João Franco has been busy since his Below Deck Mediterranean. While on the show, João was the lead sailor during Below Deck Mid season 3 and was promoted to foreman during the following season. Captain Sandy Yawn was more than impressed with him in his first season and saw his potential as a bosun. João was honored by the compliments and considered Sandy a person he admired. They developed a close friendship over the course of their two seasons, a friendship that seemed unbreakable.
Although he may have excelled in his yachting skills João didn't get along with many of his crew. Former Chief Commissioner Hannah Ferrier called him "misogynistic”, as he used to flirt with flight attendant Kasey Cohen right in front of stew Brooke Laughton, who he was chasing. Below Deck Mid In the third season, he and Hannah often fought after John started dating Brooke. However, the two reconciled the following season and were in a great position. João was away from the franchise for several years, but surprised fans by returning once again in 2023.
João Franco has been busy since the Mediterranean deck
João reached a career milestone
After leaving Sirroco when the last charter of Below Deck Mid season 4 has come to an end, John he was ready to leave the external team to be captain. According to Bravo TVJoão spoke on Instagram Live with Sailing yacht below deckCaptain Glenn Shephard in March 2021, where he spoke about completing the officer of the watch course and how he captained a 100-foot yacht for about a year and a half.
Then João, who captivates Below Deck Mid fans, eager to pass the guard officer exam.
"I'll take my exam in a month and probably go back to Europe and look for a job on a sailboat." he said.
João went on to talk more about his first job as captain. "I think the hardest part of being a captain is the responsibility of dealing with the lives of the people on board.", he added. João has been captain of a small vessel since 2021, but in 2023, he announced that he could now command larger ships. He has remained dedicated to his yachting career in the seven years he has been in the industry.
João invested in his relationships
João has an active love life
As for your friendships with your ex- Below Deck Mid crew, in an episode of "Behind the velvet rope"2021 podcast, John revealed that he is no longer close with Captain Sandy. João said she often sent mixed messages about their friendship and often questioned her motivations when it came to helping him in the industry. Now that João has completed the captain's course and is away from Sandy, he would hardly be willing to take on the role again.
In addition to starting his career as a captain, João also found love. In March 2020, he proposed to his longtime girlfriend, Michelle Dicu. However, in June 2021, the couple announced the end of their engagement. João is now dating Domi Tesiwhich also operates in the yacht industry.
Now that João is a licensed captain, it is unlikely that he will appear in another season of Below Deck Mediterranean. And Captain Sandy wouldn't be too pleased if she was replaced by her old bosun. However, John returned to Below Deck franchise in Australian spinoff Below Deck as second officer to Captain Jason Chambers.
João last appeared on Below Deck Down in season 2
João tried, unsuccessfully, to shake his villainous status
João won the villain edition in the two seasons in which he acted Below Deck Mid. He would turn into his rude and misogynistic alter ego Jezabob when he drank and was generally unpleasant to be around when he wasn't drinking. However, John joined Below Deck as a replacement for fired foreman Luke Jones. João was happy to show off his improved skills on the external team and prove that he was a good leader. Furthermore, João wanted to prove that he had changed for the better.
However, although John demonstrated more redeeming qualities, he also showed that he still had some negative tendencies.
THE Bravo alum got on a boat with chef Tzarina Mace-Ralph, who already knew João and didn't like him because he was dating one of her friends and was supposedly not good for her. But Tzarina and João hit it off and Tzarina couldn't deny their chemistry and João's charm. However, their boat crashed and burned after Tzarina caught João acting like his old self again.
João also got drunk and let Jezabob leave at the end of the season. João is fun to watch, and now that he's captain and reprized a leadership role, there's potential to see more of him on the network, especially as he creates drama. Giving João more opportunities to appear on the network would be a smart move for the producers and something João could also agree with.
What does João intend to do in 2024?
In 2024, João has not yet appeared in any Below Deck franchise shows. His last appearance was in Below Deck Season 2 in 2023, and he didn't have the best performance. João started the season by starting to shed his villain statusespecially after he was the one who replaced Luke Jones as foreman. Luke was fired by Captain Jason after Luke attempted to sexually assault Margot Sisson while she was drunk during a crew night out. However, that quickly changed after he started a boat with Chef Tzarina Mace-Ralph.
The two knew each other from the past, but were simply friends. João broke his heart at the end of the season when he revealed that he had no interest in doing anything in the postseason. João ended up looking like a villain in the end and was unable to shake off his villainous status. Even though you can't redeem yourself Below deck, João was very successful in his life and career after the show ended.
I wanted to post this in thanks to Domi. Thank you for being there for me and seeing the good in me, even when I can't see it in myself.
To start, let's take a look at João's career. On Instagram, the former reality star posted a photo of himself in early December with the yacht's crew. In the caption, John went on to talk about how proud he was of his team and couldn't wait to hang out with them as friends now that his charter season was over. Furthermore, João confirmed that he went from foreman to captain in his career. In addition to his career, João's personal life also seems to be going very well. João is still with his girlfriendwho appears to be part of the yacht's crew. He even shared a thank you post to her last month, talking about how much he means to her.
Will João return to the Below Deck franchise?
Regarding João's return to Below Deck franchise, at the moment, that seems very unlikely. With his new career as captain, João will only be able to return if he replaces one of the current Below Deck captains. João could also return if he decided to accept a demotion and work only as a foreman. However, João doesn't seem like the kind of guy who would want to work as a foreman after being captain for probably almost two years. If João returns, it will be in the distant future and will probably replace one of the existing captains.
Despite that, wouldn't fans be excited to see João do his Below Deck return. The former foreman didn't have the best showing during his final season on the franchise, so he probably wouldn't have the warmest reception from viewers. João would need to use the same laid-back attitude that he apparently uses with his team off-screen to ingratiate himself with the fans. Additionally, it may be difficult to obtain any Below Deck crew or former students to work with him again, especially Chef Tzarina.
Overall, João is enjoying life away from home. Below Deck cameras. He's had a rough last few seasons and probably needs some time away. Although one should never say never, João will probably stay away from Below Deck Mediterraneanor any Below Deck show for this subject.
Sources: BravoTV, Behind the velvet rope, João Franco/Instagram, João Franco/Instagram, Bravo/YouTube, John/Instagram