Two blue vortexes show that Naruto didn't make the shinobi a better place after all

Two blue vortexes show that Naruto didn't make the shinobi a better place after all

After the Fourth Great Ninja War, Naruto Uzumaki promised to create a better world for Konoha and everyone in the world. While his desires and actions may have helped his and other villages live in peace, Chapter 14 of the Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Manga may indicate that Naruto's work is not enough.

The appearance of the infamous village elders, Homura and Koharu, implies that the government of the Hidden Leaf remains as flawed and cruel as ever. The two cruel characters still hold their vast power, ruling with an iron fist, even daring to threaten the Hokage himself. This fact makes fans wonder how far Naruto's wish to reform Konoha really goes, and if the Seventh Hokage's struggles and sacrifices really have a long-lasting impact or not.

The Council of Elders still rules Konoha ruthlessly despite Naruto becoming Hokage

Homura and Koharu are as cruel as they were in the original series

In chapter 14 of the Boruto: Two Blue Vortex manga series, Konohamaru interrogates the protagonist after being captured by Konoha's forces. While this occurs, Homura and Kohaku interrupt the questioning several times to assert their authority over Naruto's son, whom they consider a disrespectful traitor who killed his father. Despite Konohamaru and Shikamaru's insistence on giving Boruto dignified treatment, The parents continued to be hostileNever fear the consequences of their actions. Their actions are more questionable, reminding fans of their underhanded and often cruel nature during the original series.

Homura, who was several times more aggressive than his fellow council member, went as far as to Assure Boruto that he would not leave the room alive. "What we of Konoha must do does not change. Any hostile elements will be eliminated by any means necessary."Those were the exact words Homura used to threaten Naruto's son, revealing his cruel and cold-hearted nature remains unchanged. Later in the chapter, once Mitsuku unexpectedly helps his former team member escape, the elders scold Shikamaru for not executing Boruto. .

Homura Koharu Naruto

Their power seems to go beyond the HokageAlthough they are not officially the leaders of the hidden page. In the past, Homura and Koharu justified their horrible behavior by claiming that they only had Konoha's best interest in mind. However, their hostility and desire to see Boruto dead at their feet tells a different story. The elders are still as manipulative and power-hungry as they were during Tsunade's reign. Their non-existent change in behavior implies that they have never been punished for their actions.

Konoha is repeating the mistakes of the past by leaving power to the elders

Naruto's tenure as Hokage should have changed the village

Tsunade talked to the elders during her time as Hokage in the original series.

For many decades, Koharu and Homura have acted as members of the Hidden Leaf's Council, since their former teammate Hiruzen, the third and most controversial Hokage, established them as such. Although it was likely that Sarutobi trusted that his comrades would help him build a better future, it quickly became clear that they were not what Konoha needed. In almost all cases in which they have appeared, the elders go against the Hokage, sometimes even working behind their backs to ensure their wishes will be enacted.

"Regardless of what you say or don't do, know that there is no chance of you leaving this place alive."

- Homura Mitokado

During her time as the fifth leader of the Hidden Leaf, Tsunade tried to get Homura and Koharu removed from their positionsSeeing them as a great danger to the village. However, decades later, Boruto: Two Blue Vortex Makes it clear that no further attempts to appoint new council members are being made. Naruto was aware of the danger these two men who held power represented, as he had been a victim of their ruthless behavior more than once. The elders, who still hold as much, if not more, power than before, looms large The seventh becomes complacent about their existence.

As long as Homura and Koharu remain in power, Konoha will never truly enter a new era of peace and progress. Their ways are outdated, rooted in their fear of the hidden page being attacked by a powerful enemy like when they were young. As long as they are allowed to stay in power, there will be no real change in Konoha. As a youth, Naruto fought to change Konoha and the shinobi world for the better. However, his inaction against the unhappy elders strongly implies that his conviction may not be as firm as he once believed.


Koharu and Homura could be the escapees from the hidden page

Their refusal to cooperate with Boruto could leave the village defenseless

The elders and Danzo standing side by side in one of Naruto's scenes, implying that they are allies.

Even after being questioned and physically harmed by Konoha's forces, Boruto was willing to share with them his knowledge of Jura and the Sentient God Trees. Although most members of the Hidden Leaf's government agreed that this intel could be a game changer once the inevitable battle against the series' main villain begins. Homura and Koharu did not share this sentiment, instead lamenting the missed opportunity to kill Boruto. They seem to be more interested in destroying Boruto than in the ominous and powerful villain that looms over the horizon.

The attitude of the elders suggests that they seek to appear strong, most likely fearing that other villages will see them as an easy target if they do not avenge their fallen leader. Their desperation and ruthless approach could be the hidden page's downfall. Since Homura and Koharu seem to have power even over the Hokage himselfThe village probably won't take Boruto's warning seriously. The elders can press their forces to launch a manslaughter against Kashin Koji's student, leaving their terrain open for an attack.

They may also purposefully ignore Boruto's warning, in an attempt to prove that they don't need a traitor's help. Both paths would leave Konoha defenseless against the power of the Sentient God Trees, who were still growing their numbers. Something similar has already happened in the past, with the council members going against Tsunade. Favoring the fearsome leader of Root, Danzo. Doing this caused Konoha to lose a leader and appear even weaker in front of its rivals. Koharu and Homura should not be the ones to lead the village during this imminent confrontation.

Undoubtedly, Sarutobi's first teammates are among the most unpleasant and arrogant characters in Boruto: Two Blue Vortex. The higher-ups of the hidden page must remove them from their positions if they really want a positive change for the village. These elders represent everything that is wrong with the ancient shinobi world and will continue to poison the future of Konoha if allowed.

Boruto Uzumaki, the son of Naruto Uzumaki, the Seventh Hokage, seeks to make his mark in the ninja world. Resisting his father's absence due to his duties, Boruto aims to surpass Naruto with his friends from the Ninja Academy. As he develops his own ninja path, Boruto faces the challenges of a changing world that brings new threats and technologies that test his abilities and hold on.


Yuko Sanpei, Kokoro Kikuchi, Ryuichi Kijima, Yuma Uchida, Hidenori Takahashi

Release date

April 5, 2017




Masashi Kishimoto