Star Trek: Voyager Season five introduced the Delta Flyer, a unique shuttle that would go on to achieve a unique place in the world. Star Trek story. Voyagerthe series' setting in the Delta Quadrant, a region of space that had never been explored before, was one of the show's most notable qualities.. After being thrown there against their will in the pilot episode "The Caretaker", VoyagerThe characters had to learn to adapt and survive for seven years. This presented the team with many very specific challenges that they had to solve in creative ways.
One of these challenges was the many unique environments that USS Voyager was not suited to because it was built in the Alpha Quadrant. While Captain Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) and VoyagerHis crew was simply resourceful, sometimes they encountered problems with the technology they had, including their shuttles. which were often unable to compensate for Delta Quadrant differences. After this issue cropped up again early in Season 5, the team finally decided to create a new kind of shuttle that would better suit the Delta Quadrant.
"Star Trek: Voyager's Special Shuttle Delta Flyer Explained"
The Delta Flyer became important on Voyager in season five.
Thus VoyagerThe new shuttle Delta Flyer was introduced in the season five episode "Extreme Risk". The creation of the shuttle was ultimately a collaboration between several characters, but his main supporters were Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan) and Tom Paris (Robert Duncan McNeil).. Paris in particular was the character that had the greatest impact, making the shuttle inextricably linked to his later development. The actual construction of the Flyer was fully depicted during "Extreme Risk" when Tom and Seven worked with Harry Kim (Garrett Wang), Tuvok (Tim Russ) and B'Elanna Torres (Roxanne Dawson) in a race against the clock with Malone. .
Thanks to his designation and Seven's influence, the Delta Flyer was the first of its kind in many ways. The shuttle was designed to withstand the harsher conditions of the Delta Quadrant, such as the ability to fly through the layers of the gas giant on its first mission. Also, The Flyer was a mixture of Starfleet and Borg technology, enhancing its defenses, propulsion and weapons systems.. It was larger than a standard shuttle and even included a set of retro-style helm controls, courtesy of Tom Paris. However, the Flyer's design wasn't the only thing that made it unique.
Why the Delta Flyer is Unique in the Star Trek Franchise
The Delta Flyer is unlike any other Star Trek shuttle.
Apart from the unique design components, no other Star Trek the shuttle achieved the same level of fame and popularity as the Delta Flyer. Shuttles are common in all Star Trek movies and TV shows, but it's not often that a particular craft plays a recurring role. The only shuttle that comes near us is Galileo from Star Trek: The Original row. The name Galileo is widely known thanks to Terms of Use season 1 episode "Seven Galileos", but the shuttle only appeared prominently in one episode of TOS and one episode Star Trek: Marvel Season 1.
However, USS Defiant from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine occupied the same place in the narrative as the Delta Flyer. Both the Flyer and Defiant were secondary vessels to the main ship or station of their respective show, and were seen in several episodes throughout subsequent seasons of each show. However, the Defiant was a full-fledged spacecraft, not a shuttle, which cemented the Delta Flyer's reputation as a truly unique craft. Ultimately, Star Trek: Voyager it made sense to create the Flyer in Season 5, and it made even more sense to use it consistently throughout the rest of the series.