Trunks Finally Gets Super Saiyan 4 in Rare Dragon Ball Fanart

Trunks Finally Gets Super Saiyan 4 in Rare Dragon Ball Fanart

In Dragon Ball
tradition, Super Saiyan 4 is a maximum power level that Goku and Vegeta achieved through two very different means, with the fan-favorite Z-Warrior known as Trunks
Unfortunately, he never had the chance to follow in his footsteps. Thank you to the fan community, New concept art finally gives Trunks the Super Saiyan 4 transformation he always deservedbringing with it a stunning visual design that suits the character well.

Giving Trunks a glow that makes him look even cooler than he already is is Christian Insisa (@chry_insi_art) is a creative talent who consistently uploads sketches to her 50K+ Instagram followers. Sharing images of some of the world's most popular characters Dragon Ball universe, Christian also posted illustrations with heroes and villains from the worlds of One piece, My Hero Academy, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Pokémonand even Marvel Comics, with Christian's creative sensibilities causing him to perfectly imitate the artistic style of those franchises while also adding his own artistic flair to each new piece.

Dragon BallTrunks looks tougher than ever in Super Saiyan 4 concept art

Fanart designed by Christian Insisa (@chry_insi_art)

A Super Saiyan form exclusive to the now non-canon Dragon Ball GT seriesSuper Saiyan 4 was the ultimate transformation of the time, combining the Saiyan race's ability to become a devastating Great Ape with another seemingly impossible level of power, resulting in a badass being covered in red and black fur who could bend any enemy to his will. . Achieving the Super Saiyan Rage form in Dragon Ball SuperIn the "Future" Trunks saga, this is the most powerful transformation Trunks has ever achieved, with Super Saiyan 3 and Super Saiyan 4 never being in the cards for this basic Z-Fighter... until now.

Looking like the image of an adult Trunks mixed with elements taken directly from Super Saiyan 4 Goku and Vegetathe most striking difference Christian uses here is keeping Trunks' gray hair along with his similar denim jacket and pants. Giving Super Saiyan 4 Trunks red fur, a tail, longer hair that evokes his Super Trunks form (complete with sideburns, no less) and, of course, a defiant expression that screams “shake it and find out” and it's safe to say Christian got it right. in full on Trunks' Super Saiyan 4 redesign, making fans yearn for an official version of the character.

Trunks is Dragon BallSuper Saiyan 4's latest character in new redesign

Super Saiyan 4 Goku ready to face off

Although it's right Trunks will never reach Super Saiyan 4 in Dragon Ball continuity simply because the form was lost in the extinct anime world of Dragon Ball GTIt is entirely possible that in the future Dragon Ball stories Trunks could receive another form exclusive to him, à la Ultra Instinct Goku, Ultra Ego Vegeta, Beast Gohan, and Orange Piccolo, one that equals or even surpasses the power of Super Saiyan 4. Until then, the talent of the fan community will have what to do to inventive Dragon Ball redesigns, with this Super Saiyan 4 Trunks piece being one of the best.

Source: @chry_insi_art