Warning! This article contains major spoilers about Big Brother 26!Big Brother 26 Week 11 Head of Household (HOH) Mackenzie Manbeck nominated two housemates for eviction, and they are Kimo Apaka and Rubina Bernabe. After the double eviction, during which the first Hoh Mackenzie successfully evicted Leah Peters, and the second Hoh Chelsea had Angela Murray out of the house, Mackenzie won Hoh again. The competition was the tiny HOH. With only five Big Brother 26 Houseguests left in the game - McKenzie, Chelsea, Kimo, Rubina and Cam Sullivan-Brown - every decision is crucial.
The Big Brother 26 Live feeds revealed that HOH Makensy Manbeck nominated Kimo Apaka and Rubina Bernabe for eviction.
The Big Brother 26 Live feeds revealed that HOH Makensy nominated Kimo and Rubina for eviction. Mackenzie's goal is chemo. The Week 11 Power of Veto competition will be the iconic BB Comics competition. Makensy and Chelsie discussed using Cam as the replacement nominee if necessary. They had a conversation in which Chelsea told Mackenzie that they would take it to the end, and Mackenzie agreed because no one else would take them. Referring to Cam, Chelsea said she did not want to see someone who was dragged to the final two in the final.
However, when Mackenzie was alone with Cam, he said that if he won the last four power of veto, he would make rock, paper, scissors to decide between you and Chelsea. McKenzie said she'd set up Chelsea Next to Rubina because it would be horrible for the jury, but Cam explained to her that the jury will not see the nominations or the votes. However, Cam was wrong about that. Cam later tells Chelsea about the conversation, and Chelsea says Mackenzie is scared.
Meanwhile, Kimo and Rubina weren't going down without a fight. They want to convince McKenzie that Chelsea considered nominating her during the double eviction when Kimo won the power of veto. They also think that Chelsea will not take McKenzie to the last two with her, but will choose Cam instead. Kimo told Rubina that if Mackenzie wants to win, she needs to get rid of Chelsea.
What Week 11 nominations made by HOH mean for Big Brother 26
Kimo or Rubina will most likely be evicted this week
Although they want to try to convince McKenzie to appoint Chelsea, Chances are Kimo or Rubina will be evicted this week. It wouldn't make sense for McKenzie to get rid of Chelsea at this point. As the outgoing HOH, she's not eligible to play for HOH next week, and she can't rely on Cam to keep her safe against Kimo and Rubina. However, she will be in a very vulnerable position where she will have to trust that Chelsea will not turn on her.
Our take on Big Brother 26 Week 11 nominations made by HOH
McKenzie needs to be careful with Chelsea
If McKenzie wants to win Big Brother 26, Now may be the time for you to evict Chelsea. Even if Kimo, Rubina or Cam nominate her next week, she has an excellent chance to win the power of veto in a competition against them, and take herself off the chopping block.
Mackenzie has a better chance of going to the final by beating them than by risking leaving Chelsea in the game In a week when Mackenzie is vulnerable, and Chelsea betrays her. Mackenzie may also be open to the move as she proved she's not averse to betraying her allies when she took on Leah last week.
On the other hand, Chelsea didn't bring Mackenzie out during the second eviction, and she stayed true to her word. However, Chelsea must know they have a guaranteed win if they take Cam to the last two rather than McKenzie. It is a complicated situation because Makensy has to consider both her short-term and long-term game at this critical point in the competition. moreover, Big Brother 26 Hasn't had a battle back competition, so it's always possible that Ainsley could throw a last minute new twist into the mix. Now is the time for the household to "Expect the unexpected."