Captain Chakotay's (Robert Beltran) return in Star Trek: Prodigy Can fix 7 problems the USS Voyager left in the Delta Quadrant Star Trek: Voyager. As the USS Voyager crew embarks on a path through the Delta Quadrant on their 70,000 light-year journey back to Earth, Captain Kathryn Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) sometimes has to play pretty fast and loose with Star Treks Prime Directive, and leave problems in Voyager's wake. With a lifetime of travel ahead, and no guarantee that wormholes or anomalies would accelerate the trip, Janeway can't stay long, and follow-up missions are next to impossible.
Star Trek: Prodigys USS Protostar was originally commanded by Captain Chakotay on a mission to return to the Delta Quadrant and fix the problems caused by Voyager's homeward trip. A temporal anomaly diverts the Protostar, leaving Captain Chakotay stranded on the planet Solum in an alternate 25th century future timeline. in Star Trek: Prodigy In Season 2, Chakotay not only returns to his proper timeline, but also the captain's chair of the USS Voyager-A, following Admiral Janeway's retirement. If Chakotay takes Voyager-A on the original mission from the Protostar, there are still problems in the Delta Quadrant that could benefit from a follow-up.
Voyager-A can control the time dilated society
Star Trek: Voyager Season 6, Episode 12 "Blink of an Eye"
It's unlikely that the same civilization on the unnamed planet of Star Trek: Voyager Season 6, Episode 12 "Blink of an Eye" is still out there, since the planet exists in its own unique flow of time, but it's not entirely impossible. Voyager's presence as "The Sky Ship" confirmed the entire existence of the civilizationand inspired his men to explore the stars in hopes of reaching the USS Voyager someday. First contact was achieved, but the alien world would have to overcome the time differential in order to participate in the wider galactic society.
There is no denying that the Prime Directive is completely thrown out with this culture.
At the rate that the company of "blink an eye" is developing, The technology to reduce time differences may actually be developed when Chakotay returns to the Delta Quadrant. Voyager's presence may have been a net positive instead of a real problem, but there's no denying that Prime Directive is completely tossed with this culture, so it's worth a follow.
Paris and Janeway's salamander babies can come home
Star Trek: Voyager Season 2, Episode 14 "Threshold"
It was brought before as a joke, but the truth is that The offspring of Lot. Tom Paris (Robert Duncan McNeil) and Captain Janeway are still there in the Delta QuadrantAbandoned by his parents, who returned as people of the 24th century and went on their merry way. Apparently, the salamander babies are the product of an evolutionary leap for humanity, so they are probably sentient, which raises questions. How do they feel about this? What did they do in the meantime? Could they, like Paris and Janeway, be turned into bipedal humans?
With Captain Chakotay's return to the Delta Quadrant, It's a real opportunity to recontextualize and improve the nonsensical third act of "Threshold."And make one of Star Trek: VoyagerThe odd episodes really matter in the long run. Maybe one of the salamander babies, in adult human form, joins the Voyager-A crew, hoping to explore the galaxy and find out where they really belong.
Resolution for two duplicate Voyager crews
Star Trek: Voyager Season 4, Episode 24 "Demon" & Season 6, Episode 21 "Live Fast and Furious"
in Star Trek: Voyager Season 4, Episode 24, "Demon", The USS Voyager crew let biometric silver blood aliens from a demon-class planet copy them in order to experience life as organic beings. Star Trek: Voyager Caught the silver blood of "demon" in a rare Star Trek Sequel episode, Season 5 "Course: Oblivion", so we as the audience know about the tragic fate that befell the copies of the Voyager crew, but the crew themselves never learned that their doubles died.
Another set of Voyager duplicates appeared in Star Trek: Voyager Season 6, Episode 21, "Live Fast and Prosper", when Con artists take on the identities of Captain Janeway, Commander Chakotay and Lieutenant Commander Tuvok (Tim Russ). The episode ends with the imposters returning what they stole, but the cash artists are still out there, capable of committing the same crimes in the name of the Federation once the real USS Voyager has moved on.
After returning to the Delta Quadrant, Captain Chakotay and the Voyager-A crew may stumble upon a mystery that seems to involve the old Voyager crew. Chakotay's curiosity would start an investigation that reveals the death of the silver blood doubles, the further crimes of their imposters - or even both. Because the silver blood really believed them were The Voyager crew, they wouldn't have done anything that the real Voyager crew wouldn't have done. The Voyager crew impersonators, however, may have caused additional problems Chakotay's Voyager-A crew needs to fix.
Chakotay can review the WOT's changed society
Star Trek: Voyager Season 3, Episode 23, "Distant Origin"
The presence of the USS Voyager in the Delta Quadrant contributed to fully appending Voth society, which was based on the purity of the Voth species as natives of Star TrekS Delta Quadrant. Genetic similarities between the WOT and Voyager's crew proved that the WOT originated in the Alpha Quadrant. Chakotay has to sit back and watch the scientist Forra Gegen (Henry Woronicz) dismiss his findings, like a hadrosaur Galileo, To maintain the status quo dictated by Voth religious doctrine. Gegen's life was ruined, and it was Voyager's fault.
A return trip to the Vot homeworld would determine whether scientific fact had triumphed over Vot religious dogma, or if Chakotay and other Alpha Quadrant representatives were still considered agents of heresy. Because Chakotay's influence pressured Gegen to stand up for the truthChakotay is also one of the best people to fix the social problems caused by Voyager's initial visit to the VOT.
The Hologram Rebellion by Hirogen & Iden
Star Trek: Voyager Season 7, Episodes 9 and 10, "Flesh and Blood"
Without any type of local currency, the USS Voyager crew often traded with Delta Quadrant aliens in order to obtain much-needed supplies. Much of the Alpha Quadrant technology was left behind in the Delta Quadrant as a result of the trades, Which impacted foreign societies differently, depending on what their course of development currently was. Although initially reluctant to trade Federation technology, desperate times called for desperate solutions, such as when Captain Janeway traded hologram technology to the Hirogen in exchange for the lives of the Voyager crew.
in Star Trek: Picard Season 3, Episode 4, "No Win Scenario", Admiral Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) recounts an encounter with a Hirogen Hunter, so the Hirogen must have made their way to the Alpha Quadrant before 2385.
As a result of Janeway's gift of Federation hologram technology, the Hirogen develop self-aware holograms that eventually fight for their own freedom, in the hologram-Hirogen conflict called Iden's Rebellion. Voyager leaves the holograms behind on a peaceful colony, But there is no guarantee that the predatory Hirogen will let them live. Do the holograms keep their freedom? Do the Hirogen make more holograms? Captain Chakotay's return would answer those questions.
Resolving the Kazon Infighting
Star Trek: Voyager Season 1 - Season 2
A single Federation replicator can completely change the course of a society limited by scarcity, and Star Trek: Voyagers Cardassian spy Seska (Martha Hackett) brings replicator technology to the Kazon, in a bid for her own power. Even after knowing that Federation technology was being used for nefarious means, The warring Kazon sects are not a problem for the USS Voyager to solve, Due to Janeway's determination to continue forward and early adherence to the Prime Directive.
If Janeway insists on staying the course, however, Captain Chakotay values harmony, so Chakotay is much more likely to spend time in Kazon space trying to make peace between the Kazon tribes. Chakotay would also recognize that the Kazon's stolen replicator technology shifted the balance of power in Kazon space, and use the Voyager-A mission to redistribute technology directly. ;
Revising the Ocampa's development
Star Trek: Voyager Season 1, Episode 1, "Caretaker"
Captain Janeway destroyed the caretaker's array that brought the USS. Voyager to the Delta Quadrant in the first place, ostensibly to protect the Ocampa from the territorial Kazon. unfortunately, Voyager did not return to the Ocampa home world to see how the Ocampa were doing on their own, Since that would mean going back on a journey that was already projected to take several decades. Without the Caretaker's guidance to help the Ocampa survive, Chakotay's Voyager-A crew can provide assistance if the Ocampa need it.
A few Ocampa colonies are scattered here and there, such as those in Star Trek: Voyager Season 2, Episode 10, "Cold Fire", where several Ocampa lived beyond their projected nine-year lifespan, but were still short-lived.
With a life of only nine years, Several generations of Ocampa would have come and gone Since their first contact with the USS Voyager. Captain Chakotay's return to the Ocampa home world would reveal if anything had changed in the intervening decades, like a species-wide development of the Ocampa telekinetic powers that Kes (Jennifer Lien) exhibited before leaving Voyager.
The USS Voyager left far more problems on its way through the Delta Quadrant. Captain Janeway made first contact with more species than anyone else Star Trek Captain since Captain James T. Kirk (William Shatner), and not all of the meetings resulted in alliances. Janeway's enemies in the Delta Quadrant would almost certainly have a score to settle with any returning Federation ship. Captain Chakotay's patient leadership style is very different from Janeway'sHowever, this way Chakotay might even be able to smooth things over to make new friends Star Trek: Voyager haters