There are Autobots, Decepticoncs and then there is Unicron: the planet-sized Transformer who can transform into a planet to devour others, and made his debut in 1986 The Transformers: The Movie. And after a brief delay, Unicron has officially returned to Transformers traditionand his presence gives the Energon Universe its greatest danger yet.
In Void Rivals #12Written by Robert Kirkman and illustrated by Lorenzo Di Felici, series protagonists Darak and Solia split up to pursue separate journeys. During their goodbyes, they press the Energon Doors together. As this happens, the scene cuts to the Sacred Ring, revealing a spiky planet with green eyes surrounded by darkness.
As he appears to slowly awaken within the Sacred Ring, Darak and Solia's retreat drains his energy. This little tease not only hints at the threats the Energon Universe will see in the future, but also raises questions about the nature of the Sacred Ring.
Unicron remains the biggest threat to the Transformers
Unicron's presence prepares the Energon Universe for a truly cataclysmic threat in the future. Through various interpretations of Transformers, Unicron himself served as the series' final villainsurpassing Megatron himself in terms of scope and danger. On several occasions, the Autobots and Decepticons are forced to work together to stop Unicron, cementing his status as the Transformers' greatest threat. When Unicron breaks free of the Sacred Ring, his presence will undoubtedly force the heroes and villains of the Energon Universe to work together if they are to survive.
Unicron connects Agorrians and Zertonians to Cybertronians
Unicron's presence within the Sacred Ring also raises other questions not only about the nature of the Cybertronians in the Energon Universe, but also about the history of the Agorrians and Zertonians. The conflict between the groups is perpetuated to prevent a being known as Goliant from awakening. As Goliant could be Unicron, evidenced by the similarities between them, this connection raises more questions about how these two factions are connected to the Cybertronians..
Unicron's introduction heralds a dark struggle not only for Darak and Solia, but also for every character in the Energon Universe. Whatever your ultimate role within Void RivalsWhat remains abundantly clear is that their presence indicates a greater threat looming deep within the entire Energon Universe. When Unicron awakens, it will certainly be his darkest hour.
Void Rivals #12 is now available from Image Comics.