Season 4 suggests the 43 children never existed in Reginald's timeline, but is unclear and incomplete.
The other 43 kids may have been wiped out by the Umbrella Academy's cleaning.
Consuming marigold to fight the Clence raises questions about the 43 kids' fate.
The Umbrella Academy The final season left a lot to be desired, with questions left unanswered, and a lack of explanation for things like what happened to the other 43 kids with powers in the series. In 2019, the show got off to a great start when it introduced the world to a team of alternative superheroes that were unlike most of those appearing in Marvel and DC. The Umbrella Academy Revolved around a group of seven kids, each with different gifts, who fell apart years earlier, and find their way back together to fight back the apocalypse.
However, what makes the story more interesting is the intrigue and mystery surrounding the kids, who were all born at the same time, on the same day, to mothers who were not pregnant before that day. While the show focuses on seven, and then expands to include several others, it is revealed that 43 of these special children exist in The Umbrella Academy. However, after the final season, the show still fails to dig deeper The 43 kids and what happenedDespite the fact that they had powers and lived among normal people.
The Umbrella Academy Season 4 Suggests The Other 43 Kids Didn't Exist In Reginald's Timeline
They were erased in the last timeline
The Umbrella Academy Season 4 does insinuate that any of the other 43 kids exist in Reginald's timeline, but it does so in a vague and incomplete way. Reginald Hargreeves resets the timeline at the end of season 3With specific conditions for his new reality. One condition was that the kids would lose their powers, but it seemed like Allison was able to make a deal that meant she got her daughter back, and her siblings were pulled through to the new reality.
However, the deal is inconsistent, with the new reality including Alison's siblings, and Lila and Ben from the Sparrow Academy. Why wasn't Sloan included, or did she just exist somewhere else with no powers and no memories, unlike the rest of the group? The Show failed to explain or define what was going on with the other 43 kidsAnd it unfortunately seems that this is one of the mysteries that will die with the series and no clear answer.
The other 43 kids may have also been wiped out by the cleaners of the Umbrella Academy
The purge completely changed everything at the Umbrella Academy
The cleansing was a complex and underexplained element of The Umbrella Academy season 4, but it was pivotal to the entire season and the show's conclusion. basically, The cleansing is triggered by two elements, marigold and durangoCome together and create a chain reaction. The elements were created by Reginald's wife, Abigail, and they are a way for the universe to repair itself after Abigail.
While the marigold gave the seven powers, along with the rest of the 43 kids, the Durango acts as an antibody, to heal and repair a world that should not contain these elements. As a result, it is a The possibility that the other 43 kids were gradually swallowed by the cleansing And that's why they didn't appear in the timeline, but that's uncertain. However, it does at least provide some sort of explanation that might make sense in the show's universe, and the multiple timelines where Five was never able to fix and stop the apocalypse.
Are the Umbrella Academy's 43 kids and their marigold a plot hole?
Another misstep in the messy Season 4 of the Umbrella Academy
A large part of The Umbrella Academy Season 4 sees the core group use marigold to get their powers back and fight the purges. However, it seems to complicate things further in terms of the 43 kids. If The marigold of the umbrella is still present in the timelineBut not in them, then presumably all the other marigold continued to be present in the rest of the world. Could other kids have found their marigold and consumed it, sure, but without a team behind them, it would likely be much more challenging.
The Umbrella Academy Season 4 does insinuate that any of the other 43 kids exist in Reginald's timeline, but it does so in a vague and incomplete way.
However, the purge is swept across the entire timeline to reset the timeline. While it started with Ben and Jennifer combining his marigold with her Durango, it grew to consume the rest of the umbrellas. Then, presumably, it continued growing and swallowing everything in existence until the timeline could be reset without either Marigold or Durango in it. The Umbrella Academy Could have done a better job explaining and clarifying the 43 kids, but it chose to focus on the umbrellas and showcase their ending, as opposed to solving other mysteries that came along the way.