Star Trek: Enterprise referenced Star Trek: Voyager in season 2 with a subtle callback to Captain Proton.
The reference to "The Bride of Chaotica" film in Enterprise's "Cogenitor" is a nod to Voyager's Captain Proton program and the show's episode of the same name.
Voyager's Captain Proton program was a popular side plot in multiple episodes and was even brought back in Star Trek: Lower Decks season 4.
Star Trek: Enterprise has a subtle reference to Star Trek: Voyager In one episode of season 2. Despite airing one right after the other in the Star Trek time line, Enterprise And Voyager has very little in common. Voyager Explore the adventures of the USS Voyager's crew in the Delta Quadrant during the 2370s, while Enterprise Catapulted the franchise back to the beginning of Starfleet, showcasing the missions of the first starship Enterprise in the 22nd century. however, All Star Trek Points are connected, and Enterprise After finding a way to remind its predecessors while maintaining its prequel status.
Enterprises Voyager Reference came during season 2, episode 22, "Cogenitor." The episode's plot featured the crew of the Enterprise NX-01 encountering a race called The Viseans, whose society included a third-gender underclass, who were treated as second-class citizensOnly used for the purposes of reproduction. Commander Trip Tucker (Connor Trineer) began mentoring one of the "cogenitors" in secret, teaching them to read and nurturing their interest in Earth culture. This interest led Tripp to show the cogenitor an old Earth film, choosing from a list that contained a familiar name.
Star Trek: Enterprise Watched "Bride of Chaotica!" 200 years before Voyager
"Bride of Chaotica, The" was in Enterprise's movie database
While Trip and the Cogenitor were choosing a movie to watch, Enterprise Briefly showed the console display with the ship's database of films. The list included the name "Bride of Chaotica, The," a blink-and-you'll-miss-it reference to the Star Trek: Voyager Episode of the same name. "Bride of Chaotica!" was the 12th episode of Voyager Season 5, focusing on a holodeck misadventure storyline that featured the Captain Proton program created by Tom Paris (Robert Duncan McNeill). This episode is one of Voyagers most entertaining, and one of several appearances of Captain Proton in the show.
Although Voyager established that "The Adventures of Captain Proton"was an old, Buck Rogers-style science fiction show from the 20th century, Enterprise confirmed its existence with the reference to The Bride of Chaotica In "Cogenitor." Along with this, the episode implies that the Enterprise crew could easily have watched the film 200 years before it inspired Tom Paris to create his famous Holodeck program. included Bride of Chaotica (and the Dixon Hill reference) in "Cogenitor" is A witness to the Enterprise The creative team's attention to detail and commitment to making the show feel connected to the wider franchise.
Star Trek: Voyager's "Brides of Chaotica" & Captain Proton Explained
The Captain Proton program made several appearances in Voyager
Despite being a rather silly concept, Star Trek: Voyager Managed to get a lot of mileage out of the Captain Proton program. "Bride of Chaotica!" is definitely his most prominent and memorable inclusion, with nearly everyone in Voyagers cast of characters who participate in the program to stop the malfunctioning holograms from war against a photonic species. however, Captain Proton was seen or referenced in nine others Voyager Episodes throughout seasons 5-7Usually featuring Tom Paris as the titular captain and Harry Kim (Garrett Wang) as Proton's sidekick Buster Kincaid.
Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 4 brought Captain Proton back to the franchise during the show Voyager Tribute episode "Twoweeks."
Along with this, Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 4 brought Captain Proton back to the franchise during the show Voyager Tribute episode "Twoweeks." The holographic villain Dr. Chaotica (James Sie) was one of several famous ones Voyager Holograms that tried to wreak havoc while the decommissioned ship was brought back to Earth to be set up as a museum. Lower decks Is famous for pulling out obscure franchise references like this Including something about Captain Proton in a Star Trek: Voyager The tribute episode was extremely clever on the series' part.