DC Ultimate Superman is here as the publisher redefines the lore (and powers) of its greatest hero for a whole new era. The New Ultimate DC Universe is a dark new continuity in which unfamiliar versions of Batman, Wonder Woman and Superman fight for truth and justice against an entire reality created in Darkseid's image. These are versions of iconic DC heroes, stripped of all the advantages they ever had.facing the wave of evil with no room for hesitation.
Fans can see exactly what that means in a new preview Ultimate Superman #1shared AIPT. The non-letter preview pages show DC's new hardcore Man of Steel battling an army of Peacekeepers. The Ultimate Superman dodges bullets, delivers devastating blows and bursting with an apocalyptic version of heat vision that Nothing like the exact attack of the original Superman.
DC's new Ultimate Universe offers fans new takes on their favorite heroes, each rising alone without their usual allies and tools. In Superman's case, this appears to include much less advanced abilities, as his heat vision pours out of him in a stream of fire. Enjoy variant covers for the issue by Clayton Crane, Jim Lee, Matteo Scalera, and Wes Craig below. Ultimate Superman #1 coming from Jason Aaron and Rafa Sandoval, November 6, 2024
This Superman never enjoyed the love and guidance of the Kents...
Superman faces the Peacekeepers in his first fight
The sparkling powers of a new hero turn the dial to 11.
The new Ultimate Superman recently debuted in DC All In Specialwhich features the Man of Steel on one page. The image officially reveals the hero's new costume, with fire detailing on the sleeves and boots, and appears to show him falling to Earth as an adult, i.e. this Superman never enjoyed the love and guidance of the Kents. Fans recently read the book by Scott Snyder and Nick Dragotta. Ultimate Batman #1which showed DC going to great lengths to differentiate the new Ultimate heroes from their originals, with major changes to the origins, designs, and story.
If Superman is new to Earth, it makes sense that he hasn't mastered his powers yet. This will likely result in Superman being much less inhibited - the core Clark Kent has been using and honing his powers since childhood, allowing him to make careful use of abilities such as strength and heat vision. In contrast, Ultimate Superman appears to have less experience in controlling his powers, and is all the more dangerous because of it..
Although he emerged in 1966 as a real-life superhero, DC's Peacemaker has taken on the satirical role of anti-hero in the last few years, essentially acting as a macho enforcer for the powers that be. Indeed, recent Absolute power During this event, Peacemaker became one of Amanda Waller's main puppets as she attempts to seize control of first the world and then the Multiverse. It makes sense that in this grim new world, dozens of people fill the Peacemaker role, leading to an army of Peacekeepers descending on the new Superman.
DC is already setting the stage for making the Ultimate Superman more powerful than the original.
Darkseid's Ultimate Universe Puts Superman at a Disadvantage
DC's new reality will test its heroes like never before
The Ultimate DC Universe was created by Joshua Williamson, Scott Snyder, Dan Mora, Daniel Sampere and Wes Craig. DC All In Special #1. In this title, Darkseid was finally killed by a magic-enhanced Superman, freeing him from his cosmic role as a dark force that prevents life itself from spinning out of control. With his newfound freedom, Darkseid took over the changing reality known as the Otherworld as his own, turning it into the Ultimate Universe. This is a world where evil is the norm and acts of kindness, kindness and hope, according to Darkseid, “a little chaos, not the system itself.”
Darkseid's plan is to crush the last vestiges of hope and heroism in this new reality, then use it as a springboard to destroy DC's main reality by commanding an army of corrupted superhumans. For now, the only things standing between Darkseid and his terrifying target are the Ultimate Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman. However, these heroes begin their lives at a disadvantage: Darkseid states that his Ultimate Universe is one in which “Heroes are born with great difficulties. Instead of being raised in heaven, they are raised in hell." Unfortunately for Superman, the first casualty of this process is his loving adoptive parents.
However, Darkseid's plan could still backfire. DC's ultimate heroes will be tested more severely than the originals and pushed to more destructive extremes, with the warning that any last vestige of hope will have to be destroyed. “Burn brighter than ever before in order to survive at all.” With this statement presented over an image of the new Superman landing on Earth, many fans took the quote as a silent promise that this new Superman would be even more powerful than the original.
Even more than the evil Superman from Injustice, the Ultimate Superman is unique in the DC multiverse, breaking the rules that every other Man of Steel obeys.
This may be DC's most unique Superman
Darkseid reverses the Man of Steel's cosmic goal
The new Ultimate Superman may be powerful, but his arrival raises huge questions among die-hard DC fans. Comic books have long established that superheroes act as the immune system of the DC Multiverse, confronting and defeating any threat to the well-being of the cosmos. Moreover, as readers saw in Final crisis - Superman is the original multiverse project from which all heroes originate. (a piece of lore that honors his real-life status as the first true "superhero").
DC All In Special went even further: Darkseid realized that Superman embodies the cosmic force of life and hope that keeps the multiverse growing. Darkseid discovered that he must be Superman's opposite - a vital part of the cosmos that limits the infinite potential of the Multiverse. However, Darkseid's death freed him from this dynamic, allowing him to create a world in which his cosmic connection to Superman was severed.
To sum it up, The Ultimate Superman is unlike any other Superman in the entire multiverse.. Instead of being part of the Multiverse's immune system, this Superman is a pest in Darkseid's reality—an outsider fundamentally opposed to the natural order of things. While fans have seen evil Supermen, they've never seen one who exists outside of the hero's larger cosmic purpose—a rebel whose goal is to change the fundamental nature of his reality rather than act as a guardian of the universe. status quo.
New Ultimate Superman is a powerful hero whose incredible abilities may still not be enough to fight against an entire universe built on Darkseid's evil, but as this preview confirms, that doesn't mean he won't try.
Ultimate Superman #1 will be released from DC Comics on November 6, 2024.
Source: David Brook AIPT