Two Identical Rom-Coms Released 6 Months Apart 14 Years Ago, But One Was Much Better Than the Other

Two Identical Rom-Coms Released 6 Months Apart 14 Years Ago, But One Was Much Better Than the Other

Romantic comedies regularly share common tropes and themes and the same actors in different roles, but the two romantic comedies, a.k.a. twin films, replicate the same plot. Launched in 2011, No conditionsstarring Natalie Portman and Ashton Kutcher, hit theaters in January, and Friends with benefitsstarring Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis, was released six months later No conditions in July. Although these two romantic comedies share an identical plot, portraying the conventional friends-to-lovers trope, both films also include differences to set themselves apart in a distinct way, but one film stood out more than the other.

No conditions and Friends with benefits explore two different friendships as both pairs agree to a casual physical relationship, omitting any emotional ties or serious commitments. These two romantic comedies mirror each other perfectly, portraying the same story about the complexities of navigating a non-committed relationship, but the only minor differences are the characters, the setting, and the character dynamics. The ongoing debate about which rom-com fared best substantially speaks for itself with opposing Rotten Tomatoes scores, box office numbers, and varying reviews. Friends with benefits meets the expectations of a well-constructed film, as No conditions does not satisfy viewers.

Friends with benefits were better received than friends with no strings attached

Friends With Benefits has a higher score on Rotten Tomatoes

Friends with benefits perfectly captured the tone and mood of a raunchy romantic comedy, gaining better reception than No conditions. Both films' box office numbers worldwide almost grossed similar amounts, but Friends with benefits it was considered a more preferable watch. No conditions premiered on January 21, 2011, grossing $149.2 million and a 47% score on Rotten Tomatoes. Friends with benefits it surpassed its debut on July 22, 2011, grossing US$149.5 million, obtaining a score of 69%. Both romantic comedies are yet another addition to the twin film category, which includes other identical films with the same shared concept.

Two films coexisting in the same year sharing related narratives is a common trend, as other films have suffered the same fate, including the 2007 film Knocked Out and Junohighlighting unexpected pregnancies, 2024 The first omen and Immaculatereligious horror films and 2006 The prestige and The Illusionist It revolved around magic, love and tragedy. Friends with benefits received mixed reviews but was considered more fun to watchpraising Timberlake and Kunis' comedic performances. No conditions had its potential, but was criticized for its hasty and tacky writing, indifferent to Friends with benefitswhich stood out even more and met rom-com standards.

What Friends With Benefits Did Better Than No Strings Attached

Friends With Benefits is a superior romantic comedy

Friends with benefits effortlessly replaced the characters Adam (Ashton Kutcher) and Emma (Natalie Portman) from the film directed by Ivan Reitman No conditions with more charismatic and fun protagonists, providing great comic timing for a fun romantic comedy. No conditions failed to impress viewers due to a lack of character development, humor, and a predictable romantic plot that fell flat. Friends with benefits is also predominantly set in New York, an ideal location for a romantic comedy, including iconic landmarks, Big Apple aesthetics and flash mobs, which were relevant in 2011 and a fun addition to the film, later used as a romantic gesture by Dylan (Justin Timberlake).

The chemistry between Timberlake and Kunis was much more organic.

Friends with benefits is a complete romantic comedy, in contrast to No conditions, which underperformed. Friends with benefits is the superior film due to the funnier material, stronger character dynamics, and believable chemistry between the two leads. Although the stories are identical, Friends with benefits has more involved stories that revolve around Dylan and Jamie (Mila Kunis) developing a friendship for the first time after both going through bad breakups, while also exploring the emotional and realistic complications of uncommitted physical relationships. The chemistry between Timberlake and Kunis was much more organic and created a natural connection between their characters, which makes the film more watchable.