Lisa Eberson appeared on the TLC series My life of 600 lbs Season 10 and has already become One of the show's most infamous patients. Producer Jonathan Nowzaradan created the reality series, which has aired for 12 seasons since its 2012 debut. Each episode follows the weight-loss journey of a morbidly obese patient as they take steps to reach their weight loss goal, with the help of Dr. Younan "Now" Nowzaradan, a bariatric surgeon and weight loss expert.
Lisa weighed over 630 pounds when she first came out My life of 600 lbs Season 10 in 2021. She had been bedridden for the past few years, and A doctor told her that her bones would break if she stood up. Lisa wanted Dr. Now's help, as losing weight would help her develop better relationships with her children and grandchildren. Dr. Now recommended physical therapists and nutritionists - they could assist her with easing her mobility and weight issues. However, she did not listen to the medical professionals. Lisa threw tantrums and was rude to those who tried to help her.
Lisa from my 600lb life tragedy due to COVID-19
Lisa lost one of her biggest supporters
Unfortunately, Lisa's time on My life of 600 lbs would take a tragic turn when her boyfriend and caregiver, Randy Rempel, died due to COVID-19 during filming. While Randy was known for giving Lisa's unhealthy eating habits during their relationship, He was also one of her biggest supporters. He cooked for Liza and bathed her. After his death, Lisa began working with a new caregiver and dietician. While in a medical center due to her own COVID-19 diagnosis, Lisa lost over 80 pounds. However, she left Dr. Now's weight-loss program shortly after leaving the center.
While Lisa graduated from the program, she eventually dropped to a weight of 553 pounds. This was much lower than her starting weight - but, since Lisa has been so quiet on social media, it's hard to tell how much she weighs now . She said that She is still trying to qualify for weight loss surgery.
Lisa deleted a lot of her social media posts, perhaps because she noticed negative comments on Reddit and other online platforms. The following Reddit thread will show a possible reason why she has had enough of social media for now. Fans are not appreciative of her attitude on the series. Rightly or wrongly, they found her ungrateful, mean, and deceptive.
Lisa Eberson is not a favorite
Her detractors sound off on Reddit
Lisa is alive and well after surviving a nasty leg infection, and that's incredible news, but that doesn't mean she's beloved by fans. While redditors who discuss My life of 600 lbs are generally a bit singular, some cast members receive more criticism than others. Lisa is someone who is determined for making bad choices and not trying. Her truth may be more complicated, but this is how she is perceived, based on a Reddit thread started by SnooDoubts6863. One person on this thread wrote:
Oh god she is one of the few I hated, not just annoyed by. She was a chronic liar, narcissist and downright hostile. A truly terrible excuse for a man.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and Lisa may have earned some shade, however Addicts are known to lie. Fundamentally good and honest people who become addicts typically start lying. It's not that they enjoy deception - it's that they need to lie to try to cover up what they're doing.
If a food addict says they're dieting when they're actually sneaking food, the lie is motivated by shame, fear... many unsettling emotions. Such people are not necessarily evil. People should try to be sensitive while considering how they talk about addiction and addicts.
that is, Lisa can be very abrasive. She would turn on the people who actually have the power to help her. For example, Dr. Now has decades of experience - he has helped so many patients over the years. Most people would be happy to have his help, but Lisa lashes out at him instead. A fan did not like this. The OP of this thread wrote:
It was sad when she talked to Dr. Now as she said "What did you give me? Bye, I'm done!” and then slammed the laptop shut. She was Given a lot - PT, nutritionist, Dr. Now's services and his book, a diet - and did not confirm or evaluate it.
Sometimes, appearing on the show can be a bad thing. Lisa probably considered the downside, however Her scenes in the show were not well received. Lisa complained about her stint on My life of 600 lbs After the fact, showing very little gratitude. It is possible that she does not appreciate what she was given - however, other people have also shared their grievances about the show. So, Lisa isn't the only one who regrets her time on the popular series.
What's next for Lisa Eberson
Where will she go from here?
If Lisa commits to her goals, she can lose enough weight to undergo a bariatric procedure. She got pretty close to losing that much weight In the past. If Dr. Now or another surgeon performs this procedure, it can be life-changing, although all operations come with risks. Other reality stars, including 90 day fianceAngela Deem, have transformed their bodies through bariatric surgery. They came out of their shells leaner, stronger and more self-confident. Tommy Sultan from 1000-lb sister Lost 440 pounds after getting one of these operations. She is barely recognizable as she once weighed 725 pounds.
While she did not enjoy appearing on My life of 600 lbs. Lisa's health Seems to be moving in the right direction How she keeps you inspiring My life of 600 lbs Weight loss journey. She is doing much better and working on her goals without Dr. now. Lisa lives in Fairbury, Nebraska, and spends time with her children and grandchildren. She also gets help from her son's girlfriend, a nurse, who helps her to Make healthier food choices. Lisa has experienced a lot, and it's great that she's trying to improve her health.
My life of 600 lbs is available for streaming on Discovery+ and TLC Go.