Weakness, counters and blank availability

Weakness, counters and blank availability

Defeat Zakian raids in Pokémon GO can bring you an incredible reward and, if you're lucky enough, a special version of the reward. Zacian, the legendary mascot for generation 8 Pokemon SwordDebuted in the mobile title a while ago but is making its long-anticipated return. The availability of Zacian in Pokémon GO is very limited, which is why the return of the Zassian raids is such an important moment for players. Zacian is a Fairy-type Pokemon and one with incredible strength among creatures of the same type. Zacian is one of the best fairy-type attackers in the game.

Currently, the only way to get the Gen 8 Legendary is through 5-star raids that occasionally drop. As a 5-star raid, this challenge is often tough and not only requires multiple trainers facing the creature at the same time, but you also need to exploit its weaknesses and build the best team of counters for Zassian. By doing so, you increase your chances of beating the Zassian raids Pokémon GO And when you do, you have a chance to catch it. After that, you're free to use Zacian as a Fairy-type striker to counter other Pokemon.

Zassian's Weaknesses in Pokemon GO

The legendary is a pure fairy type

Zacian appears in Raid Battles in Pokemon GO

As a pure Fairy-type Pokemon in its Hero of Many Battles form, Zassian is weak against Steel- and Poison-type moves. Attacks of these types deal supereffective damage against the creature. As such, your party will mostly be composed of Steel- and Fairy-type Pokemon, as well as tougher creatures of other types that can use Steel- and Fairy-type moves. Since Zacian's debut in the game, several other powerful creatures have been added, some of which are great counters to it, such as Dusk Mane Necrozma in Pokémon GO. Other creatures are a little older.

Using counters in the game can help you deal more damage in less time, optimizing your performance and giving you a better chance of hitting Zassian before the raid's timer runs out. The same plan should be used by all allies entering the raid lobby. It is not absolutely necessary to always use moves that exploit Zassian's weaknessesBut it is recommended to do it as often as possible. Some Pokemon's Fast Attacks cannot exploit its weaknesses, although this can be compensated for with a Charged Attack in Pokémon GO That does cause supereffective damage.

Best counters for Zassian raids in Pokemon GO

Use Pokemon with Steel- and Poison-type moves

The best team of counters for the Zassian raids will be mostly composed of Pokemon style and poison-type moves, although some other creatures will stand out due to how hard they hit and how strong they are in battle. Dusk Mane Necrozma is currently one of the absolute best Steel-type Pokemon to use in battleSo if you have fused your Necrozma with your Solgaleo via Solar Fusion in Pokémon GOBe sure to take it into battle. Classic style attackers like Metagross, Mega Aggron, and Excadril also stand out during raids, and Shadow Pokemon hit especially hard.

The table below lists some counter recommendations for Zassian raids and their best movesets to use:

Best Counters (Zasian Raids)


Best moveset

Dusk Mane Necrozma

Psychic type and steel type

  • Standard Attack: Metal Claw

  • Charged Attack: Sunsteel Strike

Metagross / Shadow Metagross

Steel-type and Psychic-type

  • Standard Attack: Bullet Punch

  • Charged Attack: Meteor Mash

Mega Gengar

Ghost-type and Poison-type

  • Standard Attack: Lick

  • Charged Attack: Sludge Bomb

Primal Grodon

Earth type

  • Standard Attack: Mud Shot

  • Charged Attack: Precipice Blades

Dawn Wings Necrozma

Psychic-type and ghost-type

  • Standard Attack: Metal Claw

  • Charged Attack: Mongeist Beam

Mega Agron


  • Standard Attack: Iron Tail

  • Charged Attack: Heavy Slam


Steel-type and Dragon-type

  • Standard Attack: Metal Claw

  • Charged Attack: Iron Head

Excadrill / Shadow Excadrill

Earth-type and steel-type

  • Standard Attack: Metal Claw

  • Charged Attack: Iron Head

Mega Beedrill

bug-type and poison-type

  • Standard Attack: Poison Jab

  • Charged Attack: Sludge Bomb

Mega Scissor

Bug-type and steel-type

  • Standard Attack: Bullet Punch

  • Charged Attack: Iron Head

Dawn Wings Necrozma is also a good Pokemon to have in your party if you're facing Zassian, even if their Charged Attack won't deal supereffective damage. Mega Gengar is also listed among the best counters because it can do a lot of damage and quickly use its charged attack For maximum efficiency. In general, any Mega Pokemon with moves that are supereffective against Zacian's Fairy-type is fine, though you should remember that you can only have one Mega Pokemon or Primal Reversion active. Among the options, Mega Gengar and Primal Groudon in Pokémon GO are the best counters.


Primal Grodon is the biggest exception to the rule of using weaknesses because of its ground-type moves. Although neither his quick nor charged attacks do supereffective damage, The Pokemon's Primal Reversion and its already hard-hitting moves are worth having on your team. Besides the recommended counters, remember to use your strongest Pokemon with steel and poison-type attacks, as well as other reliable tanks, such as Kyogre. Zacian has a wide range of possible quick and charged attacks, so some of your chosen counters can get super effective hits.

Dusk Mane Necrozma can take supereffective damage from Zacian's possible Snarl attack, for example - though that shouldn't be your main concern when building a party. Remember that rides in Pokémon GO Are all about hitting hard and as quickly as possible. This, often times, results in your party fainting quickly through the battle. however, With the help of other trainers using similar types of Pokemon and type-based strategies, you shouldn't have much trouble beating the Zassian raids And get the chance to catch the legendary Pokemon.

Is Shiny Zacian available in Pokémon GO?

Know the odds of getting shiny Zassian

Pokemon Sword and Shield's Shiny Zacian and Shiny Zamazenta in Galar.

As of September 26, 2024, Zassian's shiny form can be acquired in Pokémon GO. The creature was previously shiny-locked - in fact, Shiny Zacian was only available in Pokemon Sword and Shield through a limited distribution event and was not available in the game through any other regular means. how so When you hit a Zassian raid in the mobile title, you'll have a chance to encounter a shiny Zassian. If this occurs, the catch is guaranteed.

If you encounter a shiny Zassian after a raid, whose capture is guaranteed, be sure to use a pinup berry on him before the capture, as this will result in more Zassian candies.

The chances of finding Shiny Zassian are the same for any legendary creature in 5-star raids. According to Pokémon GOvery beautiful, You'll normally have a one in 20 (or 5%) chance of finding a shiny Zassian at the end of a regular raid. against the creature. Although the odds are low, this is currently the only way to get Shiny Zacian Pokémon GO.