Dragon Age: The Veil Guard allows players to make several important choices throughout their journey, which can lead to a variety of outcomes when they reach the story's conclusion. At the time of writing, the exact count of how many endings there are is unknownbut there is at least a definitive “good” ending and a “bad” ending, where choices can cause differences even within these results and lead to several variations. How is the nature of Dragon Age series, the characters are literally putting their lives on the line and emotions can, and will, run high.
Warning: This article includes major spoilers for the story and ending of Dragon Age: The Veilguard.The story of Dragon Age: The Veil Guard picks up Solas' storyline, which was shown at the end of Inquisition being the elven god of betrayal, Fen'Harel. Although he is trapped in the Fade prison he created for Ghilan'nain and Elgar'nan for most of the game, Solas inevitably becomes a crucial figure once again in the end. This god of betrayal is complicated, but it remains to be seen whether he can choose to do the right thing in the end.
What happens after the point of no return
Various missions complete the adventure
During the main campaign of Dragon Age: The Veil Guardplayers will eventually reach a quest titled “When Plans Align,” which will display a warning when started. This warning lets players know that if they continue with the quest, all side quests, supplementary story arcs, and exploration of secrets will be locked and the final storyline will begin. There's still plenty of content after this pointbut it's a much more focused and linear progression of just the main story.
Once the point of no return is passed, the player character, Rook, will have some crucial decisions to make. First, Rook will need to decide whether to send Harding or Davrin to lead the distraction group on the island where Ghilan'nain and Elgar'nan are. The group will serve to keep Ghilan'nain focused so that Lucanis can use the dagger to kill her. This choice unfortunately means the death of either Harding or Davrin, as they will end up sacrificing themselves during the fight against Ghilan'nain.
After Rook and his team arrive at the island, they are faced with a situation where the path forward is blocked, but Neve and Bellara are offering to dismantle the wards to clear the way. Whoever is chosen successfully clears the path, but is taken away by Elgar'nan and will not be available for the rest of the game. They appear again later in the story and will play a key role in Elgar'nan's defeat, but their future from then on will be bleak as they will be heavily destroyed.
How faction strength and companion level influence completion
Side quests and supplementary arcs are worth it
There are several major factions that Rook can build reputation with throughout the game, and the ultimate strength of these alliances once the final battles begin can have life-or-death consequences. At the Point of No Return, a screen will appear showing players a basic overview of their companions' and factions' strengths to give an idea of how well prepared they might be to move forward with the story. Ideally, players will want their faction strength to reach Rank 3 for each of the six groups, which means doing side quests in each area and upgrading the Faction's vendors.
Companion story arcs are also a strong determining factor in final missions, as completing each companion's main personal objectives will give them the distinction of being a "Hero of the Guard of the Veil". Having this marker next to their name gives them a much better chance of successfully completing their assigned tasks at the end and can help determine whether they will live through the experience, with some exceptions.
When planning the final battle, there are several situations that could be different based on what has happened so far.
If players have completed Emmrich's story arc, there will be a Juggernaut Construct. Otherwise, there will be a Skeletal Construct controlled by Emmrich's school friend.
Completing the Direwolf's Lament side quest to earn Mythal Essence can grant a new rune for the final battle against Elgar'nan.
The choices of which companion to send in the previous parts will limit who can help with the three decisions of the mission The Last Gambit.
Choices about who is sent to help the Veil Jumpers, who helps the Crows and Lords of Fortune, and who helps the Gray Wardens and Mourn Watch can have positive or negative results based on who is sent, what the companion's level is, and o faction strength for each choice.
Solas' betrayal has no limits
Varric's death, Fade's arrest, and continued disappointments
The story continues after Harding or Davrin's death, and Lucanis finally manages to stab Ghilan'nain with the dagger and kill her. With the dagger still embedded in the god's torso, a huge tear in the veil opens and Rook reaches for the dagger in an effort to seal it again.
A controversial character even before The Veil GuardSolas has a deep history in Dragon Age tradition, and it's been proven that he holds the title of god of betrayal for a reason. As Rook takes the dagger, Solas takes the opportunity to switch places with Rooklocking Rook in the prison built for the gods so Solas can re-enter the world.
Solas tricked Rook into believing that Varric was alive throughout the game, when in reality Varric was killed in the initial confrontation.
In this dark and sad environment, Rook faces all the regrets, accusations, depression and losses he has faced. Varric's voice is there to guide Rook as he they come to understand that the prison locks are maintained by feeding on the repentance of their captives. Rook faces the weight of his decisions and comes to understand much more about what happened, including another deception Solas used to influence them. Solas tricked Rook into believing that Varric was alive throughout the game, when in reality Varric was killed in the initial confrontation.
After escaping from prison, Rook again confronts Solas, who, once again, explains his actions and shows remorse. He gives the dagger to Rook, promising that the Veil will not be destroyed by him.. This was later proven to be another form of deception, as Solas learned that once Elgar'nan falls, the veil will be torn apart anyway.
The best ending for Dragon Age: The Veilguard
And what choices can lead to different deaths within it
A massive final battle takes place against Elgar'nan, during which Solas is tasked with defeating the archdemon and turning Elgar'nan mortal. While Rook is fighting Elgar'nan, they can see that Solas appears to be losing the battle. At this point, Neve or Bellara (depending on who was kidnapped by Elgar'nan) will use their terminal connection to the plague to influence the fight and allow Solas to succeed.
After the battle concluded and Elgar'nan fell, the veil was opened because of his connection to Elgar'nan. In the good ending, Rook can use Mythal's essence and, with the help of Morrigan and the Inquisitor, convince Solas to sacrifice himself and tie himself to the veil to close it. Mythal's words can convince the overwhelmed Solas to do the right thing, and the Inquisitor, who is in love with Solas, offers to go with him so he won't be alone forever.
The two willingly walk into the veil and the world is saved.
Alternatively, Rook may choose to trick Solas by using a replica of the dagger.that he will later respect Rook for being smarter than him and accepting his fate.
The worst ending of Dragon Age: The Veilguard
Carnage and Destruction
At worst, players will not have leveled up any factions or companion forces and will be forced to witness their allies falling around them during the final battles that will occur. All combat scenes will be substantially more difficult.
After Elgar'nan meets his end, Rook may choose to fight Solas rather than talk to him or deceive him.. This fight is not something players can really control and will be a cutscene based on current statistics regarding reputations and alliances. If the companions are not strong enough or alive enough, then the battle will likely be lost, and Solas will kill the remaining companions and the game will end with Rook and Solas tied to the veil together. The world is still finally saved, but at a high cost, and Rook and his group in Dragon Age: The Veil Guard They will be left as nothing more than a memory, like fallen heroes.