Agatha all the time may have just provided a subtle hint that Thanos was actually right in his conquest of the MCU galaxy. Although the overall story and themes of the series have no connection to Thanos, one character's identity was confirmed in Agatha all the timeend of, providing a small link to the Mad Titan. That character was Rio Vidal, who was eventually revealed - after much speculation and theorizing - to be the MCU version of Marvel Comics' Lady Death.
In the comics, Death and Thanos are strongly linked. Although Aubrey Plaza's version of Agatha all the timeWhile the Thanos cast doesn't have this connection to Thanos, many who are familiar with Marvel Comics will unconsciously make the connection, given that Thanos' goal of destroying half the universe was an attempt to woo Death in the source material. The MCU changed this and removed the relationship between the MCU's strongest villain and Death, yet Agatha all the time episode 8 may have suggested that the first one was actually right, thus providing a loose association between the characters.
Death’s “Sacred Balance” Line Suggests Thanos May Have Discovered Something in the MCU
Thanos had similar ideals in Phase 3 of the MCU
In Agatha all the time episode 8, Rio Vidal/Death was positioned more as the show's villain than anything else. She intended to kill Agatha, likely as a way to keep the witch she loved with her forever. However, she gained another goal in Agatha all the timeThe ending of: take William Kaplan/Billy Maximoff. Death explained to Agatha that the whole concept of William dying so that Billy could claim his body was "disturbing the sacred balance." This explains why Rio wanted Billy dead, in addition to his rivalry with Agatha.
Through this line, the MCU may have unintentionally supported Thanos' views. In Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: EndgameThanos said incessantly that he was trying to exterminate 50% of all life for benevolent reasons; the many planets in the cosmos were overpopulated and would eventually be destroyed, killing everyone, as happened with their home planet, Titan. If Thanos diminishes life, they will flourish. A phrase that has stuck with many is Thanos stating that his end result is "Perfectly balanced. As all things should be" linking strongly to Rio's way of thinking as well.
Thanos, understanding death's mission would explain some moments in the MCU
Overall, this connection between the two could prove that Thanos truly understands Death. If some things should not exist naturally to the detriment of natural balance, like Billy in the case of Death or overpopulated planets in Thanos, they should be corrected. By viewing Thanos' mission through this lens, More seemingly pretentious ramblings from the Mad Titan could make a little more sense. Often times, when Thanos explained his motivations, the Avengers dismissed them, such as when Doctor Strange responded sarcastically. "Congratulations. You are a prophet."
However, the fact that Thanos has an understanding of how the balance of Death works could explain these grandiose explanations he often gave. Thanos' exaggerated reasoning for doing what he was doing, which initially seemed like a way to emphasize his narcissistic self-importance, may actually be tied to the natural order of life and death. This is certainly a far-fetched theory, but it falls into the category of being an interesting reflection after Agatha all the timeThe two-part finale.
The potential connection to Thanos' death would only make him an even more evil villain
Thanos' goals blind him from other negative outcomes
That said, even if the connection to Thanos' death were true, it would only make him more evil rather than more justified. The reason for this is Thanos' lack of foresight after taking the snap. In this scenario, Thanos may have managed to remove 50% of all life as a way of maintaining the sacred balance of the universe, but this balance would eventually exceed that. For example, Thanos' Blip implemented an entirely new way of life that would have resulted in more losses than anything.
As is evident from the chaos of the snap shown in several MCU films and TV shows, more citizens in the MCU will have died than Thanos intended. Whether those in planes or other vehicles at the time of the snap or those in surgery whose doctors disappeared, for example, Thanos' death toll will have been well above the intended 50%. This pokes holes in his theorized motivation to maintain balance, as that balance would have quickly fallen out of whack.
Valuable life-sustaining resources, such as animals on Earth, will also have been reduced, likely leading to more problems for surviving humans...
It's also important to note that Thanos not only removed 50% of all human – or alien – life but also all sentient beings. Valuable life-sustaining resources such as animals on Earth will also have been reduced, likely leading to more problems for surviving humans and the tragedy of animals dying for no reason. All of this just indicates that Thanos, if he truly had a connection with the mentality of Agatha all the timeLady Death, was just meaner, instead of nicer.