The Demon Realm is the main new setting in Dragon Ball DAIMA, boasting Akira Toriyama's usual flair while teasing a vast group of sub-realms in the form of the Three Demon Worlds. Although not much is known about everything inside them yet, the first three episodes showed viewers what their worlds contain and who can travel between them. But the Demon Worlds are slowly being provoked, with Dragon Ball DAIMA bringing Goku and friends to the Third Demon World, already showing a contrast to the First World in significant ways.
Dragon ball has never been shy about introducing new worlds, planets and dimensions into its lexicon, with a not insignificant number of food names. In this sense, the Demonic Worlds of Dragon Ball DAIMA They are given a more conventional naming scheme, but their fascination lies in the abundant mysteries that unite or, in some senses, even isolate them. As Goku, Glorio and Shin explore the Third Demon World, there are many new adventures and people waiting for them. Dragon Ball DAIMA, with the ancestry of some characters directly linked to the kingdom.
The difference between the Demon Realm and the Demon Worlds in DAIMA
A Basic Overview of Gomah Domain
As the Demon Realm is the collective of the three Demon Worlds in Dragon Ball DAIMAall under the purview of Demon King Gomah, suddenly becomes a vast collection of worlds and peoples with an implicit caste system. The hierarchy of the Demon Worlds is as expected, with the First Demon World being the highest status and the Third being the lowest. As Shin states in Dragon Ball DAIMA episode #3, one used to travel freely between the Demon Worlds, but when he was young, a shield of light was placed between them, preventing passage.
First Demon World: The Palace Sub-Kingdom
Home of the Demon King
Although each Demon World has a king, the ruler of the First Demon World effectively rules all others. Dragon Ball DAIMA. After Dabura's defeat to Buu in Dragon Ball Z, Gomah assumed the mantle of de facto ruler of this world, also the notable home of Degesu, Dr. Arinsu, and Neva. Only palace members can travel through Warp-sama to the First Demon World. Still, as revealed in Dragon Ball DAIMA episode #3, Glorio "works in the First Demon World", initially indicated by his subtle appearance in the palace in episode #1.
Not much of the terrain in the First Demon World is known yet, other than the harsh red skies and a vast palace complex. With one of Neva's Tamagami guarding the 1-Star Dragon Ball in the open outside the palace, it is reasonable to believe that each Demon World also has a corresponding Dragon Ball. However, Degesu and Dr. Arinsu's relationship with Shin and his Glind heritage suggests that those outside of demon royalty can potentially rise through the ranksgiven what is known about the Second Demon World in Dragon Ball DAIMA.
Second Demon World: House of Glind
A sophisticated yet mysterious land
In Dragon Ball DAIMAWhile Glorio talks to Shin, the subject of Shin's people, the Core People, also known as Glind, comes up in episode 3. It is revealed that the Glind, like Shin's ancestors, largely lived in the Second Demon World. and which is of a higher class than the Third Demon World but still lower than the First, presumably with a matching Dragon Ball and ruler. It has the fewest details shown so far in the series, but this ambiguity leads to fascinating potential for speculation about its isolated status in Dragon Ball DAIMA.
Third Demon World: Hive of Scum and Villainy
Because the outer edge has already been occupied
While the Third Demon World is despised by the other sub-realms in Dragon Ball DAIMAit still boasts natural beauty and geological and biological diversity, including forests, deserts and demonic cities. The air is heavy in its atmosphere, slowing movement due to the volcanic gases produced there.. The Third Demon World is Goku, Glorio and Shin's first destination, as Glorio is only allowed to the Third Demon World thanks to Kadan, its king, who needs his help to defeat Gomah in Dragon Ball DAIMA.
The inhabitants of the Third Demon World are of lower status, with bandits roaming the landscape and bar patrons eager for a fight, as in Dragon Ball DAIMA episode #3. Here, the first glimpse of the light shield blocking access to the other Demon Worlds is shown, covering the Demon Realm Tunnel in the process. With so much story revealed in just the first three episodes, it will be fascinating to see what the rest Dragon Ball DAIMA has in store for its viewers in subsequent installments.
Dragon Ball DAIMA is the fifth series overall in the action-adventure anime franchise. It features most of the classic cast members as aged versions of themselves, including Goku, Vegeta, and Bulma. The series was announced at NYCC 2023, with creator Akira Toriyama returning to manage DAIMA.
- Seasons
- Writers
Akira Toriyama