Wait, Is One Piece Heading For A New Timeskip?

Wait, Is One Piece Heading For A New Timeskip?

Warning: Contains spoilers for the One Piece manga.

As the excitement surrounding the Elbaph Arc continues to build, an ominous warning suggests One pieceMay's latest arc isn't all fun and games, with a jump for the second time possibly on the horizon. Amid the excitement of finally arriving at Elbaph and the many long-awaited reunions, a popular theory that One piece is heading towards another time, the jump has started to take root and could make or break the series.

Chapter #1132 One piece ends on an ominous note with a warning from Louis Arnot warning readers not to linger too long on Elbaph, for unstated reasons. This warning by Louis Arnot gave rise to a popular theory that time flows differently in Elbaph and the Straw Hats remaining on Elbaph for too long can unintentionally trigger a second jump. As unlikely as it may seem, implementing a second jump at this point in the story could make sense from a narrative perspective, while also speeding up the Final Saga.

One Piece's Elbaph Arc Could Tease a Second Jump

One pieceThe arches are following a pattern

Luffy in his Egghead outfit picking his nose while a glimpse of Elbaf is in the background.
Custom Image by Rohit Jaiswar

As eager as the Straw Hats may be to finally explore Elbaph, chapter #1132 seemingly lightened the mood with Louis Arnot's cryptic warning. It is true that, beyond suggesting the presence of some form of threat on the island, the warning in itself does not directly point to Elbaph has its own unique temporal characteristics.

Instead, what really drives the time jump theory is the structure of the One piecethe last few arcs, or better yet, the way they have mirrored the previous arcs. The Egghead Arc was the first to establish this trend by mirroring the events of Sabaody, albeit on a larger scale, with Luffy facing the Five Elders and the Seraphim instead of the Pacifista.

In addition to bringing back old enemies like Kizaru and Kuma One pieceThe Egghead Arc also saw Garp being captured as Ace, setting the stage for a possible rescue mission or an all-out war like Marineford. However, if the Final Saga follows the same order of events that followed Sabaody, a time jump would have to occur first to maintain the parallels.

One Piece's second jump could be shorter than the first

Screenshot from the One Piece Anime shows Luffy taking off his straw hat to pay respects at Marineford before showing off his 3D2Y tattoo.

Theories surrounding the possibility of a second jump mainly speculate that the Straw Hats may end up spending just three days on Elbaph only to discover that two years have passed in the outside world, harking back to the first jump and Luffy's "3D2Y" message. in particular. That said, such a long time jump would likely complicate things, allowing the other contenders in the race for Laugh Tale, like Blackbeard, to catch up and perhaps even beat Luffy to the end. One piece.

Vmegapunk's broadcast reignited interest in the titular treasure and it inserted a sense of urgency that would be wasted with a time jump as long as the first. It's also unlikely that Garp will survive that long or that the Navy and SWORD will stay quiet for two years and let Garp be used in Blackbeard's schemes. As such, the length of the time interval will be critical for it to actually occur.

Does One Piece still need a second jump?

Luffy could always use more time to get stronger

Luffy as a Viking with Dorry and Brogy in one piece in the background
Custom image by Merlyn De Souza

While implementing a second jump will undoubtedly be complicated, the current situation more than demands it. Like Sabaody, Egghead served as a testing ground for Luffy's strength, particularly Gear Five. Although he was able to quickly deal with former opponents like Lucci and Kizaru, Luffy noticeably struggled against the Five Elders, proving that Gear Five still has a long way to go, especially with enemies like Blackbeard, Imu, and the God Knights on the horizon. .

Thus, a time jump could give Luffy only the time he needs to get stronger to face the Five Elders again, while also giving other plot elements, like Garp's storyline, time to develop just enough. However, given the size of the island, it looks like Elbaph is about to be another long arc, regardless of whether One piece chooses to include another time jump.

One piece is available on Manga Plus and Viz Media.