Tucker Des Laurier's Gameplay Isn't Pure Genius Like He Thinks It Is (Spoilers)

Tucker Des Laurier's Gameplay Isn't Pure Genius Like He Thinks It Is (Spoilers)

Warning! This article contains major spoilers about Big Brother 26!


  • Gameplay Big Brother 26 houseguest Tucker Des Lauriers isn't as genius as he thinks he is.

  • Tucker's strategy relies heavily on winning competitions, especially the BB AI Arena, to stay safe in the game.

  • Despite his confidence and gameplay, Tucker could be in trouble this week if he doesn't win the BB AI Arena competition.

Big Brother 26 Household Tucker Des Lauriers has dominated the game, but his gameplay isn't as brilliant as he thinks it is for several reasons. Since Big Brother 26 In the beginning, Tucker was a competitive beast and a master of mayhem and chaos. He has already won one Head of Household (HOH) competition, three Power of Veto competitions in a row and two BB AI Arena competitions. However, it is his unpredictability that has made him such a dangerous player in the game.

throughout Big Brother 26, Tucker was very confident with his game moves, which was backed by his ability to win competitions. He considers himself the strongest player in the house. However, Tucker's strategy would not have been possible without these Big Brother 26 Twists that have been introduced during this season.


The BB AI Arena twist allowed Tucker Des Lauriers to dominate Big Brother 26

Tucker used the BB AI Arena twist to his advantage

for Big Brother 26, The BB AI Arena competition is introduced in the game. The twist allows the HOH to nominate three households for eviction rather than two. After Power of Veto is played, the three players left on the chopping block battle it out in the BB AI Arena. The winner is safe, which prevents the HOH from backdooring contestants.

Tucker used the BB AI Arena twist to his advantage throughout Big Brother 26.

Big Brother 26's Tucker Des Lauriers prepares to compete in the AI ​​Arena with a smile.
CBS Big Brother/Instagram

Tucker used the BB AI Arena twist to his advantage throughout Big Brother 26. He was so confident about winning the BB AI Arena that he even used the Power of Veto to save Angela Murray instead of himself during Week 3, in order to try to backdoor Quinn Martin. HOH Cedric Hodges warned him not to do it, but Tucker didn't listen. He nominated Mackenzie Manbeck instead, but then she used America's veto to save herself. America ended up nominating Queen, and Tucker won the BB AI Arena, but the Houseguests voted for Kenny Kelly instead.

Tucker could never have used the strategy of saving Angela with the Power of Veto instead of himself if there were no BB AI Arena. There was a good chance he could have been kicked out that week if he hadn't had the chance to save himself. The gameplay of Tucker would not be possible in a traditional big brother Time.


Tucker could be in trouble this week

Taker only has one more chance to save himself in the BB AI Arena

Tucker loves playing in competitions, and he volunteered to be a pawn on three occasions, including this week when T'kor Clottey is HOH. However, Tucker later admitted that he regretted volunteering. She nominated him along with Cam Sullivan-Brown and Makensy Manbeck. After winning the Power of Veto three weeks in a row, Tucker lost the competition this week. Now he will have to win the BB AI Arena competition to ensure his safety.

When Tucker was HOH, his allies T'kor and Rubina Bernabe thought about turning on him and kept Chelsie Baham in the game against his will, but they didn't have to make the choice because Chelsie won the BB AI Arena competition. However, the fact that they are considering flipping on him shows that he could be in trouble this week if he doesn't win the BB AI Arena. Also, T'kor, Kimo Apaka, and Joseph Rodriguez had no problem blindsiding Cedric when they thought it might benefit their games, so they could do the same with Tucker.

Tucker's gameplay is based on his belief that he will win every competition and his reliance on BB AI Arena wins to keep up. He worked very well with his back against the wall, (literally when he won the Wall Hoh competition), but as they say, you can't win them all. If Tucker doesn't win the Week 6 BB AI Arena competition this week, the household would be foolish to evict him. If he goes home this week, it will be his own fault for volunteering to be a pawn. Tucker's strategy is not as genius as he thinks it is.

Source: big brother/ Instagram