What happened to the blood on the diplomat in season 2?

What happened to the blood on the diplomat in season 2?

Notice! SPOILERS for The Diplomat season 2, episode 6 ahead.

A scene in The Diplomat
Season 2 Episode 5 spontaneously mentions blood after Grace Penn's arrival at Winfield House, covering a real-life Secret Service practice. The Diplomat starting with the attack on HMS Courageous meant the US President and Vice President visited Kate in her new role at short noticeshowing the degree of organization required to accommodate such visits. However, although President Rayburn's visit to The Diplomat season one was always supposed to be brief, Grace Penn's surprise arrival in The Diplomat the second season was completely unexpected.

Trowbridge's unrestrained public remarks meant that Rayburn's visit to The Diplomat season 1, episode 3 had very specific problems that needed to be resolved. Instead, Penn's visit to The Diplomat Season 2 Episode 5 was unplanned, making expectations about its length and purpose impossible. It also made particularly evident the Secret Service's meticulous handling of Penn's whereabouts.not letting the vice president greet the prime minister upon his arrival, nor letting Hal enter the room. Their arrival, however, included an unusual moment when Winfield House manager Frances requested “the blood” And Agent Griffith handed it over, before asking to refrigerate it.

Why the Secret Service Had a Container of Blood

Agent Griffith gives Frances a container of blood in The Diplomat Season 2

Agent Griffith looking after Penn's protection in The Diplomat season two suggests that she will likely be part of the Presidential Protective Division (PPD), a branch of the Secret Service responsible for protecting the lives of the president, vice president, and their immediate families. The container of blood that Griffith gives Frances to refrigerate contains bags of the same blood type as Vice President Penn. so that in case of a medical emergency, this is already at hand. The PPD carries the employee's blood everywhere, and this happens in real life too.

The autobiography specifies how the protection of the President and Vice President is statutory, leaving them no choice in the matter.

According to Next to history: the life of an agent within the secret service by Joseph Petro and Jeffrey Robinson, this is the regular practice of the Secret Service, whose primary responsibility is to protect the President and Vice President. The autobiography also specifies how the protection of the President and Vice President is statutory, allowing them to “no choice in the matter.” According to Robinson, the Secret Service always has bags of blood in the motorcade in case a transfusion is needed, and its agents are trained in “ten minute remedy”, letting them stabilize the President before the professionals arrived.

The US Secret Service always carries the blood of the president and vice president with it

Several precautions are in place to ensure the president's safety

Allison Janney as Grace Penn Sitting Down for Dinner in The Diplomat Season 2, Episode 5

Petro's autobiography Alongside the story has a treasure trove of information about the role of Secret Service agents assigned to the PPD, confirming that they are, by definition, never more than ten minutes away from professional medical careespecially considering how medical emergencies pose the greatest risk to the president. This knowledge, along with details about Penn's blood, makes The Diplomat The Season 2 ending is ironically accurate, considering how Rayburn's sudden illness is triggered by Hal telling him about Penn's involvement in the HMS Courageous attack.

An article about the presidential limousine from entertainment and education brand Spyscape specified how the “Beast”It is equipped with a blood supply in the refrigerated part of the vehicle, as well as an oxygen supply in case of an attack. This is even safer because the President or Vice President's location while traveling is never more than ten minutes away from a trauma center (via Mental Thread). By including the small details about the blood, The Diplomat Season 2, Episode 5 briefly hints at the lengths the PPD will go to protect the President and Vice President.

All six episodes of The Diplomat season 2 is available to stream on Netflix.

Sources: SpyMental Thread