What happened to Dudley Dursley after Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows?

What happened to Dudley Dursley after Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows?

The story of Harry PotterDudley Dursley goes beyond his last scene in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Dudley's parents, Vernon and Petunia Dursley, encouraged their son's mean attitude towards his cousin, rather than trying to change him into a better person. Dudley could have been like a brother to Harry, but instead he tormented himcontributing to Harry's childhood being much more miserable than it should have been.

After learning that Harry was a wizard, the dynamic between Harry and Dudley changed significantly, especially after Rubeus Hagrid used magic to give Dudley a pig's tail. The cousins' dynamics continued to change after Dudley experienced the horror of the Dementors and was saved by Harry. Their relationship was never the focus of the Harry Potter books, but it was an important part of the story that continued to develop even after the end of Deathly Hallows.

Dudley Dursley and Harry Potter remained on distant speaking terms after the Deathly Hallows

They were still in each other's lives

Although Harry and Dudley never became close, they were cordial towards each other throughout their adulthood. JK Rowling confirmed that they would send each other Christmas cards, and Harry would take his three children - James, Albus and Lily - to visit Dudley when they were around (through Wayback Machine). Tiago, Albus and LĂ­lian did not like or look forward to these visits, although they played and interacted with Dudley's children. Harry and Dudley sat together in silence during these visits, without much conversation between them.

In Harry Potter and the Cursed ChildDudley found the blanket Harry brought as a baby and sent it to him as well. Considering the relationship they had while growing up together, their adult dynamic is a significant improvement. Their willingness to spend time together, even when they no longer live under the same roof, proves that they both invested in maintaining a relationship. Even more important, they wanted their children to grow up knowing each other, hoping to foster a better relationship with the next generation than when they were poorly raised by Vernon and Petunia.

Dudley's Deathly Hallows Final Moments Redeem Him Before Series Finale

Dudley does what Vernon and Petunia couldn't do

Dudley (Harry Melling) and Harry (Daniel Radcliffe) shake hands and say goodbye in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows redeemed Dudley and showed that he had really changed during his last appearance in the book. Dudley told Harry he didn't think it was a waste of space, shaking his hand and thanking Harry for saving him from the Dementors. This occurred before Dudley and his parents were taken into hiding by Order of the Phoenix members Hestia Jones and Dedalus Diggle, leaving Harry pleasantly surprised by Dudley expressing gratitude and respect that he had never shown before.

Harry's aunt and uncle said nothing of substance to him, despite a fleeting moment when it seemed like Petunia might show him some long-awaited kindness.

Dudley's actions stood out even more because he gave Harry a more sincere and heartfelt farewell than Vernon or Petunia. Harry's aunt and uncle said nothing of substance to him, despite a fleeting moment when it seemed like Petunia might show him some long-awaited kindness. Dudley chose to be more mature than his parentsto show that he appreciated what Harry had done for him, that he regretted the way he treated him, and that there was potential for a better, cordial relationship in the future.

The Harry Potter films cut short on Dudley's redemption and hopes for a relationship with Harry

This is a scene that should not have been deleted

Dudley Dursley looking at Harry in a deleted scene from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1

Although a version of this scene was filmed for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1was finally cut. The penultimate film shows Harry watching Vernon, Petunia and Dudley pack up the car and prepare to leave, but there is no reconciliation scene. Harry and his cousin don't say goodbye. Without this scene, Harry doesn't realize how much Dudley has changed. since his encounter with the Dementors two years earlier. Their relationship ends without a sense of closure or any hope of remaining connected later in life.

The scene was likely cut because it wouldn't fit into the rhythm of the film's quick opening montage, showing how Harry, Hermione and Ron were preparing for the conflict to come. However, after the significant inclusion of the Dursleys in most of the previous films, the lack of closure felt jarring and failed to address how Dudley changed after the Dementor attack in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. THE Harry Potter the films would have benefited from keeping Dudley's redemption scene before he and his parents leave Privet Drive.

Source: Wayback Machine