The Vampire Diaries There are several types of supernatural creatures, such as witches, werewolves, hybrids and, of course, vampires, the most dangerous type being known as Rippers. All over the Vampire DiariesWith eight seasons, the show introduced different categories of vampires. Although all vampires were essentially the same and had similar abilities, some characteristics made some of the creatures of the night different.
the Vampire Diaries not much changes when it comes to vampire lore. The show uses the usual concept of undead creatures that can burn in the sun and need to feed on blood to survive. However, the Vampire Diaries featured a rare supernatural being known as the Ripper. Rippers are rare entities in vampire lore, which is why they add a unique twist to what is known about vampires and their eating habits.
Rippers are vampires with an insatiable bloodlust in The Vampire Diaries
Rippers can't control their bloodlust
Rippers are violent vampires who have an insatiable bloodlust, unable to control their need for human blood. They tend to feed on their victims until they die or are torn to pieces, hence the name Ripper. These vampires have animal characteristics and are sadistic. They are considered the ultimate predators because they see their victims as prey.and they lack the emotions that would help them control their bloodlust. Although the Rippers may go on a violent murder spree, they are not inherently bad. Most of the time, they try to control their bloodlust by staying away from human blood.
the Vampire Diaries doesn't explain why certain vampires in the series are more inclined to be Rippers compared to others. When a person transitions into a vampire, all of their emotions and habits increase. Perhaps the vampires who became Rippers had certain human characteristics, which were heightened when they transitioned, making them more likely to transform into beast-like vampires. As Rippers are addicted to blood, there is a possibility that they inherited the addiction.
How Rippers are different from other vampires on The Vampire Diaries
Rippers are more violent than regular vampires
Although all vampires need blood and feed on it to sustain themselves, a Ripper's desire for blood is different from that of a normal vampire. Rippers are a different type of vampire in the Vampire Diariesbut they are not actually a subspecies. They have the same abilities as regular vampires. They simply have different eating habits. When a Ripper begins to feed on blood, they can't stop and tend to lose their sense of identityThat's why they are considered blood addicts. Rippers are also more violent than normal vampires. They bare their fangs and growl when attacked, similar to how an animal behaves when cornered.
A Ripper has a different level of cruelty that normal vampires usually lack due to their lack of remorse. They take great pleasure in terrorizing and maiming their victims, more so than the average vampire. The Rippers also have a different level of morality compared to their nighttime counterparts. Although Vampires are not really known for being virtuous creatures, Rippers can kill anyone, including your family, when they are in the trenches of their bloodlust. They turn off their humanity more regularly because they often can't live with the damage they cause.
All the Rippers from The Vampire Diaries
Stefan and Lily Salvatore were rippers
Rippers are extremely rare in the Vampire Diaries. The only known born Rippers in the series are Stefan and his mother, Lily. Stefan struggled with his addiction to blood and often fell off the path. He once killed everyone in a small village when he was in “Ripper mode” and only realized what he had done when he came to. Due to his insatiable bloodlust, Stefan avoided feeding on humans. He chose to feed on animals so he could keep his bloodlust under control. The other Ripper on the show, Lily allegedly killed more than 3,000 people during her stay in Europe.
It is important to note that vampires infected with the Ripper virus can be cured.
However, outside of natural Rippers, a vampire can also become a Ripper when they are injected with the Ripper virus, as was the case with the Augustinian vampires. When Elena and Damon were infected with the virus, they became Rippers for a short period of time. It is important to note that vampires infected with the Ripper virus can be cured. On the other hand, Rippers like Stefan and Lily have had to live with their blood addiction in the Vampire Diariessince it occurred naturally, which meant they couldn't cure him. The only solution to his bloodlust was to learn how to control it.
Based on the novels by LJ Smith, The Vampire Diaries is a story about the developing love triangle between Elena Gilbert and two vampire brothers, Stefan and Damon Salvatore. Set in the town of Mystic Falls, Virginia, the show follows the trio from high school to college as they fight for each other's affections.
- Cast
Nina Dobrev, Ian Somerhalder, Steven R. McQueen, Paul Wesley, Kat Graham, Michael Trevino, Michael Malarkey, Zach Roerig, Candice King, Matthew Davis
- Release date
September 10, 2009
- Seasons