No 2000s Show Had More Twists Than JJ Abrams Lostand several of them involve Emilie de Ravin's character, Claire Littleton. Debuting in 2004, Lost centers on a group of surviving passengers from Oceanic Airlines Flight 815, which crashes on a tropical island. Although a large part Lost it's about the mysteries of the island and how the main passengers will survive. The characters' backstories are equally intriguing and help provide more clues into the overall mystery of the series.
Claire Littleton is one of the original survivors and one of the most vulnerable, as she was pregnant at the time of the accident. Despite being stranded on a desert island, Claire gives birth to a boy named Aaron. She also forms a close relationship with fellow survivor Charlie Pace (Dominic Monaghan), making the most of her situation that she can. However, there are more dangers on the island than Claire and the passengers can imagine, and one of those threats is the reason she disappears in season 4.
Why Claire Disappeared at the End of Lost Season 4
The man in black poses as a Christian and manipulates Claire into following him
Claire's drastic change of heart in Lost season 4 is alarming, to say the least. After Locke finds Aaron abandoned in the woods, he later discovers Claire in Jacob's cabin with Christian Shepard. Much to Locke's confusion and surprise, Claire seems uninterested in reuniting with Aaron, and is strangely happy with where she is. Claire later returns, but only in Kate's dream, where she adamantly demands that Kate not take Aaron back to the island.
It is later revealed that the person who appears to Claire and others as a Christian is actually LostThe Man in Black, who manipulated Claire into following him. Unbeknownst to her, Claire has become a pawn in the Man in Black's plans to defeat Jacob and escape the island. What still remains a mystery at this point is why Claire accompanies him - a question that will be answered later when Claire returns in season 6.
A very different Claire returns in Lost season 6
She remained where she was after Ben moved the island and developed survival skills
After a long absence, Claire finally returned fully in Season 6, Episode 3, “What Kate Does.” When everyone else was thrust back in time after Ben moved the island, it appears Claire stayed right where she was.. In fact, she became quite resourceful, following in Rousseau's footsteps by setting traps and learning to shoot a rifle.
From the moment Claire reappears Lost, It's obvious his sanity is slipping. What's more, your friendships with others become strained and full of suspicion. She feels like her friends abandoned her when they left the island, and is afraid it will happen again. In time, Claire's companions prove their loyalty when they help her escape the island with them in the series finale, "The End."
What happened to Claire after leaving the island is entirely speculative, as Lost does not reveal its destination. What is it he does show that's it In the flash-sideways world, Claire gives birth to Aaron with Charlie once again by her side, suggesting that she will be happily ever after in the afterlife..
Where is actress Claire Emilie De Ravin now
She played Belle in Once Upon a Time and is set to star in a film called Wreckage
Following your running period Lost, Emilie de Ravin starred in another successful series, Once upon a time. The fantasy drama brings together notable fairy tales and Disney-owned characters, and has been beloved by its fans throughout its seven seasons. In Once upon a time, de Ravin played Belle French, an intelligent and kind reader based on the character Belle de Beauty and the beast.
After Once upon a time concluded its final season in 2018, de Ravin starred in the 2019 TV thriller film, A scorned lover, playing an unhappily married woman named Brooke who has a torrid affair with another man. His last credit was in the Australian TV miniseries True Colors as Liz Hindmarsh.
According to his IMDb page, de Ravin will play a character named Alex Molina in Wreckagea film currently in pre-production. Whatever's on the horizon for the veteran Lost actress, one can be sure that her role as Claire Littleton is one of the actor's most impactful.