Viral One-Punch Man theory suggests we haven't seen a hero's full power...yet

Viral One-Punch Man theory suggests we haven't seen a hero's full power...yet

Warning: spoilers ahead for the Neo Heroes arc in One-Punch Man!

One-Punch Man The Hero Association developed well until the reveal of Blast as their best S-Class fighter, with his immense powers not yet fully explored, as suggested by interested readers. Blast's introduction in the Monster Association Arc was the start of his most exciting adventures. While he is unlikely to surpass Saitama's powers, his potential may remain unrevealed. Despite the last chapter suggesting Blast's downfall in One punch manthe partial removal of his costume, similar to that of Boros from the Alien Conquerors Arc, could unleash his true power.

While the topic of Limiters and how to remove them was covered with Saitama's fight against Cosmic Fear Garou and again with the Neo Heroes' costumes, the idea of ​​artificial Limiters goes back to Saitama's fight against Boros. As indicated at length by @Everything_OPM_ on X, this connection not only keeps Blast potentially still in the fight but also shows a potential connection in the Neo Heroes Arc, as he relates well to his son, Blue. With glimpses of Blast's other companions, including another species of Boros, it's not unreasonable to suspect this technology will resurface in One-punch man.

Void may have removed the Blast limiter in One-Punch Man

Down but not out

Node Tonari no Young Jump launch of One punch man Chapter #208, Void Void appears to have severed Blast's hand while severing what appear to be vital tendons and joints for the S-Class hero. However, given the similarity of his recently damaged suit to Boros' suit in One-Punch Man Alien Conquerors Arc and its function as an artificial limiter, Blast could still be in the fight. After all, he wasn't explicitly shown to have been executed beyond the precise blows given to him in the last chapter.

Combined with the appearance of a Boros-like alien companion in the climax of the Monster Guild Arc, Blast could have gotten help creating a suit to keep his powers in check. As seen in Chapter 165 of the VIZ release and the redesign One punch man chapters, an ally of the Boros species could give an idea of ​​how to make these costumes. As theorized by @Everything_OPM_, this could be intended to keep Blast's powers in check, as His and Saitama's abilities are considered too dangerous to roam the Earth.

Blast's costume could turn Neo Heroes' technology upside down

Entering the current One-Punch Man saga

Suiryu breaking his Neo Heroes battle suit in One-Punch Man

While the Ninja Arc continues with Blast thwarting a vastly god-empowered Void, the overarching Neo Heroes Saga explores similar processes aimed at artificially empowering humans in One-punch man. With cases like Wavygyaza's massive body modifications and the comparative miracle of science that is Genos, there is at least an outward intention to remove Limiters so that heroes can eventually achieve states similar to Saitama's. But with naturally powerful characters like Blast in the mix and the potential for a costume to do the reverse, it's worth noting that his son, Blue, has a similar outfit.

Given what Suiryu did to his special "Neo Heroes Battle Suit" immediately after receiving one, destroying it the instant the suit released its potential, the technology has not yet been perfected. The high degree of research and the high price will be your downfallforcing its users to rely more on the suit rather than unlocking their abilities more naturally. Ultimately, attention turns to Neo Heroes' main member, Blue.

Blue and his father have matching suits in One-Punch Man

Knowing your talents like the back of your hands

Warning: Spoilers for the One-Punch Man webcomic ahead!With glimpses of Blue's gloved hands in chapter #206 (JP) of One-punch man, one can easily notice how the design is identical to Blast's costume. The fan theory put forward by @Everything_OPM_ suggests this is no coincidence, especially with the extra close-up, consecutive glimpses of Blue's hands in the panel, and hints at another major connection to the Neo Heroes. The costumes created by the Neo Heroes in One punch man It is said to bring its user's powers to the height of their potential, could be reverse engineered from Blast's suit and, by extension, the technology of the Boros race.

As the webcomic indicates, Blue's gauntlets, like Blast's, encompass much of his torso, implying that Blue could keep his abilities in check in a similar way. Soon, readers will see what happens when Blue removes the limits of his strength and what that could mean in Blast's case. While Blast may be down on one hand, the damage to his suit could reveal his true potential in One-punch man.

Source: @Everything_OPM_ on X