Venom's most powerful boss officially debuts, as Marvel's Superman finally meets his match

Venom's most powerful boss officially debuts, as Marvel's Superman finally meets his match

Marvel has officially debuted the most powerful Poison Host in his entire canon, as a battle between Hyperion and Nighthawk (Marvel's Batman and Superman standins) reaches terrifying new heights. Recently, Marvel's 'Venomverse' was reborn - a multiversal web connecting every version of Venom across every reality. Marvel's Venomverse Reborn series offers fans a guided tour of the most significant worlds of the Venomverse, while also answering some major questions about the symbiote's expanded lore.

In a preview of Venomverse Reborn #4The question under debate is the identity of the multiverse's most powerful poison. So far, the series has seen everyone from Spider-Man and Wolverine to She-Hulk, the Evil Six and prehistoric Venom Rex showcase their symbiote potential. However It's a battle between Marvel's Superman and Batman that seeks to answer the question of which Venom has the most raw power.

The Venom on the cover of the issue - seemingly flying with a billowing cloak - may suggest to fans that Venom's new boss is Hyperion. However, the summary of the issue (below) seems to confirm It is actually Nighthawk who is the strongest VenomHaving conducted experiments on his body to match his all-powerful rival. This issue will also tell the story of a Wakandan queen who was allied with the symbiote, exploring her history for a different definition of power - that of nations and armies.

Nothing but poison! The journey across the VENOMVERSE reaches uncharted territory in the wide, weird and strange Marvel Universe(s)! SPIDER-WRITER DAN SLOTT TEAMS UP WITH STEPHEN BYRNE TO TEAM NIGHTHAWK WITH VENOM! JUSTINA IRELAND and KEN LASHLEY travel to the ancient past and never-before-seen present of a Wakanda forged not of vibranium - but of symbiote! AND AL EWING AND DANILO S. BEYRUTH SET THE STAGE FOR WHAT'S TO COME FOR THE FUTURE OF THE VENOMVERSE!

Derrick Chew's variant cover gets Marvel fans as close to a Venomized Batman as they're ever likely to get.

Venomverse Reborn #4

venomverse reborn 4 cover

  • Writers: Al Ewing, Ryan North, Justina Ireland, Dan Slott

  • Artists: Danilo S. Beyruth, Matthew Waite, Ken Lashley, Stephen Byrne

  • Colorist: Ceci De La Cruz, Matthew Waite, Romulo Fjardo Jr., Stephen Byrne

  • Writer: Travis Lanham

  • Cover artist: Tony Daniel & Marcelo Maiolo


Nighthawk becomes Marvel's most powerful venom

Marvel's Batman becomes the multiverse's strongest symbiote to beat Hyperion

Nighthawk and Venom

Start with a Batman v Superman In the fight between Nighthawk and Hyperion, the issue teases that vigilante Nighthawk (aka Kyle Richmond) has radically changed his biology to stand up to his eternal rival. Derrick Chew's variant cover for the issue depicts what appears to be Nighthawk's venom form perched on a gargoyle in the rain, evoking Nighthawk's Batman-like status, although the issue's other covers show the character in more Superman-like poses , flying through the air with fists pounding.

Give universe Marvel's Batman as a boss

Earlier in Venomverse RebornFans revisited the Venom of Venom: The End (By Adam Warren and Chamba.) This version of Venom is tied into every biological life in the history of the world, and can access and combine essentially every superpower. It will therefore take a Huge Evolution by Nighthawk to qualify as Marvel's most powerful VenomWith his new powers is likely just the beginning of his rise to power. However, if Nighthawk is now Hyperion's equal, he has already taken one Huge Step to divine power.

Hyperion took down Galactus in his time, so if Nighthawk is now his equal, that's a huge power upgrade that goes beyond just uniting with Venom.


Matching Hyperion is an unbelievable feat

At his strongest, Hyperion crushed Galactus without breaking a sweat

There have been many different versions of Hyperion in Marvel lore, with some being heroes (Thor considers the heroic Hyperion who joined the Avengers his brother) and others being villains (a deadly Hyperion was Earth's most powerful hero in the alternate reality of these Heroes reborn event.) Hyperion was introduced to Marvel as a clear reference to SupermanAllowing Marvel to have the Avengers fight the 'Distinguished Competition' without breaking any trademark laws.

Hyperion generally leads a version of the Squadron Supreme, with a roster of heroes that mimic other DC heroes, including Power Princess (Wonder Woman), The Blair (The Flash), Doctor Spectrum (Green Lantern), and Nighthawk (Batman. ) possesses basically the same power-set as DC's Man of Steel and similar weaknesses (for example, Hyperion's powers are sapped by Argonite in a game on DC's Kryptonite), but when he's a villain, he's often much more willing to unleash his powers in deadly ways.


Hyperion has accomplished many major feats in Marvel lore, but the most recent include defeating the Avengers single-handedly, beating Juggernaut in a one-on-one fist fight, burning the Hulk to death with his heat vision, and flying through Galactus' head. At a speed fast enough to kill the cosmic being.

If Nighthawk has given himself the power to match Hyperion by becoming Venom's latest boss, Marvel's Superman is facing one of the most powerful superhumans to ever exist. However, it's still possible Nighthawk could use his powers for good—after all, Like Batman, he is characterized by superhuman willpower and the desire to protect the innocent. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for all denizens of the Venomverse.

The Nighthawk Venom already has the perfect nemesis in a terrifying new symbiote that stole Eddie Brock's powers.


Marvel's New Venom is the most powerful, but he's not the most dangerous

A terrifying child poison is even deadlier (with less power)

As the series' narrator Venom reminds fans in the preview, the defense of Marvel's most powerful Venom comes on the heels of the previous issue identifying the most Dangerous Poison. That honor went to a young cancer patient who used Eddie Brock's visit to his hospital room to convince the Venom symbiote to abandon its current host, promising to use it to its fullest potential and become an A-list, world-conquering villain. .


In this context, Nighthawk's new powers won't necessarily mean there's no one who can stand against him, even though It puts him at the top of the power ladder for any Venom currently in existence. While Venomverse Reborn Been pure fun so far, Marvel's Poison Learning is increasingly connected in the multiverse, with each of the new Venoms having a cosmic connection to the original, Eddie Brock. It is likely that fans will see Nighthawk Poison Again very soon, potentially as part of an army of symbiotes that so far looks all but unbeatable.

Venomverse Reborn #4 Coming from Marvel September 11th.