Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2

Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2

The Vanguard is an offensive class you can play in Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 In both PvE and PvP modes, but only the best images will make you dangerous on the battlefield. This archetype uses a signature grappling hook to punch enemies. Becoming a whirlwind of death, Vanguards can become even stronger with the right perks to support how the class plays.

Unlike the Heavy or Bulwark class in Space Marine 2The Vanguard is a fast archetype that embodies speed to close in on enemies. Typically, Vanguards are highly aggressive fighters who like to get into the front lines of combat often. However, this class is one of the weakest in the game, with few defenses compared to other team members with whom you can run operations or eternal war.

How to play as the Vanguard class

Wait for the right time to strike

Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2 Vanguard with pellet hook to pull in on a Tyranid enemy

The Vanguard has very little protective gear, as they don't get a lot of health or access to defensive tools. This makes the class function like a glass cannon, able to dish out tons of damage but only withstand a bit back. While playing as the Vanguard, The best strategy you can follow is to dip in and out of combat depending on what situations your team finds itself in.


Anyone choosing to act as the vanguard Has access to a lot of melee weaponsIncluding the versatile Combat knife

. Other weapons in Space Marine 2Like the Melta Rifle Shotgun, are perfect for a Vanguard build to support the class' tendency to dive headfirst into enemy hordes. A reliable secondary weapon will also help you deal damage from afar when you need to retreat and recover.

Weapons have perks you can equip much like any archetype in the game. Carefully choose which passive buffs you want on the weapons you choose to support as you play as the Vanguard class.

The core feature of the Vanguard class is their signature Grapnel LauncherA grappling hook that Allows you to dive into enemies for a deadly double-kick attack. This can be an excellent way to hurt high-priority targets or enemy players in PvP. Keep in mind that the Vanguard's fragility means that this move Should only be done to finish off an opponent Rather than a way to recklessly dive into a fight.

Every available Vanguard Perk

Select passive bonuses to create a picture

Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2 Vanguard Class Perks Listed with Upper Hand Core Perk Shown

Your class build for the Vanguard is Determined by eight perks you select From the archetype's customization menus. As you level up any class in Space Marine 2You gain access to more passive bonuses through perks to make you stronger. The synergy behind each perk gives you the opportunity to make aspects of the Vanguard better or cover some weaknesses of the class.


There are four categories of perks you can choose from, including:

Each category of perks has a column of three different bonuses you can choose from. For example, you may only choose one Signature Perk for your Vanguard out of three available. However, the core and gear perk trees have three columns each, meaning you can choose three different bonuses from these sections, as long as they don't share the same column.

The available perks of the Vanguard class are unique compared to any other archetype. The ones you can choose between are seen below:

Perk category

Benefit #1

Perk #2

Perk #3

Core 1

Moving target - Each melee attack you land reduces the ranged damage you take by 1%, up to 15%. If you don't land another melee attack for three seconds, the effect ends.

Miley Mastery - The damage of the melee is 10% more against enemies of the main rank and above.

Upper hand - After a perfectly timed parry or dodge, you cannot be knocked down or staggered for five seconds.

Core 2

Duelist - Perfect Steam window increases by 50%.

Close-combat focus - You take 20% less melee damage, but 10% more ranged damage.

Conviction - When your armor breaks, you take 15% less HP damage for ten seconds.

Core 3

Revenge - After you are staggered or knocked down, deal 20% more melee damage for ten seconds.

Consecutive execution - Killing ten enemies in quick succession restores a grenade charge. 180 second cooldown.

Honey reactions - While below 50% HP, your perfect dodge window is doubled.


Miley Champion - Your team deals 15% more melee damage.

Great zeal - Melee finishers on Extremis-class enemies restore a small amount of HP.

Inner fire - Finishers restore 15% ability fee for your team.

Perk category

Benefit #1

Perk #2

Perk #3

Gear 1

Restless Fortitude - After a heavy kick, you take 10% less ranged damage for ten seconds.

shock wave - Dive Kick deals damage in a larger radius of 5m.

Collateral damage - Dive Kick automatically deals a small amount of damage to enemies in your path with the grapple.

Gear 2

Zone of impact - Performing a finisher with the Grapnel Launcher deals a small amount of damage to nearby enemies.

Tenacity - After killing ten enemies in quick succession, Dave Kick's damage is increased by 25% for ten seconds. 30 second cooldown.

Tip of the spear - Enemies hit by Dave Kick take 15% more ranged damage for ten seconds.

Gear 3

thrill of the action - After a perfectly timed parry or dodge, you take 15% less HP damage for three seconds.

Strict determination - While your class ability is on cooldown, take 10% more weapon damage.

Combat readiness - Grapnel Launcher recharges 20% faster.


Tactical violence - Performing a finisher with the Grapnel Launcher restores its charge.

Emperor's blessing - If you die, restore all armor instead. 180 second cooldown.

Adrenaline rush - Melee kills on Majoris + units restore 1% HP.

Some of the best perks here are thrill of the action Or DuelistWhich helps the vanguard stay alive if they can master parry timing. Performing a parry on enemies is important for this melee-focused class, so you'll want to practice this technique to get the most out of your perks. The mechanic in Space Marine 2 It may take time to figure out, but the reward is more than worth the effort.

The best PvE Vanguard image

Boost how well your allies can clear hordes

Vanguards are crucial in PvE Operations missions, as their high single-target damage is perfect for taking out larger enemies. Due to this specialization, you want to Choose perks that improve your Paris To combat dangerous enemies more. As you can see in the above video by YouTube creator Fervor GamingYou can stack perks that buff your paris to make your counters almost unstoppable against egg-controlled hordes.

Your best Vanguard build equipment and perks might look something like this:


Heart perks

Team Perk

Gear Perks

Signature Perk

  • Melta Rifle

  • Bolt pistol

  • Combat knife

  • Upper hand

  • Duelist

  • Honey reactions

Miley Champion

  • shock wave

  • Tenacity

  • Combat readiness

Tactical violence


All of your core perks stack together to give your vanguard a much larger steam window, but other bonuses here also boost your ally's melee prowess. This turns your team into a force to be reckoned with, allowing them to deal higher damage thanks to Melee Champion. With gear and signature perks restoring and buffing your dive kick, you'll have more ways to turn a mission into Space Marine 2 in your favour.

The best Vanguard PvP image

Prioritize your survival above all others

Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2 Vanguard class character executing a rival Chaos Marine in PvP mode

Not much changes between a PvE and PvP build for the Vanguard, but you Need to pick up perks that help you live longer. Human opponents are much smarter than AI-controlled enemies, so you need to find ways to stay in combat longer. While buffing your parry is still a good strategy, you need other perks like the ones below to make up for some of the vanguard's weaknesses:


Heart perks

Team Perk

Gear Perks

Signature Perk

  • Melta Rifle

  • Bolt pistol

  • Chainsword

  • Upper hand

  • Conviction

  • Honey reactions

Miley Champion

  • Restless Fortitude

  • Tip of the spear

  • thrill of the action

Emperor's blessing

Tip of the spear

And thrill of the action

Both keep you alive and let you and your team deal with enemy players faster. The extra survivability of this build makes it perfect for hunting opponents who stray too far from their team during a battle. A smart Vanguard will use their bonuses to dive kick a single enemy, stay alive and use their powerful Melta Rifle to eliminate them quickly before returning to their team.

Vanguards that are on even footing with their health, like the Bulwark or Heavy classes, can be deadly combatants. Anyone with the best builds for the Vanguard for both PvE and PvP will learn the Ferocity in Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 Can only be effectively done when it is supported by the right strategies.

Source: Fervor Gaming / YouTube