Star TrekVulcans generally live much longer than humans, and the most famous member of the franchise's fictional species will be surpassed by a fellow Vulcan who only made his debut decades after Leonard Nimoy's legendary character. Although he first played Spock in the Star Trek: The Original Series' cast, Nimoy reprized the role of Spock several times, including in Star Trek: The Next Generationand in JJ Abrams' Kelvin Timeline films. Spock's fame inside and outside the show's canon is indisputablebut he could easily be knocked off his current age record soon.
The character who will take down Spock in the long-lived Vulcan competition is Tim Russ' Tuvok, who was part of the Star Trek: VoyagerIt's cast. Tuvok served as head of security for all seven seasons of Star Trek: Voyagerand although he wasn't as prolific outside of the show where he made his debut, he still went into other branches of Gene Roddenberry's sci-fi franchise. Canonically, Tuvok is very close to surpassing Spock.
Tuvok may outlive Spock in Star Trek after just 25 more years
Tim Russ' Star Trek character has the advantage of being a full-blooded Vulcan
Spock died twice in Star Trek canon, but the second and final time was on New Vulcan in 2263, after moving from the Prime Universe to the Kelvin Timeline. He was 161 years old at the time of his death. With Zachary Quinto's version of the character remaining as the Kelvin Timeline's main Spock, Abram was restarted Star Trek universe did not fall short of an iteration of the Vulcan/human hybrid. Interestingly, Russ's most recent appearance as Tuvok occurred near the end of Star Trek: Picard season 3.
In this scene, the former second officer of the USS Voyager was 137 years old. This means that if Tuvok lives just another 25 years, he will beat his Original Series counterpart in one year. Of course, Tuvok has the advantage of being a full-blooded Vulcan – a species that often lives to be 200 years old or more. Spock's human side compromised this longevitydying of natural causes decades before a pure Vulcan could have died. That said, 161 is still much older than any human would have lived - even in Star Trek.
Will Tuvok survive Spock's father Sarek?
Sarek died of Bendii Syndrome at age 203
As impressive as Spock's age was, his biological father, Sarek, passed away at a much healthier age, at 203. Even if Tuvok surpassed Spock's record, Russ' character would still be 67 years below Sarek. Unfortunately, there is also the issue of the Vulcan disease, Bendii syndrome, which can affect members of the species who are 200 years old or older. The neurological condition, which can cause loss of emotional control in the patient and those around them, is what killed Spock's father. Then, Tuvok will also need to avoid Bendii syndrome to take Sarek Star Trek registration.
Star Trek fans will be well aware of the fact that they won't necessarily have to wait that long to see Tuvok get older than Spock and Sarek. Not all Star Trek show takes place immediately after its successor. Then, The next time Russ plays Tuvok could be in a show set decades after his Star Trek: Picard cameo, even though the project itself is just a few years away. Alternatively, one of the upcoming 32nd century projects such as Section 31could reveal the date of Tuvok's death, which would confirm or disprove that Russ' Star Trek character lived longer than Sarek.