After making an appearance on My life of 600 lbs Season 6, Lisa Fleming is able to Work towards your dream of getting healthyAnd it's time to give an update on the alum. However, her goal to live a healthier life was not realized. Lisa always struggled with her weight as a child and was looking forward to completely overcoming her weight issue as an adult. Her journey was as inspiring as it was harrowing. Her story may help My life of 600 lbs Season 12 cast members understand just how important change is.
When Lisa made you My 600 lb Live debut in February 2018, she weighed 700 lbs. It took seven paramedics to move Lisa, who was bedridden in her Texas home. The bed she was lying in was the same bed her late mother slept in while she was battling obesity. Lisa decided to turn her life around. soon, My life of 600 lbsDr. Younan Nowzaradan is trying to help her achieve her health goals. Things reached a crisis point after Lisa found maggots in the folds of her skin. Lisa described the moment as a wake-up call
Lisa from my 600lb life's wake-up call
Lisa needs to take better care of herself
Similar to the other stars of My life of 600 lbsLisa's unhealthy relationship with food stemmed from her childhood. She had a hard time coping with her parents' divorce and had a strained relationship with her mother. However, Lisa didn't let her childhood trauma hold her back - she took her weight loss journey seriously. Lisa was able to lose 200 pounds after appearing on My life of 600 lbs. Unfortunately, Lisa was unable to achieve her weight loss goal - she died a few months after seeking help from Dr. Novzaradan.
My 600-lb live star Lisa Fleming tragically passed away
Lisa Fleming's story was important
According to life and style, The My life of 600 lbs Alum's daughter, Danielle, shared the news of her mother's death via her Facebook page. Although Lisa is able to successfully lose some weight, her body is slowly failing her. Eventually, she committed to "Various diseases” which she was already struggling with before she made her debut on the show.
On the day Lisa passed, Daniel sat by her mother's side, holding her hand and giving her as much support as she could.. Danielle's poignant tribute to her mother was an eloquent way of telling the world just how special and wonderful Lisa was. She will be deeply missed by all who knew and loved her.
What addiction takes away from people is their agency over their own lives. Sometimes, it also destroys their health. However, this does not mean that addicts are bad people.
As Danielle sat by her dying mother's bedside, she held her hand "4 hours," According to her FB post. After her mother's passing, Danielle said she was in a "Loss for words." However, she was thankful that her mom was no longer in pain. The sincere sad outpouring was straight from the heart. Daniel wrote:
"Mommy, I love you from here to the stars and back."
On the show, cast members sometimes come off badly. They are shown at their worst because they are trying to break bad habits that are ingrained in them. The process of fighting addiction is grueling. Those who overcome addiction are strong. Lisa lost weight, but it wasn't enough - the damage was done.
What drove Lisa Fleming to overit?
Something traumatic happened
Lisa turned to food when life became so difficult that it was almost unbearable. She had to find a way to get over something bigger - the murder of her brother. Something this traumatic stays with a person forever. In order to continue, Lisa overwrites. Food soothed her severe emotional pain for a while, but the feeling of peace never lasted. She would need to eat more and more just to feel good. It's a cycle of addiction, and many addicts become what they are due to trauma.
Addicts are not always bad people - there are exceptions, but highly sensitive people who are kind and sweet can also be addicts. Overeating to calm down after a brother's murder is quite understandable. It doesn't mean Lisa isn't a good person. My life of 600 lbs Stars are sometimes judged, but there are often good reasons why they made the choices that led them to appear in the series. Lisa's mom reportedly blames her for her brother's passing - it must have been so awful.
People who are very overweight should get help from doctors. Change is possible - it will not be easy, but weight loss can dramatically improve a person's health.
Who can walk a mile in the shoes and judge? Well, many people, including Redditors. However, they clearly do not really understand how that type of trauma can live in a person and warp their psyche. Only those who have lived through similar experiences can understand. In a Reddit thread started by sentient_custardA commenter wrote:
She was the worst person on the show unappreciated,
But Lisa may have had good qualities they couldn't see. Or life may have changed Lisa, turning her into a harder, more difficult person. Redditors slammed her for being mean to her daughter and criticizing her sex life. They felt that Lisa did not have the courage to try to change her life. One compassionate redditor wrote:
It's really a shame that she refused to change. I know she was nasty, stubborn, didn't care, but she didn't deserve to die. It's gotten to the point where she'd rather die than change.
Who a person would be without their addiction is an interesting thing to ponder. For example, on 1000-lb sisterTommy Sultan, who weighed over 700 pounds, was moody and irritable. She was rude and angry. However, after she had bariatric surgery, she lost 440 pounds, and the change in her personality was profound. Tammy was cheerful - she was loving and she had hope. The point is that when addicts are at a nadir, they are not being their true selves. They are possessed by addiction.
Haters gonna hate, though, and on Reddit, My life of 600 lbs Viewers shared negative opinions about Lisa. To them, she is not the sweet and loving mother that Danielle lacks. However, they may not know the real person. Unfortunately, Danielle was not with her mother when Lisa died - she was on her way to her mother's. Danielle has lived with so much pain. In these situations, family members can also get hurt. In her FB message, Danielle said:
"I'm not okay! I love my mama and I wouldn't wish this pain on my worse enemy."
On Reddit, in a thread created by UnsaferasinMs. Danielle Honored was considered:
"So mean to your daughter. I get that her life isn't very easy, but to treat your own child like that when she's doing her best to help you is sh*t."
These types of judgments are often made about the show members, whether they live or die. In the show, the cast members are at a low ebb and sometimes they behave terribly. Mental illness is a factor - it is abnormal to allow yourself to gain so much weight that mobility is impacted. Most people value their mobility. To override this desire for movement and freedom, addiction must be very deep-seated and strong. It controls the person. Depression is probably one facet of many My life of 600 lbs Star's journey.
Dr. now tries to help patients
Sometimes they drive away
Many My life of 600 lbs Cast members have died, including Sean Milliken, James King and Henry Foots. When the members of the Castle seek help from Dr. Now, they are already on the precipice. In some cases, the damage to their bodies cannot be repaired. This is especially true if they do not follow the diet plans of the Surgeon.
It is quite common that members of the workshop have heart attacks or pass away for other reasons linked to super morbid obesity, such as infections. Of course, all of these people were depressed at some point. Mental health is something that society is supposed to destigmatize - but, when it comes to Reddit and My life of 600 lbsThere is still so much judgment. Several cast members were noted as villains, including Steven and Justin Assanti.
Lisa is able to begin her journey to a better life, but, unfortunately, is unable to reach her full potential. She really wanted to achieve her goal during her appearance on the show, and her brave spirit will never be forgotten. Her life has meaning and her loved ones miss her. People are much more than what they weigh. however, My life of 600 lbs Definitely shows the perils of food addiction.
Sources: Life & Style. Deleted/reddit, sentient_custard/reddit
My life of 600 lbs is available for streaming on Discovery+ and TLC Go.