What happened to Alex's parents in Cross

What happened to Alex's parents in Cross

Warning: Major Cross season 1 spoilers below!Top Videos Cross The adaptation reveals that the title character's parents are dead, but what happened to them? from Amazon Cross cast Aldis Hodge as Detective Alex Cross, who inherits the role from Morgan Freeman and Tyler Perry. The show's biggest wobble is that it doesn't adapt any of Alex Cruz James Patterson novels and instead takes the characters and places them in an original story. This means that the events of the first book Along came a spider have already happened off-screen, and the series is free to remix Hodge's Cross' backstory.

Many elements of Patterson's books remain the same, including Alex's enduring friendship with partner Sampson (Isaiah Mustafa). CrossThe final episode "You Had Me at Motherf*****" shows a flashback to Alex as a boy, where his "Nana Mama" comforts him over losing his mother and father in quick succession. The series doesn't go into detail about what happened to Cross' parents.although this scene is key to understanding his relationship with Nana Mama (Juanita Jennings) and Sampson.

How Alex's Mom and Dad Died Before Cross

James Patterson's novels reveal what happened to Alex Cross's parents

Alex Cross of Cross stands in front of a yellow and red background.
Custom image by Yailin Chacon

Patterson's books detail what happened to Alex's parents over the years. Growing up, Alex believed his mother died of cancer, while his father, Jason, drank himself to death the following year.; From then on, Alex was raised by his grandmother Regina (also known as “Nana Mama). Of course, this being James Patterson's universe, the real story is much more complex. In the 2015 novel Crusader JusticeAlex discovers his father was presumed dead after a shooting - but is actually alive and living in Florida.

Jason survived being shot and subsequently falling off a bridge and has been living under an assumed identity for decades since. Not only that, but Alex also discovers that his late mother was a drug addict who was killed by her drug dealer.with Jason then being accused of her murder. THE Cross the series at least stays true to the order of Alex's losses in the books, with Regina revealing that she lost her father shortly after her mother's death.

How old was Alex when his parents died

Cross knew loss from a tragically young age

In the Patterson series, Cross was just nine years old when his mother passed away. He was probably ten years old when Jason “died” a year later, with Nana Mama raising him from that point on. Perhaps a future series of Cross will explore what happened to Alex's parents in more detail. With the first season already seeing the titular detective dealing with the pain of his wife's murder, it may have been decided that it was best not to include more tragedy in his story.

The first season ends with Alex finally seeing a therapist to start unraveling her feelings, so perhaps that's where viewers will learn about her parents in the next series.

Cross season one ends with Alex finally seeing a therapist to start unraveling his feelings, so perhaps that's where viewers will learn about his parents in the next series. Considering she raised him for most of his life - and still lives with him and his children - Alex probably considers Nana Mama his real mother at this point.