Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2

now, Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine II Players are still figuring out which classes and builds are meta in Eternal War, the game's PvP mode. No doubt the developers at Saber Interactive are looking at match data and community feedback. Inevitably, updates with game patches will affect class dynamics and weapon metas with the announced roll-out of the season's road map.

For now, however, I have compiled a list ranking these Place Marine II Classes from best (S-Rank) to worst (C-Rank). Keep in mind that this list is subjective and that no optimized class builds in the right hands Can have a positive impact on the performance of the team. You will also find

Space marine 2 pvp rank list

Find out which classes are top of the pack in Eternal War

A Blood Angel Space Marine attacks an Ultramarine in Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2

There is a clear best option and a clear worst option. Tactical is in a row of its own right now. On the list in S-tier, Tactical is the most versatile class and a Must-have for squads in Eternal War. Regardless of game mode, Tactical Class Marines are the most balanced fighting class in Space Marine II. When other classes specialize in certain areas, over-emphasizing reliance on special abilities that leave them vulnerable otherwise, the Tactical class does not rely on cheap gimmicks. A steady flow of damage output from powerful primary weapons is what you get with Tactical Marines.



S Tier


A mid shot of the tactical class Relic Secundus armor set in Space Marine 2.

A row


Warhammer 40K Space Marine 2 Bulwark Class Quartus character


A close-up of the sniper class Relic Secundus armor set in Space Marine 2.

B expensive


Space Marine 2 heavy class holding his big weapon in the middle of the forest.


Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2 Vanguard with pellet hook to pull in on a Tyranid enemy

C door


Space Marine 2 Assault Class Soldier standing in a forest.

Before I get to the bottom of the list, we must discuss the gray area that is A-tier and B-tier. The four classes jammed in the middle are more complicated to explain than their counterparts. The A-tier classes, Bulwark and Sniper, stand above the B and C-tier classes, however I don't quite reach S-tier in my opinion. Undoubtedly, the Bulwark class is the best marine type for objective defense. It's hard not to put Bulwark near the top of the list for this reason. However, its individual damage output is limited to other classes, such as sniper.

Primary weapons with fast fire rates (more damage per second) dominate the battlefield in Eternal War mode. The Standard Bolter is a great, easy-to-use weapon for PvP.

I know, I know. Sniper class is somewhat controversial as an A-tier ranking, but I'll explain. If the player likes to focus on individual performance, racking up kills, ignoring objectives, then sniper class is the The most effective flanking class in the game. Where the Vanguard class has high mobility with the grappling hook, the sniper's cloak ability is simply OP. The opportunity to maneuver around the arena without detection, picking off individual enemies is where this class shines. But be warned, outside of the coat, this class will suffering in one-on-one situations.

Space Marine 2 Bulwark class character fighting other human in PvP mode

With B-tier, I've listed a couple of community favorites: Heavy and Vanguard. Players loyal to these classes will claim they are S-tier, and while I'm not ready to make that claim, I see The case for a-tier placement. Again, any maximized class build has its place, but in the case of general performance, Heavy and Vanguard get outshined by the classes discussed earlier.

Hard class boasts the most damage output in the game, which is great. However, just like most PvP shooters, tank characters Often get team focused. In one-to-one range situations, it probably isn't a better class. But here the cheek stops.


After release, the Vanguard class was all over the place, literally. This is one of the most mobile classes in Place Marine II. But the grappling hook no longer competes with sniper's mantle in terms of combat engagement. Players are getting better at anticipating the grappling hook, making this ability less effective. yet, Vanguard excels in flanking ability. There are certainly enough skilled marines to make Vanguard an A-tier class.

Space Marine 2 Soldier with a red helmet holding a heavy bolter with a scope attached

Now for the most head-scratching class on the list, Assault. This is one of the more fun classes to use, but fun nonetheless Doesn't necessarily translate to success in PvP. Assault is a mile focused class. That's all well and good until the weaknesses become glaringly obvious in PvP. For starters, melee weapons are severe Out matched by high DPS primary weapons. Next, there is the armor issue. Why give a melee focused class two armor slots? I guess I could see the rationale if melee weapons were more powerful, but right now, that's not the case.

Lastly, the jetpack's special ability makes assault marines vulnerable, floating targets more than threats to worry about. Until the next big season update, Thunder Hammer lovers will have to wait and see if changes can lift the Assault class out of the basement. It may be time to experiment with higher tier classes in Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine II.