Star Trek: VoyagerThe Delaney sisters (Alissa and Heidi Kramer) became an infamous part of the series, despite only appearing in one episode. TravelerThe cast of characters included a diverse group, from Star Trekfrom the first female captain, Kathryn Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) to the first Vulcan in a show since Star Trek: The Original Series as well as the first full-color Vulcan character, Tuvok (Tim Russ). However, Travelerthe casting diversity also extended to the series' recurring characters.
Like many Star Trek programs from the 1990s, Traveler included a large group of recurring guest stars who filled out the show's world and added more complexity to its cast. The most notable members of this group were characters like Naomi (Scarlett Pomers) and Samantha Wildman (Nacy Hower)but other characters like Vorik (Alexander Enberg) or Icheb (Manu Intiraymi) added some interesting stories to later seasons. In addition to these characters, two other women completed Travelerrecurring cast.
Star Trek: Voyager's Jenny and Megan Delaney Explained
The Delaney sisters were some of Voyager's first recurring characters
The Delaney sisters were featured in Traveler season 1, episode 4, "Time and Again", and quickly assumed a place of infamous importance in the series until its debut in season 5. Jenny and Megan Delaney were first mentioned by Tom Paris (Robert Duncan McNeill) in his attempts to get Harry Kim (Garrett Wang) to go on a double date with him and the twins. Although Jenny and Megan were used as a narrative device to further Tom and Harry's friendship, they have become a genuinely important aspect of Harry's story, in particular thanks to a season 5 episode.
Harry is falling in love with"the wrong twin"As Tom Paris said, it was yet another humorous episode in Harry's long list of failed romances, and it gave purpose to the Delaney sisters' appearance on the show after being off screen for so long.
During the episode "Thirty Days", the Delaney sisters finally made a real appearance on Travelershown participating in the Captain Proton holodeck program with Tom and Harry. After they separated from Jenny and Megan Harry discussed his struggle with being attracted to Megan, while Jenny was the one who actually had a crush on him. Harry is falling in love with"the wrong twin", as Tom Paris said, it was yet another humorous chapter in Harry's long list of failed romances, and it gave purpose to the Delaney sisters' appearance on the show after being off screen for so long.
Why the Delaney Sisters Only Appeared in One Episode of Star Trek: Voyager
Voyager didn't feature many Delaney sisters on screen
Given how many references Traveler made for the Delaney sisters throughout its early seasons, it may seem surprising that the series took so long to cast the characters and make them appear. When they were first introduced, the sisters were more of a joke and a way to show Tom and Harry's growing friendship. How Voyager continued referencing them, however, Jenny and Megan began to gain reputations, especially in conjunction with Tom and Harry's stories, and it would be wrong to never see them on screen.
However, by the time Season 5 rolled around, the Delaney sisters' original purpose in the narrative wasn't relevant. Tom started dating B'Elanna Torres (Roxann Dawson) in season 4, making the idea of him and Harry dating the twins impossible. Despite that, Star Trek: Voyager did the right thing by finally having the Delaney sisters comeo in season 5. Keeping Jenny and Megan off-screen would have made them the butt of a tiresome joke, or worse, objectified by the plot.. That would have been bad for a show that prided itself on the diversity of its female cast.