Week 9 nominations made by HOH (spoilers)

Week 9 nominations made by HOH (spoilers)

Warning! This article contains major spoilers about Big Brother 26!Big Brother 26 Week 9 Head of Household (HOH) Leah Peters nominated two housemates for eviction, and they are Kimo Apaka and Rubina Bernabe. Leah won the week 9 Hoh competition, which was an endurance competition. The household lives in the backyard for the week, in a carnival-themed set-up called Jankie World. Jankie is the AI ​​entity that took over for Ainsley during Big Brother 26 Week 9.

The Big Brother 26 Live feeds have revealed that Leah Peters nominated Kimo Apaka and Rubina Bernabe for eviction.

The Big Brother 26 Live feeds revealed that Leah nominated Kimo and Rubina for eviction. She wanted to target the trio of Kimo, Rubina, T'Cor Clotti. If the power of veto is used, Leah will name T'kor as the replacement nominee. This is the third week of chemo in a row on the chopping block.

What Week 9 nominations made by HOH mean for Big Brother 26

Leah made her choice between the two trios

By targeting the trio of Kimo, Rubina and T'Kor, Leah made a choice between the two trios. The other trio consists of Cam Sullivan-Brown, Chelsea Baham and Mackenzie Manbeck. In addition, Leah seems to keep Angela safe. If Leah's Hoh Reign is successful, the Kimo/Rubina/T'Kor trio will be reduced to just two peopleWhich will greatly weaken them because they will not have the votes to support each other if they are nominated.

One of the remaining trio members will have to win next week's HOH to ensure their safety. however, If T'kor is chosen to play in the Power of Veto competition and wins, she will be able to save Kimo or Rubina from the chopping block and keep herself safe. This can change the target.

Our take on Big Brother Week 9 nominations made by HOH

Either Kimo, Rubina or T'Cor will most likely go home this week

If nothing changes this week, then Either Kimo, Rubina, or T'Cor will most likely go home. Although she lost her main ally Kevin Martin to last week's eviction, Leah was in a great position as Hoh because she had the choice between the two trios, and she really couldn't fall. She also could have chosen to target Angela, which would have been an easy choice. Of course, once the power of veto competition is played out, it's possible that one of the nominees could save themselves, or Leah or one of her allies could choose to use the veto if they win it.


Big Brother 26 Had so many twists and turns that It's easy to imagine that Leah's goal could change through Thursday night's live eviction. The power of veto is used every week in Big Brother 26And many times the plan changed drastically as the week progressed. Meanwhile, Leah makes a good decision by breaking up the trio of Kimo, Rubina and T'Kor. Even if they are well-liked players who are easy to root for, they are also powerful, so it makes sense game-wise. However, these Big Brother 26 Householders should always remember to "Expect the unexpected."

Source: big brother/ Instagram