Venomous black cat is shockingly recreated in high-end cosplay

Venomous black cat is shockingly recreated in high-end cosplay

Black Cat and Venom are some of the most well-known Marvel villains turned antiheroes in comic book history, with their distinctive black and white costumes and delightfully infectious personalities. This stunning cosplay ingeniously combines these two iconic characters to create a venomous Black Cat look that takes Black Cat's character design to the next level.

@Aurianamarie_photo shared a photoshoot with the cosplay artist @graciethecosplaylass on Instagram of a poisonous black cat that not only recreates one of Black Cat's best cape looks, but also elevates her design in an innovative way by incorporating the toothier aspects of the Venom symbiote. The cosplay features an incredibly detailed symbiote version of the Black Cat costume and the classic Black Cat costume skin is cleverly emulated with venom teeth.

Grace McClung's cosplay brings to life the best parts of several of Venom Black Cat's variant covers, while also adding a twist to the look that shows it's a combination that belongs in the comics.

Venomized black cat cosplay combines the brilliance of both characters, highlighting what makes them so memorable

Cosplay by @graciethecosplaylass perfects the Symbiote-Black Cat look

Felicia Hardy is a highly skilled thief with an unwavering edge, a quality that perfectly matches Venom's gritty intensity. The two fit together so well that their combined likeness has appeared on several comic book variant covers, such as The Amazing Spider-Man #32 and black cat #2 (2019). Grace McClung's cosplay features another version of Symbiote-Black Cat that combines each character's most prominent aspects, such as Black Cat's fur and Venom's symbiote teeth.

McClung's cosplay plays with Black Cat and Venom's cohesive black and white color scheme and their distinct spunk in a way that balances each character but keeps them instantly recognizable. The cosplay depicts the liquid nature of venom while maintaining the elegant style of Black Cat's aesthetic and style. the amusing bank robbery scenes depicted in the Instagram post align incredibly well with the moral ambiguity of both characters. Despite their shared appearances on comic book covers, Venom and Black Cat have not yet appeared together in the main story to any greater extent, however, McClung's cosplay highlights that this combination is plausible and quite attractive.

Cosplay shows how a poisonous black cat would fit perfectly into the current Marvel universe

Black Cat and Venom are an unexpected but welcome partnership

Venom Annual #1 (2018) Black Cat and Venom

With the events of the Poison WarCharacters like Black Widow and Wolverine have emerged as symbiotes, so a team-up between Black Cat and Venom isn't far off. Black Cat and Venom even fought occasionally and in Venom Annual #1 (2018) by Donny Cates and Jeff Loveness, Venom almost gets the better of her, but decides to spare her because she risked her own life to save people. Gracie McClung's stunning Venomous Black Cat is a top-notch cosplay that sets a new standard for creativity and is a wonderful recreation of two beloved Marvel characters..

Source: @Aurianamarie_photo and @graciethecosplaylass on Instagram

Black Cat is a spin-off film from Sony Pictures' Spider-Man. Originally, the film was supposed to feature Black Cat and Silver Sable, but that plan was scrapped in favor of two separate solo films. While there have been MCU crossovers with Sony characters like Venom and Morbius, Black Cat will be set in Sony's Universe of Marvel Characters outside of the MCU.