Doctor Who Writer Steven Moffat addresses the return of his villainous organization Villengard in the 2024 Christmas special "Joy to the World," and what it means for his plans in the series. The seasonal episode saw Ncuti Gatwa's Fifteenth Doctor and Nicola Coughlan's new companion Joy intercept an experimental power source made by Villengard through a Time Hotel, chasing the powerful device throughout human history. Villengard was first introduced in Season 1 of the revival in Moffat's "The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances", but returned in Doctor Who "Boom" of the 14th season.
As Doctor WhoThe 2024 Christmas special saw the reappearance of Villengard under Russell T Davies' second term as showrunner, Moffat addresses whether their involvement is part of a larger scheme to TV insider. Despite his dual appearances in the current era, Moffat says there is no bigger plan involving Villengard at the time of writing. Instead, Villengard should be treated as a prop for his career as a writer. Doctor Whowith their return seeing the group also reappear to affirm this intention:
It never really is. It was in my first story, obviously, Villengard. It was in my first story and when I was writing what I thought would be the last one I would do, which was Peter Capaldi's last episode, I put Villengard in again. I thought, okay, this is some kind of bookend. So I thought, well, I'm writing, 'Boom,' I better put Villengard back on. So Russell invites me to do Christmas, I guess, okay, Villengard is back. So it's solid Villengard until the end of time now, I guess.
However, Moffat is open to expansion of the organization by other writers, with Davies interested in exploring one of the organization's unseen figureheads:
I think you should go there at some point and do something. I want to meet Miss Villengard.
What Moffat's response reveals about Villengard's Doctor Who future
The organization is still largely unknown
Despite their appearances in the 1st season of Doctor Whothe revival and reappearance of three following stories, Villengard is largely undefined. Once one of the most renowned weapons manufacturers in the universe, the weapons factories would be destroyed by the War Doctor (John Hurt) in the final days of the Time War to prevent the facility from falling under Dalek control, turning the area into a banana. grove.
There is still a large part of Villengard's story that has yet to be told. "Boom" portrayed Villengard at the height of his power, and even in his final story, Moffat portrayed the organization as still an active presence in the universe, capable of conspiring to create an immensely powerful source of power. As such, if Davies wishes to explore the organization further, with or without Moffat, he will have permission from his creator to delve into its history.
Our thoughts on Moffat's Villengard reveal
A return may not be in the cards anytime soon
Moffat's desire to use Villengard as a bookend Doctor Who His television writing career is shared by the public, who have found his involvement to be a perfect way to sum up his torn contributing time. the TV series. However, from his and Davies' response, it's clear the organization could have a future beyond its most recent appearance.
But since Moffat is not currently confirmed as a credited writer on Doctor Who Season 15 and the show's future beyond the 2025 episodes uncertain, audiences shouldn't expect Villengard's return. Although much of its history has not yet been written, it is clear that there is still much of the organization's story to tell.
Source: TV insider