Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2

Warhammer 40k: Space Marine 2

one of Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2The most straightforward class is the sniper, whose best build specializes in taking out enemies from afar in PvE and PvP. Unlike other sniping archetypes, the sniper focuses on stealth rather than simple damage output. The deceptive nature of this class can make it tricky to play without the right perks enhancing their abilities.

Similar to the tactical class in Space Marine 2The sniper has a balanced collection of offensive and defensive options that can adapt to various situations. Although this archetype often thrives in PvP, it tends to struggle when dealing with many enemies in PvE operations. You will need a good team around you to bring out the potential of this class against swarms of monsters on higher difficulties.

How to play as the sniper class

Hide and wait for the perfect moment

Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2 sniper class character aiming down gun at targets

The sniper comes with a level of versatility you might not expect, given the archetype's moniker. you Do not have to stay at long range To play this class effectively, however you want to Use long-range attacks against high-priority targets. Like any sniper you've seen in other games, this class is at its best using powerful rifles to deal high DPS through headshots to enemy players or bosses.


However, the sniper Has a passive ability Called Camo coat

That allows you to hide in active camouflage until you activate your next attack. This will help you Dive into enemy groups and surprise them with a melee weapon Close. Very few will suspect a sneak attack from someone who usually attacks from afar in the thick of battle.

Combining the strengths of the sniper means you can be anywhere on the battlefield. You want to Put yourself in the best place For your team as the sniper, acting as the catalyst needed to turn the tide of a fight.

For example, if you have a vanguard and bulwark pushing forward, you can stay behind and support them with attacks from a distance. If you have a tactical player who needs support, you can disappear and eliminate a larger enemy from the shadows to take pressure off your ally. Weaving in and out of different positions to where you need to is the essence of playing this class.

Every available sniper perk

Make your best picture with different buffs

Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2 sniper class perk trees with Block Break ability shown

As you level up in Space Marine 2You'll unlock various perks that offer passive bonuses to your character. You can Choose eight different perks To create an image for the class from each of the categories:

Each section of perks has a column with three different bonuses, but you can only choose one. Core and gear perks have three columns each, giving you three different buffs from those categories. However, you can only have one team and signature perk in your build, making the one you choose extremely important in determining the specific playstyle of your sniper build.

All the perks for the sniper enhance the unique traits of the class or occasionally command your teammates. You can choose perks for the sniper based on the ones shown below:

Perk category

Benefit #1

Perk #2

Perk #3

Core 1

Game block break - Protection against blocking or shielded enemies take 25% damage or normal ranged damage.

Miley Mastery - The damage of the melee is 10% more against enemies of the main rank and above.

Medicae Adept - Revive allies 30% faster.

Core 2

High capacity - Carry 10% more ammo.

Wall point - Standing after two seconds increases your primary weapon damage by 20%.

Adaptability - Reloading with low ammo increases your melee damage by 15% for five seconds.

Core 3

Iron grip - 30% less waste from Bolt Sniper Rifles and Stalker Bolt Rifles.

Dexterous hands - Reload Bolt Carbine 15% faster.

Lethal efficacy - Multikills with a laser rifle refund charges of ammo.


Marksmanship - Your team deals 10% more damage to headshot.

Advanced conditioning - Weapon spread is reduced by 20% for all teammates.

Squad renewal - Headshot kills restore 10% of ability energy for all squad members.


Perk category

Benefit #1

Perk #2

Perk #3

Gear 1

Cleaning - Manually activating the camo coat removes negative status effects.

Effective readiness - Manually activating Camo Cloak automatically reloads all ranged weapons.

renewal - Headshot kills restore 5% of your camo coat charge.

Gear 2

Guardian protocol - When reviving an ally, you both become cloaked for five seconds. This does not cost a fee of your camo coat. This has a cooldown of five seconds.

Targeted shot - Your first ranged attack from invisibility deals 75% more damage.

Tactical ambush - Your first melee attack from invisibility deals 100% more damage.

Gear 3

Persistence - You take 20% less HP damage for five seconds when the cloak is deactivated.

Lingering hide - After performing an attack that breaks the camo coat, you remain hidden for two seconds.

Ambush - Deactivation of cloak stuns nearby targets. This has a cooldown of 30 seconds.


Evade - Perfect Dodges now trigger Camo Cloak for free. This has a cooldown of 15 seconds.

Emergency override - If you die, trigger a free camo coat and become invisible for five seconds. This has a 180-second cooldown.

Pattern of excellence - Landing four consecutive headshots restores a grenade charge. This has a 180-second cooldown.

Some of the stand-out perks here are Targeted shot, Tactical ambush, AmbushAnd Game block break For how they improve the sniper's overall DPS. Stunning targets and breaking through their defenses add to the sniper's disruptive tactics in both PvE and PvP modes. During one of the US Space Marine 2In many missions, you'll want buffs that make your attacks more effective at wiping out bosses or other important targets.

The best PvE sniper build

Never run out of ammo

In PvP, the sniper can take care to shoot fewer enemies on an enemy squad, but PvE pits the class against hordes of enemies several times. This can be difficult to manage as the limited shots of your long-range weapons force you to reload frequently. The best sniper build for PvE should be centered around Restoring ammo and your abilities So that they never run out during an operation's most chaotic moments.

According to the above video by YouTube creator Fervor GamingThis build also focuses on staying hidden as you get your camo coat back more often. By restoring both your class ability and the skills of other team members, you'll have more ways to take on enemies when they threaten to overwhelm your group. When you put all your perks and equipment together, the build should look something like this:


Heart perks

Team Perk

gear perks

Signature Perk

  • Las fusil

  • Bolt pistol

  • Combat knife

  • Game block break

  • Wall point

  • Lethal efficacy

Squad renewal

  • renewal

  • Targeted shot

  • Lingering hide


The Las Fusil weapon is important to this build, as its penetrating energy damage allows you to activate the Lethal Efficiency perk often. This will help you rarely run out of ammo by getting multi-kills against smaller enemies in the hordes seen in Operations. With extra damage and invisibility, you'll have an easier time running circles around the AI-controlled enemies your team is up against.

The best PvP sniper build

Do as much damage as you can

Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2 sniper class with a long range weapon to target the enemy player in PvP

The strongest PvP build for a sniper should focus on Dealing as much damage as possible to enemy players. Human opponents are, sometimes, much smarter than the AI ​​of PvE, so you need to try to take them in as few shots as possible before they can react. This can be through a surprise melee attack at close range or a single headshot from afar.

One of the strongest classes in Space Marine 2 Is the Bulwark, whose shield in PvP can make the class difficult to kill. Snipers are the perfect counters for bulwarks with their defense penetrating abilities, as long as you can make your attacks count.

Enemy teams can decimate snipers if they discover them apart from a group, so you need to support your team as well. Powerful perks that break through enemy defenses can destroy the cohesion of your rivals, allowing your team to clean up stragglers. The perks you choose for a PvP build can help you influence the outcome of a big fight between factions, so choose your bonuses carefully.


Heart perks

Team Perk

gear perks

Signature Perk

  • Bolt sniper rifle

  • Bolt pistol

  • Combat knife

  • Game block break

  • Wall point

  • Iron grip

Squad renewal

  • Effective readiness

  • Targeted shot

  • Persistence


As you can see, many perks for a sniper PvP build are the same as a powerful PvE one. There is still an emphasis on Performing perfect dodges To activate Camo Cloak free for another example of invisibility during a battle. However, other perks like Iron grip And Persistence Make you more reliable against humans, allowing you to steady your shots more and survive for more respectfully.

The combination of these passive bonuses will help you stay active in PvP team fights as you weave in and out of different positions. The best build for the sniper class in Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2For PvE or PvP, these are what give the archetype the freedom to adapt to almost any situation they find themselves in.

Source: Fervor Gaming / YouTube