What happened to Tom and why does his ghost appear to Jade

What happened to Tom and why does his ghost appear to Jade

Warning: There are spoilers ahead for Season 3, Episode 6 onwards.

Tom (Reid Price) is the latest Of character to appear in the series after his death. Father Khatri (Shaun Majumder) and Abby Stevens (Lisa Ryder) are among the dead Of characters who have intermittently reappeared before Boyd Stevens (Harold Perrineau) and others since losing their lives. Although death is a very real threat in the city, the dead have a way of coming back to haunt, manipulate, or give advice for those still struggling to survive in the most desolate conditions.

Jade (David Alpay) has had hallucinations of dead people since arriving in the city in season 1although the hallucinations often feature people he doesn't know, including soldiers from the American Civil War, or the mysterious symbol he is still trying to decipher. This time is different when he sees the town's deceased bartender and his friend, Tom. This unexpected reunion is part of Jade's ongoing journey in trying to solve the mysteries and better understand the terrors that threaten him and the rest of the population. Ofcast of characters.

Tom and Jade's friendship explained

They became friends at Town Bar

When Jade was out of control in the first season, he ended up in Tom's bar. Jade couldn't understand how Tom could be running a bar when he and the rest of the town's residents should be focused on trying to find a way to better understand their situation. and figure out how to escape. Tom tried to help calm Jade by giving her a drinkexplaining that he runs the bar because he feels people need it and engaging with Jade's philosophical and scientific questioning.

Tom, who was a philosophy professor before being trapped in the city, compared their situation to that of Schrödinger's cat, and that of the people they left behind, they are both alive and dead. He encouraged Jade to use the radio she found to try to transmit a signal that would prove they were alive. Tom became a sounding board for Jade and it could help him center himself when he was particularly frustrated or feeling like he had reached his limit.

Tom was killed by the creatures in season 2

He is one of the city's many victims

Tom (Reid Price) looking shocked in Season 2, Episode 2

Tom was inside the Matthews family home when it collapsed at the beginning of season 2. As he was unable to get out of the wreckage before nightfall, Tom stayed under the pieces of the collapsed house and tried to remain quiet so as not to attract the attention of others. Ofthey are cruel monsters. Unfortunately, one of the individuals who arrived on the bus was also trapped under the wreckage and made a lot of noise as he bled to death. This noise caught the attention of the monsters, who entered the wreckage, saw Tom and devoured him.

After Tom's death, no one took over running the bar, although Jade moved outand he would help himself to the drink. Jade used the bar space and even the glasses to visually map out the problems she was trying to solve. Although Jade became closer to Tabitha Matthews (Catalina Sandino Moreno) and others in town, it didn't make up for the loss of Tom, who listened and helped him when he was struggling to accept his new reality in the season. 1.

Jade's visions of Tom's ghost help recreate her voice of reason at the bar

Tom tells Jade hard truths

Jade (David Alpay) and Tom (Reid Price) looking at each other while in the snowy forest in Season 3, Episode 6

Upon having visions of Tom's ghost when he goes to one of the Ofthe bottle trees, Tom is able to help Jade solve the mysteries presented by the town and be a much-needed voice of reason.. Tom reminds Jade that before he was trapped in the city, Jade built a multi-billion dollar company, despite everyone telling him he couldn't do it. He made it clear that Jade needs to be that kind of person again and that Jade needs to get sober as her drinking is interfering with her ability to find answers.

Abby's visions, on the other hand, seemed much more sinister and seemingly existed to try and manipulate Boyd.

This reflects the kind of conversations they used to have at the bar when Tom was alive. It's similar to Boyd having visions of Father Khatri's ghost and talking to him. The visions of Tom and Father Khatri seem to be trying to help guide Jade and Boyd. Abby's visions, on the other hand, seemed much more sinister and seemingly existed to try and manipulate Boyd. Just as Boyd sees Father Khatri on a recurring basis now, it will be intriguing to see if Jade continues to see Tom as Of season 3 continues.