Warning! This article contains spoilers for The 90s Show Part 3!
Betsy Kelso may have grown up primarily in Chicago, not Point Place, despite her close relationship with Jay.
Kelso's good relationship with his kids, especially Betsy, is confirmed in The 90s Show Part 3.
Betsy appears to be in college during that '90s show, studying in Spain and apparently about two years older than Jay.
Since she was last seen as a child on That '70s showThe return of Betsy Kelso in That '90s show Part 3 comes with some revelations about her life over the past two decades. That '70s show Season 6 introduces a huge twist when Brooke, a girl Michael Kelso (Ashton Kutcher) hooks up with at a concert, reveals she's pregnant. While nervous about being a father and unsure how to approach a relationship with Brooke, the teenage Kelso family member stepped up and helped raise his daughter, Betsy, who was born in That '70s show Season 7.
Now, along with her younger half-brother Jay, Betsy Kelso (Kira Kosarin) is back and approaching adulthood in the form of That '90s show. While she doesn't appear alongside her father, Betsy joins the teens' hijinks in Point Place when she returns home from studying abroad. However, when she starts dating Nate, a conflict between Jay, his sister and his best friend threatens to ruin the end of summer. Appearing in several episodes of That '90s show part 3, Betsy proves to be a true Kelso while spending the summer with Jay in Point Place.
The 90s show hints that Betsy Kelso didn't grow up in the same place as Jay
Betsy likely grew up in Chicago while visiting Kelso and Jay growing up
Betsy doesn't reveal too much about her upbringing That '90s show Part 3, but it's clear that she grew up pretty close to her younger brother, Jay. Betsy recalls teaching Jay some of his pick-up lines, and the two bike as siblings who are very comfortable with one another, suggesting they spent a lot of time together growing up. But, it's Unclear if Betsy actually grew up in Point Place. It seems unlikely, since none of Jay's friends—not even Nate—knew about her, so she may have primarily lived in Chicago with Brooke while visiting Kelso often.
While Betsy's away in That '90s show Parts 1 and 2 led to worry that she was potentially erased or forgotten, her return confirms that this is not the case. instead, Kelso continued to maintain a relationship with Betsy throughout her life, even though they lived in different cities. Jackie and Kelso were married and Jay was apparently born soon after That '70s showUltimately, it is still unclear when he moved away from Chicago and back to Point Place. Regardless, it is relieving to know that Kelso fostered a good relationship between his kids earlier That '90s show.
in That '70s show In season 7, Kelso left Point Place and moved to Chicago to be closer to Betsy and Brooke. This development was used to explain Ashton Kutcher's absence from much of season 8.
Betsy Kelso is seemingly in college during the 90s show
Betsy studied in Spain before coming to Point Place
Jay and Nate find out Betsy studied in Spain, with Nate also referring to her as a "Elderly woman." It is implied that Nate is heading into his junior year of high school in That '90s show The ending of part 3, suggesting Betsy is already in college during the sequel series. However, Betsy's age is something of a plot hole That '90s shows timeline inconsistencies, as she should only be 17 years old because she was born in 1979. However, since Jay is seemingly about two years younger than Betsy, she is likely 18 or 19 in the Netflix sitcom.