
Spoilers ahead for season 3, episode 2, "As We Go."
in of Season 3, Episode 2, "When We Go," Tabitha's (Catalina Sandino Moreno) unexpected trip through ofThe Lighthouse Portal allows you to learn even more about Victor's (Scott McCord) mother, Miranda (Sarah Booth), and his father, Henry (Robert Joy). Back in the township, Harold Perrineau Boyd brings the news of Tian-Chen's (Elizabeth Moi) death to the townspeople and, eventually, Kenny. (Ricky Er), who returns to town with Jim (Eoin Bailey) and army of eating vegetables. At Colony House, Donna (Elizabeth Saunders) butchers the now-dead animals that of's monsters let loose, and Fatima's (Pegah Ghafoori) pregnancy symptoms worsen.
Granted ofs massive cast of characters, the second episode of the third outing covers a lot of ground and many threads. While of Season 3, Episode 1's reveals are action-packed and harrowing, "When We Go" takes a slightly slower, more expository approach. Although viewers may not get the concrete answers they want, it is clear that the show is beginning to really unravel its biggest mysteries. Victor's family, especially his mother, plays a crucial role - not only in uncovering the mysteries of the town, but in setting the future of Tabitha.. That said, Episode 2 is a promising step forward for of.
Tabitha tells Victor's father about the township
Victor's father is ready to hand Tabitha over to the cops until she mentions saving the children
While the first episode of the season delves into the importance of Wu ofTabitha's ending, episode 2 allows you to finally learn more about Victor's family. After discovering the address of Victor's childhood home in his lunchbox, Tabitha runs into Victor's father, Henry. When Henry recognizes the lunch box as his son, the premiere ends - and Tabitha, evidently, freaks out. In episode 2, Tabitha wakes up on Henry's couch; He levels a gun at her and prompts her to explain how she wound up with Victor's lunchbox. Tabitha decides to tell Henry the truth, no matter how it sounds.
In true recap fashion, Tabitha recounts how her family encountered the township's fallen, road-obstructing tree on a cross-country trip. She explains the inescapable nature of the township and even mentions of's monsters - nocturnal creatures that stalk the townspeople at night. Of course, Henry has a hard time believing Tabitha's story. To prove that she is telling the truth, Tabitha shows him articles online about her family's disappearance. While Henry is confused and intrigued, he says that the police are already en route to the house.
Victor's father then tells Tabitha that she needs to follow him to the basement.
When Tabitha mentions something about the lighthouse and "save the childrenVictor's father's interest fell. Henry puts away his gun, lets go of the police, and even makes Tabitha something to eat. He then brings Tabitha upstairs and shows her the room that once belonged to Victor and his twin sister, Elise. is like an untouched mausoleum, Henry shares that he reprimanded his children for not cleaning their room the last time he saw them alive. Victor's father then tells Tabitha that she needs to follow him to the basement.
Jim & Kenny find healthy crops near the cottages and statues
The pair bring food back to the city and learn about Tian-chen's death
in of In season 3's premiere, Jim (Eion Bailey) and Kenny go into the woods to try to find Tabitha. Although Boyd did not necessarily approve of their gout, he gave the two tips on what to look for, explaining that spiderwebs would mark the way to the lighthouse. While Jim and Kenny don't encounter any webs, they do find creepy statues made of rocks, brambles and sticks. The effigies line a path through the woods to a rundown series of cottages. Although Kenny is disturbed, he eventually agrees that they should spend the night in one of the cottages.
As the pair wait the night, Jim relents and agrees to go back to the township in the morning. Although he wants to find Tabitha, he is also aware that he cannot just abandon his children, Julie (Hannah Cherami) and Ethan (Simon Webster). As the sun rises, Jim and Kenny explore their surroundings and are shocked to find an abundance of healthy vegetables growing around the cottages. Overjoyed, they bring what they can to the town, which has a food shortage. sad, The excitement is cut short when Boyd shares the news of Tian-Chen's death.
Fatima eats the rotting vegetables
Marielle reveals that Fatima is incredibly malnourished
When Fatima learns she is pregnant a few episodes earlier of Season 2's ending, she is overwhelmed. At first, she doesn't want to share the news with anyone—not even Ellis. Eventually, she corners Donna in the greenhouse and reveals her pregnancy, but can't quite match Donna's level of excitement. Before landing in the township, Fatima learned that it was medically impossible for her to have biological children. The fact that she is suddenly pregnant has agitated her, as the township generally throws supernatural obstacles and difficulties on its residents. The impossible pregnancy Must Its bad news. Donna, however, disagrees with Fatima.
...of Season 3 hammers home that there is something deeply wrong with Fatima's pregnancy.
Donna needs some good news, suggesting that the impossible can also be joyful. Fatima has already beaten the odds by finding Alice (Corteon Moore), the love of her life, in the cursed township. Unfortunately, the horrifying of Season 3 hammers home that there is something deeply wrong with Fatima's pregnancy. Once again, Fatima has terrible bouts of morning sickness, but after she loses a tooth, Ellis insists they stop at the clinic. Marielle (Kaelen Ohm), a pediatric nurse, reveals that Fatima is severely malnourished And just need to focus on getting some nutrition in the face of the food shortage.
Once she returns to Colony House, Fatima lingers on the porch to chat with some other residents. One of them explains that they are looking through the rotten crops to make a compost pile. Given that Donna called the soil "poison,"It's hard to imagine the composted version of the rotten crops will give good results. However, what happens next is even more shocking. Once she is alone, Fatima grabs a bunch of the rotten vegetables and eats them almost rabidly - How she needs the redhead to feel better.
Kenny smashes the jukebox in the diner
Boyd's deputy has lost both of his parents to his creatures
The devastating emotional fallout from Kenny's loss continues throughout Episode 2. in of Season 1, Kenny lost his father, Bing-Kian (Simon Sean), when a troubled Sara (Avery Conrad) left the door to the clinic open one night. Bing-Qian has been living in the clinic because of his worsening dementia. Kenny insisted that the father stay somewhere, especially at night, where he could not lock any doors or windows and let the creatures in. As a result, Kenny takes the loss very hard, feeling somewhat responsible for Bing-qian's tragic fate. Of course, this makes Tian-chen's death even more sad.
... one of ofs mysterious domestic jukebox clicks on and plays an incredibly inappropriate song: Kool & The Gang's "Celebration."
Then again, Kenny isn't there to save his father from the monsters. When Boyd shares the news, Kenny shouts for his mother, believing that she will leave her house. When she doesn't, Kenny runs into the diner to have a moment alone. Initially, Christy (Chloe van Landschoot) follows Kenny, but he eventually asks her to leave and attend to his mother's body before the funeral. Once Kenny is alone, one of ofs mysterious domestic jukebox clicks on and plays an incredibly inappropriate song: Kool & The Gang's "Celebration." This prompts an angry Kenny to smash the jukebox to pieces.
Christy agrees to fix Tian-chen's appearance before the funeral
Jade and Sara help prepare Tian-chen's body for Kenny
Before leaving Kenny alone to grieve in the diner, Christy agrees to "Repair" Tian-chen's appearance before her funeral. Kenny admits he can't handle seeing his mother bleeding or in pain. When he thinks about his father, Keniz sees his body, which was torn by the creatures. Kenny can't deal with the recent image of his mother being similarly violent. Christy agrees to help and heads to the church, where Jade (David Alpay) is watching over Tian-Chen's body. A distraught Christy laments the fact that she is a doctor, not a mortician, so Jade offers to help.
in one of of Season 3, Episode 2's more quietly emotional moments, Christy and Jade wash the blood from Tian-chen's body in silence. During the scene, Sara walks into the room wearing a blue dress. After an outing, Sara is nervous but explains that when she worked at the diner, Tian-chen would have them try on the dresses in storage. The idea was that they would find outfits for the day they went home. touching, The trio of characters work hard to make Tian-chen look peaceful in death, reiterating how important she is to the township.
Julie reprimands Jim for being an absentee father (again)
Sara & Julie briefly connected about what the city can do to people's minds
In episode 2, Julie Matthews is still recovering from the fallout from of Season 2's haunting nursery rhyme and music box, which owns her and two other townspeople. Near death, Julie is saved when Boyd finds and destroys the music box once and for all. In the Season 3 premiere, Jim makes a comment about Julie not being able to discuss what happened to her while the music box has her in its thrall. As Ethan tries to find his mom, Jim decides to search for Tabitha instead of staying with his traumatized children.
While Jim is away, Julie and Ethan are targeted by the monsters and forced to flee their home. Funnily enough, Sara and Randall (AJ Simmons) come to the aid of the Matthews siblings. Fed up with her father's insistence on striking out on his own, Julie calls out Jim for not being a very present parent. In the wake of Thomas' tragic death, the emotionally distraught Jim and Tabitha left Julie to father Ethan. Now that Tabitha is missing, Julie can't handle stepping into the role again. Instead, Jim needs to step up.
After reprimanding her father for his past and present missteps, Julie winds up thanking Sara for her help. In season 1, Sara was told by some supernatural voices to kill Ethan so that everyone else could go home. Obviously, the Matthews family (and the rest of the township) have been avoiding her ever since. While Julie shows Sara some kindness, she also reveals her deepest fears. After the experience with the music box, Julie is afraid of what the township might do to her mind - and she doesn't want to become another Sara.
Kenny goes to the tunnels to kill the monsters
Boyd speaks of Kenny and shares Tian-Chen's last words
Boyd eventually heads to the Town's bar, where he finds Kenny filling massive jugs with alcohol. The former deputy has no plans to drink Jade's new distilled alcohol. instead, Kenny plans to use it as fuel to burn as many monsters as he can. Eager to seek revenge for his mother's death, Kenny can't really be reasoned with. Boyd seems to recognize this and agrees to help Kenny take the fight to the monsters. Together, the two men truck a bunch of fuel up to the tunnels - where the monsters sleep during the day.
Once the pair arrive at the tunnels, Kenny loses his nerve a little. Boyd points out that going through the fire is probably a suicide mission, though he seems willing to stick by Kenny's side no matter what. When Kenny laments the fact that his mother died alone and scared, Boyd finally speaks up. The self-appointed sheriff reveals that the ghosts made him guard while they tortured and killed Tian-chen.who was incredibly brave. Boyd also shares Tian-chen's final words, which are all about Boyd looking after Kenny. Heartbroken, Kenny hugs Boyd and cries.
Boyd plans to capture one of the monsters
After Tian-chen's funeral, Boyd enlists Alice's help
After Kenny has his emotional breakdown in the woods, Boyd suggests they abandon the revenge plan and go back to Town. Once they arrive, Kenny visits his mother, who looks peaceful in the wake of Christy and Jade's efforts. Kenny spends a moment alone with Tian-chen before the entire township gathers for her funeral. There is no denying that Tian-Chen, who ran the household and made critical decisions alongside Boyd and Dana, was an important figure in the Town. As Ethan says, Tian-Chen always made everyone feel safe and welcome.
When the funeral ends, Ellis walks his father out. Seeing just how distracted Boyd is, Ellis assures him that what happened to Tian-Chen is not his fault - that Boyd is shouldering too much responsibility. However, Boyd wasn't really listening to his son. Lost in thought, Boyd exclaims that they can't keep living like they are with the monsters picking them off. Boyd decides that the best course of action is to capture one of the creatures - alive this time, presumably - and enlists Ellis' help.
Tabitha learns that Victor's mother has visions and artwork of the city
Victor's mother was "chosen" to save the children and painted many of Victor's locations and characters.
Although Victor's father is not in ofS Town, he knows a surprising amount about the strange place. At the end of the episode, Henry brings Tabitha down to the basement, which is full of his late wife's artwork. Henry explains that he and Miranda had a last drug trip together, shortly before his family disappeared, and that it prompted her to have strange visions of ofs city. Like Victor, Miranda painted or drew everything she saw in her prophetic visions. Tabitha is horrified to discover paintings of ofS Boy in White and other familiar touchstones.
Henry explains that Miranda felt it was her duty to save the children who were locked in a tower. It's the same story Victor told Tabitha—and the same reason Miranda left Victor in the root cellar the night she died. Henry believes that if Tabitha has the same visions as his late wife, she must be tasked with the same destiny. While the big reveal doesn't necessarily solve any of the show's mysteries, Miranda's artwork may just hold some critical information.
Jim receives a phone call at the end of Season 3, Episode 2
Thomas is on the phone when Jim answers
In the closing seconds of the episode, Jim receives a phone call. This isn't the first time the phone in the Liu family's kitchen has rung, but the last time it did was in a music box-induced dream Kenny had in season 2. The voice on the line repeated the haunting children - Room Graham and Kenny were burned by a dream locust. Although of Season 3, Episode 3 will confirm things, It seems like Jim's interaction with the phone is really happening. In some ways, it even echoes his creepy radio tower moment from season 1.
When the phone rings, Jim hesitates before walking across the room to pick up the receiver. The voice on the other end of the line sounds like a young boy. To make matters worse, The voice calls himdad,"Suggested that Thomas, Jim and Tabitha's late son, calls. The supernatural forces at work in the township have certainly haunted the residents with their past traumas and losses before, but realizing Thomas, who died when he was just over a year old, would be another level of unhinged even for a C.I. -Fi horror show like of.
New episodes of MGM+ of Season 3 premieres on Sundays through November 24, 2024.