The word "dart" was part of these Star Wars franchise since its inception, leading fans to question its meaning and why Sith Lord used the title in the first place. When audiences were introduced to Darth Vader in 1977, it appeared that this was just his name, especially since Ben Kenobi called him "Dart." However, George Lucas always intended for Vader to be a Dark Lord of the Sith, and the Star Wars Prequel trilogy revealed more about Sith customs. Rather than being exclusive to Vader, every Sith has the title "Dart," a tradition that has continued in subsequent Star Wars Media.
The original Star Wars Expanded Universe, now known as "Legends," offered possible explanations for what the word "dart" means. Some stories even speculated on its origin and the Sith Lord who first called himself "Dart," adding greater depth to Sith lore. While this story is no longer confirmed in the official Star Wars Canon, some details may still apply due to evidence in certain stories. There is also a definitive canon explanation for what Darth means, why the Sith adopted it, and how it aligns with their philosophy in Star Wars.
"Dart" is from the Sith language
A word with many possible meanings
Before the Sith Order used "dart", it was a word of the red-skinned Sith species. According to the Canon reference guide Star Wars made easy by Christian Blauvelt, "Dart loosely translates to "Dark Lord," Making it a fitting title for a Sith. Once they have committed to the ways of the dark side, A Sith apprentices would take the title "Dart" along with a new name to symbolize leaving their old life behind. Sith Lords like Darth Vader took this to an extreme, referring to Anakin Skywalker as if he were a different person.
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in the Star Wars Legends timeline, the origin of the word "dart" was unknown, leading to several theories. Some Star Wars Projects suggested that "dart" came from the Rakata language and was either a corruption of DarithaMeaning "emperor," or a combination of Darr (triumph/conquest) and tah (death), symbolizing "triumph over death" or "conquest by death." Of course, none of these theories have been proven, leaving the meaning and origin of "dart" a mystery in the legend's timeline.
Darth Andeddu is believed to be the first to use this title
At least in the US Star Wars Legends timeline
While the first Sith Lord to use the "Darth" title in canon is unknown, Star Wars: Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force By Ryder Windham suggested that it is Darth Andeddu in Legends. Known as the "Immortal God-King of Prakith," Andeddu ruled for centuries as a deity, though he remained paranoid of other Sith Lords stealing his collection of Sith lore. Andedu also possesses the ability to transfer his essence into another bodySomething both Darth Bane and Darth Sidious would try to achieve thousands of years after his death.
Andeddu still exists in the Star Wars CanonMentioned in Star Wars Adventures: Return to Vader's Castle #2 by Cavan Scott. With so little known about Andeddu in canon, it is unclear if he is still considered the first Sith Lord to go by "Darth," especially when he was referred to only as "Andeddu" in the comic. Maybe a future Star Wars History or reference guides will delve more into the ancient history of the Sith and explain where the word "dart" came from and which Sith lord first used it.