have been unknown.. That was about 80 years before Game of Thrones' The timeline began, but it is possible that the sword remained in Essos with Bittersteel and his followers during this time. Game of Thrones didn't capitalize on that potential for Daenerys, but that may not be the case for another "Targaryen" character in The winds of winter. Young Griff, also known as Aegon Targaryen, was cut from Game of Thronesbut her connection to the Golden Company could yield Blackfyre's recovery in Martin's impending novel.

Could young Griff, aka Aegon Targaryen, have Blackfyre now?

Illyrio Mopatis could give young Griff Blackfyre in the winds of winter

Young Griff and Jon Connington browsing A Song of Ice and Fire book art

George R. R. Martin A Song of Ice and Fire novels feature a character known as Young Griff, who claims to actually be Aegon Targaryen, son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Elia Martell who supposedly died in Robert's Rebellion. Although his identity has not yet been confirmed, young Griff travels with the knight Ser Jon Connington under their aliases in Essos, initially intending to meet with Daenerys Targaryen and propose marriage. In the last book, the Golden Company swears loyalty to young Griff and promises to hide their true identity until they reach Westeros.

Blackfyre's last known location was in Essos, with the founder of the Golden Company, a bastard of House Targaryen. Considering how influential possession of an ancient Targaryen blade would make the group, the Golden Company likely kept Blackfyre after Bittersteel's death - whenever that was. If they still have it, then the Golden Company or Free City master Illyrio Mopatis may bestow Blackfyre on Young Griffalso known as Aegon Targaryen, in The winds of winter as a sign of their loyalty and promise to support him as the true king of Westeros.

Blackfyre can be very important in winter winds

Young Griff Having Blackfyre May Confirm a Major Identity Theory

Daenerys with Jon Snow at Dragonstone in Game of Thrones season 7

As Dragon House highlighted through Aegon II Targaryen's possession of the sword in the Dance of Dragons, Blackfyre could be instrumental in Young Griff increasing his legitimacy in The winds of winter. Having this ancient weapon would strengthen his claim to the Iron Throne, not just because he is holding a Targaryen sword, but because he would have the sword of Aegon the Conqueror, whose name he also supposedly bears. Considering young Griff was preparing to propose to Daenerys, the fact that he has Blackfyre and she has dragons could also make the marriage stronger.

Bringing Blackfyre to The winds of winter with Young Griff it could also go in another direction. There has long been a theory that young Griff is actually a Blackfyre, that figures like Varys are pretending to be a true pure-blood Targaryen. This is supported by the idea that Illyrio Mopatis' wife may have been a Blackfyre, so one version of the theory suggests that Aegon is actually their son. If Young Griff holds the Blackfyre sword The winds of winterso it could also be interpreted as confirmation that he is indeed a member of House Blackfyrenot House Targaryen.

If Young Griff is revealed to be a Blackfyre, then his claim to the Iron Throne would be weakened significantly compared to Daenerys in The winds of winter. Still, having a Blackfyre who wields the eponymous Valyrian steel sword working alongside Daenerys Targaryen could increase her legitimacy in the eyes of Westeros. With another potential Targaryen in the mix, a magister from the Free Cities supporting him, and the loyalty of the Golden Company, The winds of winter is prepared to bring Blackfyre into his story and at least reveal what happened to him after Bittersteel.

Game Of Thrones Missed The Opportunity To Solve The Blackfyre Mystery

Cutting young Griff meant Blackfyre's potential recovery was ignored

Unfortunately, by cutting out Young Griff's story entirely from Game of Thronesthe HBO original series missed a huge opportunity to solve the mystery of Blackfyre's fate. There isn't much hope that an answer will be provided in HBO's subsequent spinoffs after Dragon Houseas it is not expected to play a role A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms. At the moment, it seems the only way for Blackfyre's final whereabouts to be revealed is through The winds of winterin which we hope it will play a more significant role than its non-existent presence in Game of Thrones.