Fallout 4 Effectof Far Harbor The DLC features a series of mysterious factions on the island's foggy map. There's the sour port people, the secret synths of Acadia and the radiation-worshipping cultists of the Children of the Atom. The faction has appeared in other games before and even appears in the Bright Sea of Fallout 4 Effectbut they are present in Far Harbor in greater force than ever, based on an old nuclear submarine.
The Children are currently led by Confessor Tektus, an aggressive fanatic who wants nothing more than death for the other people on the island. But before him, another confessor led this group: Martina man who is only mentioned in the game when the player arrives. The mystery surrounding Martin's disappearance and the implications it has for tensions in Far Harbor are quite consequential when it comes to the DLC's central story.
Who is Confessor Martin in the Far Harbor DLC
An atom worshiper with a heart of gold
Although the sole survivor never met Martin, he was, by all accounts, a kind and peaceful man. It is spoken fondly by the Children of Atom and the synths of Acadia, and even some of the port's inhabitants seem to think better of him than of his flock. He was the leader of the Sons when they arrived on the island, passing through the town of Far Harbor and recruiting some new members before being expelled. He met with DiMA, Acadia's chief synthesizer, who gave Martin the old sub to make his own.
While the children accepted and made friends with the synthesizers a schism would eventually form over the construction of the synthesizer's fog condensers which dissipated radiation from the island. Furthermore, DiMa was hiding the location of the submarine's nuclear launch switch from Martin, although Martin himself seemed unsure whether triggering the atomic charge would actually be the best way to help his followers. Tensions finally reached a boiling point when a certain Son of the Atom was killed while preaching in Far Harbor.
Afterwards, it appears that Martin had a crisis of faith. The dialogue with Sister Gwyneth, one of the last people to see Martin before his disappearance, implies that she raised her questions about the Atom's true nature with the confessor, and may have been a turning point for Martin. He disappeared completely shortly afterwards, with Tektus taking over as the new leader. of the cult and blaming Martin's disappearance on a loss of faith.
Confessor Martin might be a Ghoul now
A tragic end for Atom's servant
The game never provides concrete answers, but the simplest theory is that Confessor Martin died, potentially becoming a wild ghoul. Many of the Children are immune to the more unpleasant effects of radiation, but some are not, and it is never stated whether Martin had this gift; Even if it did, enough radiation could still trigger the ghoul. And Far Harbor Island is hardly safe for an old man traveling alone. Any number of things could have killed the Confessor or left him in a state where his body eventually went feral due to exposure.
There are a number of holotapes and notes scattered around the island referencing or recorded by Martin, and one in particular was found near a wild ghoul. Some fans believe that Martin, having abandoned his belief in the Atom, was hit by radiation and turned into this ghoulto wander around mindlessly until the Sole Survivor takes him down. It would be a sad end for this conflicted character, but at least it would mean he would make it to Division, in a way.
Martin may be using Stealth Boys to hide from his followers
Key items found throughout the island hint at a hidden observer
On the other hand, Martin was an experienced desert traveler and it is possible that he had the tools and knowledge to survive on his own. He may have employed Stealth-Boy technology to avoid the island's nastier creatures.as well as the people of the port who no longer tolerate the worship of the Atom. One of the aforementioned notes mentioning Martin can be found near a Stealth Boys stash, possibly one of the Confessor's hideouts.
Then again, this particular note is written in a style that seems to indicate another character: the Mother of Mist, a legendary figure the Children believe to be a prophet of the Atom. If that's the case, the Stealth Boys could suggest that this "mother" is simply an Atom devotee who uses invisibility to pose as a spirit guide, and that she has been following Martin's travels. Or this might suggest another theory entirely, one that seems somewhat likely given Martin's devotion to his flock.
Is Martin the mysterious figure in this Children Of Atom mission?
Mist mother can be a mortal man
Players can actually see this Mother of Mistduring the mission "Visions in the Fog" to join the Children of Atom. She appears as a hazy silhouette after the player ingests dangerous nuclear waste and guides them to a totem that will allow them to reunite. The Mother may be a hallucination, or some prophet of the Atom; or she could actually be a follower of Atom, helping to attract more people to the cult. The Stealth Boys and cryptic notes suggest this is the truth, but could this figure be Confessor Martin?
The Confessor was an avid recruiter of new members for the Children, and things like gender swapping could be explained by the effects of irradiated waste or hallucinations. As for why the Confessor would do this, it could be that he no longer feels like a member of their flock, but still wants to keep an eye on them. Or, since it's implied that seeing the Mother is rare and makes the Sole Survivor special, it may be that Martin did this specifically to help the player join the cult, believing he would be useful.
Unfortunately, there isn't much else to prove that Martin and the Mother are the same person. It is equally likely that Martin left Far Harbor entirely live a life without Atom, as a letter he left behind suggests. Still, it's interesting to imagine how an unseen Martin might still be trying to influence politics on the island, and adds another level of mystery to it. Fallout 4 Effect DLC.
- Released
November 10, 2015