What happened to Simran Bhogal after Sweet Bobby: My Catfish Nightmare

What happened to Simran Bhogal after Sweet Bobby: My Catfish Nightmare

Netflix's new documentary Sweet Bobby: My Catfish Nightmare Chronicles the harrowing eight-year ordeal of Kirat Asi, a 30-something marketing executive from London, England, who fell prey to the online scam now known as “Catfishing." Catfishing involves an individual inventing, or borrowing, an online persona to dupe their victim - usually romantic. Assi's story is particularly shocking since it is revealed at the end of Sweet Bobby: My Catfish Nightmare That her tormentor was her cousin and confidant, Simran Bhogal.

Bhogal's astonishingly intricate web of lies and deception lasted nearly a decade. By stealing the identity of one Bobby Jandu, originally on Facebook, Bhogal inched her way into Assi's affections, whom she knew to be desperate for marriage and children. Placing Bobby in Nairobi, Kenya, and then moved to New York while concocting A series of strange events including a shooting, enrolling in a witness protection program, and a heart attackBhogal is able to keep her protagonists apart. Meanwhile, she maintained a constant and pervasive online presence, which evolved into an intense love affair and even a marriage proposal.

The outcome of the catfishing case of Simran Bhogal & Kirat Assi

Assi is not the only victim of Bhogal's deception

Asi was not the only victim of Simran Bhagal's catfishing. in Sweet Bobby: My Catfish Nightmare, Her parents and immediate family were also taken by the story. Naturally keen to see their daughter married, they have no reason to believe Facebook Bobby is anything other than real. The real Bobby Jandu, whom Assi tracks down and confronts at the end of the documentary, is also a victimTogether with his wife and child. But for Asi, now in her 40s, the lie of almost ten years left her unmarried and childless.

Once Kirat Assi finally discovered Bhogal's scheme, she took her case to the police in 2018, who informed her that Bobby was the real victim and refused to prosecute, as catfishing is not a criminal offence. ASI was undaunted and brought a civil action against Bhogal in 2020, which was settled out of court. According to the mirror, An apology letter from Bhogal to the court attempted to explain her actions as "A family dispute" What happened when sheWas a schoolgirl, over a decade ago." She claimed that she lost money and that her health suffered as a result of the case.

Where is Simran Bhogal today after the Kirat Asi case

Bhogal stayed away from the public eye


The cousins ​​have not spoken since the day Bugul confessed in person to Assy. The case was first brought to public attention by podcaster Alexi MostrousBefore it was picked up by Netflix, which has shared with Cosmopolitan that Bhogal once worked as a "High-powered"Executive at Barclays Bank, but left on her own as a result of the case. She paid a significant sum of money to Asi, including Asi's court costs.


Bhogal is reported to have moved back into her father's house in North London, but has otherwise remained quiet and out of the public eye until Netflix Sweet Bobby: My Catfish Nightmare Was at work, after all Radio Times Reports that she was stuck in making a brief statement: "I strongly objected to the many unfounded and serious accusations that were made about me, as well as details of private matters that were shared with the media."

Sources: the mirror, Cosmopolitan, Radio Times

Kirat's life is upended for years by a virtual relationship in this shocking documentary, after falling for a man she meets online.