What happens and how it sets up Season 2

What happens and how it sets up Season 2

New reveals about Colter's father in the Tracker The season 1 finale laid the groundwork for the show's next chapter. In the last episode of the season, Colter Shaw actor Justin Hartley reunited with his This is us costar Jennifer Morrison. Morrison joins the cast of Tracker Characters like Colter's childhood friend, Lizzy Hawking, whose daughter goes missing while storm chasing with her boyfriend. Katie Hawking (Jena Burgess) has been missing for two days, and although the local police are on the case, Lizzie calls Colter to track down her daughter and bring her home.

Colter discovers that the local sheriff tried to silence Katie after she found out he was covering up a murder - Katie's boyfriend was killed, leaving her stranded. When Colter brings Katie home safely, Lizzie reveals that her mother and Colter's father had an affair before Ashton Shaw died. She tells Colter that she found a box of Ashton's research papers and journals under her mom's bed After her mother died and she sent it to Colter's sister. The shocking revelation creates huge implications for Tracker Season 2.

Lizzie's mom and Colter's dad are having an affair

This story may have had something to do with his death

Justin Hartley as Colter Shaw and Jennifer Morrison as Lizzie Hawking spoke in Tracker

The revelation that Colter's father was having an affair adds to the mystery surrounding his death. When Colter and his siblings Russell and Dory were just kids, Colter's father trained them to track people and animals and to be able to survive in the wild. When Ashton believes he is being chased one night, he urges his kids to run away with him, however They will refuse because they don't want to leave without their mother. When Ashton leaves alone, Russell goes looking for him, and Colter later goes looking for him too when his mother returns.

Ashton's affair provides new leads to why someone might want to kill him.

When Colter tracks down his father, he finds him at the bottom of a steep cliff with Russell standing at the top. For years, Colter believed that Russell pushed their father to his death, but Russell insisted that there was someone else with them that night. All Colter knows is that his father had to quit his job at Berkeley, went through a series of legal altercations, and had some involvement with the government. Ashton's affair gives new leads in which someone might want to kill him, probably giving him a lot to think about Tracker Season 2.

Ashton Shaw visited Lizzie's home right before he died (but it's not said when)

Colter's father left a box of files the night he died

Jennifer Morrison as Lizzy Hawking looks concerned at Tracker

Lizzie reveals to Colter that she has a memory of Ashton right before he died. She remembers that he came home, and she saw him with her mother, because her room overlooked the driveway. She could hear him shouting, saw that they were having an argument. Then they hugged, and Ashton handed Lizzie's mother a box of files. Lizzie found the box of files under her mother's bed after she died and sent them to Colter's sister. Lizzy does not specify the timeline, so it is unclear how the meeting factors in the night Ashton died.


The box of files could be a huge development in the upcoming season. What's in the box may be something Ashton didn't want his family to know about, hence why it was left with a family friend. The box may contain the secrets of his mysterious involvement with the United States government. While the conversation started out casually (with Lizzie talking about how she used to beat Russell), it evolved into one of the most important conversations of the series. Hartley reveals that Morrison's Lizzie is "Definitely coming back"In Tracker Season 2 to continue the story.

Can Colter Trust Dory?

Why his sister is hiding explained

Dory and Colter from Trucker talk to each other

Regardless of the contents of the file box, Colter's sister Dory (Melissa Roxburgh) now has access to it. The revelation raised new concerns for Calder, especially since she didn't mention the box when he asked her about their father. instead, Dory told Colter it was time to let it go and move on. It serves as a clear warning to Colter, as it is exactly what Lizzie tells him when he begins to wonder about the significance of the box. Whatever is in the files has caused those implicated to want to look the other way and forget about it.

Reenie quits her job. Why did she do it, and what will she do next?

Reenie is likely to join the Colter team

Reenie spoke on the phone in Tracker

At the beginning of the episode, Reenie Greene (Fiona Rene) is packing her office. It's clear that she and Colter have a conversation about what's going on, because he asks her if she's really going through with this. It is not revealed why she quits her job, but it is confirmed when she catches up with Tracker at the end, telling him that she "said her jolly boss," Quit her job, and now she's going to "Pour a large glass of wine" And "Keep some trashy TV under your weighted blanket."

It is likely that Reenie will officially join the Colter team in some capacity. Reenie has made it clear in the past that she doesn't get enough action in her office job, and that she likes to help out. The show has been teasing this development for a while now; When Reenie was called to bail Colter out of jail in episode 1, she remarked that she'd better be his first call the next time he was in trouble.

It would feel natural for Greenie's next step to be permanently joining the team and helping Colter investigate, which she has already proven she can do quite well.

Russel surfaces in Argentina, forms connections with the team

Colter probably believes that Russell is innocent in his father's death

Reenie also tells Colter that Russell has surfaced. She tells Colter that Russell contacted her, sending her a selfie from a beach bar in Argentina and asking her if she wanted to join him for dinner in Buenos Aires. It's a small exchange between the characters, but it reveals something huge: Russell is incorporated into the group. This signals that Colter believes Russell that he did not kill their father, Especially after they found out that their father had an affair and that means that someone else could have had a motive to kill him.

Tracker Actor


Justin Hartley

Colter Shaw

Robin Weigert

Teddy Brown

Abby McKenney

Velma Brown

Eric Gray

Bobby Exley

Fiona Renee

Rainy Green

Jensen Ackles

Russell Shaw

Melissa Rosburg


Jennifer Morrison

Lizzie Hawking

This connection signals an interesting potential love triangle between Greenie, Russell and Colter. It is implied in episode 1 that Colter and Greenie have a history. Then, in episode 12, "On the Books," it is implied that Russell is interested in Greenie. Coincidentally, they both invite her to their moment of relaxation, hoping she will join them. At the end of season 1, Greenie calls Colter to tell him that their criminal has been picked up and that it was "A really long couple of days." He invites Reene to come up and join him to relax for a few days, but she politely refuses.

As the end of Tracker Season 1 sets up Season 2

The great mystery surrounding Colter's father remains

Trucker's mother

All things considered, the finale does quite a lot to set the stage for Tracker Season 2. It was revealed in episode 11, "Beyond the Campus Walls," that Colter's father was employed by the governmentWorking on various projects with his role evolving from "contractor" to "head of project." Whatever the work is, it is redacted. When he asks Lizzie if she knew about it, she doesn't confirm or deny it, but just wonders what he did (which means she didn't know).

Lizzy thinks that keeping Colter and his siblings in the dark about their family was an effort to protect them. It's clear that Colter has reasons to reevaluate everything his mother told him about his father's death. He opened up to the idea that someone other than Russell could have killed their father. Colter reveals that he can finally believe his brother in his conversation with Lizzie, saying, "She made me believe that my brother was behind my father's death, kept us apart."

They don't explain exactly how the family got involved with the fallout, but it's clear Colter's mother kept information from him. Whether she is protecting him, or herself, will certainly be explored in Tracker Season 2.

The real meaning of Tracker's Season 1 ending explained

Colter is in a better place by the end

Justin Hartley as Colter Shaw on the beach in Trucker

For a moment, it looked like Greenie and Colter were going to have the fishing trip on the lake they were promised by Greenie's family friend, Gus McMillion (Gil Birmingham), in episode 10, "Into the Wild." The two are decompressed and catching up on the phone after the case's conclusion and Colter invited Greenie to join him, but she left him for some self-care time.

Greenie needs to decompress while experiencing major life changes, and for the first time since the audience has met him, Colter decides that he will "Nothing." Colter ends the season on a high note: sitting in solitude as he starts off into the sunset before grabbing his surfboard and hitting the water as Rolling Stone's "Gym Shelter" ends the episode.

Colter is in an uplifted state of mind. And at least for now, he must go alone.

This moment implies that, despite the harrowing events of season 1, Colter is in an uplifted state of mind. And at least for now, he must go it alone while he unravels the mystery surrounding his father's death. Professionally, it's clear that Greenie is there for Colter, but for now, the Tracker Characters may need a sense of calm before season 2.

As the end of the Tracker Season 1 is received

Fans want more of Colter's backstory

Colter Shaw (Justin Hartley) enters a store in Tracker Season 2, Episode 1, "Out of the Past"

The first season of Tracker was highly rated by critics with an 89% score, and although it had a lower 64% from the audience, The ratings showed that people kept watching anyway. When you look at the series season and how it ends, one reviewer on Rt wrote, "The show starts slow, but after the first 2 episodes you start to realize that the character building is going to be interesting. I believe the show has gotten better and better every week and I'm excited for season 2."

In his review of the first season, Amber Dowling of The rap wrote that Justin Hartley was the reason for the success of the show in its debut on CBS. "After years of watching Hartley lift so many ensemble casts, it's nice to see him finally get his flowers and collect his own reward: recognition as the leading man he's been working his entire career to become."

As for the fan response to the first season, a Reddit Thread discussing the series after the finale, and Redditor Universe93b wrote, "It definitely exceeded my expectations on the show. I love the fast-paced nature of it, always some action and not long scenes of boring dialogue. I hope they continue to create a deep storyline for Season 2 and avoid the pitfalls that network TV shows make that they quickly canceled."