Voyager legacy character is perfect for Seven of Nine's enterprise

Voyager legacy character is perfect for Seven of Nine's enterprise

A forgetfulness Star Trek: Voyager character would make a perfect addition to the cast of Star Trek: LegacyThe proposed Star Trek: Picard Spin-off about Captain Seven of Nine (Jerry Ryan). Star Trek: Picard Season 3 introduced some grown children of Star Trek: The Next Generation Letters: Namely, Jack Crusher (Ed Speelers), the son of Dr. Beverly Crusher (Gates McFadden) and Admiral Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart), and Commodore Geordie Le Forge's (LeVar Burton) daughters, Ensign Sydney Le Forge (Ashley Sharpe) Chestnut) on the USS Titan-A, and Ensign Alandra La Forge (Mika Burton) with Geordie At the Starfleet Museum.

Star Trek: Voyagers later seasons featured a romance between Lieutenant Tom Paris (Robert Duncan McNeill) and Lieutenant B'Elanna Torres (Roxann Dawson). Despite Star Trek: VoyagerThe reset button often returns character relationships to the status quo with each new episode, Tom and B'Elanna's Star Trek Romance lasted, and changed both characters for the better. in Star Trek: Voyager In season 7, Paris and Torres got married off-screen and later found out they were expecting a child. Named after her Klingon grandmother, Miral Paris was born in 2378, Just before the USS Voyager's return to the Alpha Quadrant.

Paris and B'Elanna's Forgotten Star Trek: Voyager Daughter Is Perfect for Captain Seven of Nine's Enterprise

Miral Paris will be part of seven of nine's Star Trek: Legacy crew

Tom Paris and B'Elanna Torres daughter in Star Trek: Voyager Would be a great character for Captain Seven of Nine's USS Enterprise-G. Miral Paris would be 24 years old in 2402 when Star Trek: Picard Season 3's epilogue takes place, thus Miral is in roughly the same age bracket as the La Forge sisters and Jack Crusher. The alternative 2404 of Star Trek: Voyagers series finale, "Endgame", featured a young adult Miral Paris as a Starfleet ensign, played by Lisa Losicero. The "Endgame" timeline is destroyed, but Miral Paris can still continue her family's Starfleet legacy in the Prime timeline.


Miral Paris shares Star Trek: Voyager Linking up with Captain Seven of Nine, that makes Miral's addition to the USS Enterprise-G crew a no-brainer. Miral Paris was small in the Prime timeline, but in the "Endgame" timeline, Miral was a Starfleet officer whose personality was much like B'Elanna's: tough and resourceful.. in Star Trek: Voyager Season 7, Episode 14, "Prophecy", Miral was prophesied to be the Kuwah'magh, a Klingon religious figure whose DNA would provide the basis of a desperately needed cure. Miral's role as the COHMG could play in a Star Trek: Legacy storyline.

Picard's Star Trek: Legacy spinoff is years away if it happens

Star Trek: Legacy has potential cast members, but no greenlight yet

Of course, for an adult Miral Paris to show off Star Trek: LegacyThere must be a plan Star Trek: Legacy To be produced, and that probably will not be for a few more years, if it happens at all. Star Trek: Picard Season 3 showrunner Terry Matalas will be booked for the foreseeable future With Marvel's Vision series, due in 2026; And Enemy mineand a Magic: The Gathering Netflix animated series. If Star Trek: Legacy Matalas won't be available until 2026, at the earliest. That pushes Star Trek: Legacy to 2027 or later.

Many acquaintances Star Trek Legacy Characters can include the USS Enterprise-G crew.

This is not to say that Star Trek: Legacy May not or will not happen at all, only that if it does, it will be a while. There is still fan demand for these Star Trek: Picard Spin-off seriesAnd plenty of acquaintances Star Trek Legacy Characters can include the USS Enterprise-G crew. Jack Crusher and Sidney Le Forge were present in Star Trek: Picards epilogue, as it were picardCommander Rafi Musicer (Michelle Hurd) as Seven's number one. By including letters like Star Trek: Voyagers miral paris, Star Trek: Legacy Opens the door to revisiting children of all the 90s era Star Trek Points.