Best update from Trini Kwan Power Rangers what happened happened in the comics. The Power Rangers have been known to show their power upgrades on television, especially the Red Rangers with their Battilizers. However, especially for those who aren't the Red Ranger, the Ranger's best upgrades come in the comics.
The best upgrade for the original Yellow Ranger is the Black Dragon armor.debuting in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers No. 16 by Kyle Higgins and Hendry Prasetya. The comics gave Trini Kwan some major upgrades, including the ability to become the Red Ranger, but the Black Dragon armor may be the coolest she's ever had.
Considering the origins of the Black Dragon armor and the skills that Trini has demonstrated in transforming the armor into something useful, an improvement solidifies Trini as one of the best Mighty Morphin Power Rangers of all time.
The Black Dragon Armor was created by Lord Drakkon.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers No. 4 by Kyle Higgins, Hendry Prasetia, Daniel Bayliss, Matt Herms and Ed Dukeshire.
Black Dragon first debuted in BOOM! Comics Studios is not just a suit of armor, but a full-fledged character (or so readers thought) and an adversary of the Power Rangers. First few issues Mighty Morphin Power Rangers reminded readers that Unlike the rest of the Rangers, Tommy Oliver's abilities were based on Rita Repulsa's chaos magic.. This source proved vital, especially as Tommy clashed with Jason as his heightened emotions empowered a duplicate of the Dragon Dagger that once belonged to the iconic villain Scorpina to create a portal for the Black Dragon to enter this universe.
The Black Dragon originally came from the Coinless World, proving to be a thorn in the side of the Rangers until Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #9, where the Green Ranger and the best Blue Ranger were able to destroy the Black Dragon after being discovered The Black Dragon was not a monster, but a fully functional piece of metal. However, destroying it from within only sends them to the place of its creation, where they meet its creator - Lord Drakkon, the best villain of the franchise - who communicated with the Rangers from his world through the Black Dragon.
Trini Kwan repurposed Black Dragon armor for the Rangers
Everything for her team
Drakkon is an alternate version of Tommy Oliver in the future timeline, and thus, due to their shared connection with the powers of the Chaos Crystal, he was able to send his Black Dragon to this dimension. Present-day Tommy and Billy are transported to Drakkon's world, giving Trini enough time to figure out what the Black Dragon is. When the Blue and Green Rangers first disappear, Trini was the first to realize that the Black Dragon was made from parts of the Green Ranger's Dragonzord..
Upon further inspection in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #11, Trini learns that the Black Dragon's parts are actually identical to the Dragonzord's parts and not a copy. Trini deduces that the Black Dragon came from another world, which is likely where Billy and Tommy landed after disappearing. Behind Billy is Trini, the team's best technical expert.and so she effortlessly works on cross-examining where this monstrous Zord came from to find them. And that's not all she does with the Black Dragon.
Trini has proven herself to be one of the most intelligent, competent and effective Power Rangers.
Trini transforms the Black Dragon into armor, synchronizing it with herself. use in case of emergency. Such an emergency occurs when the Rangers are ambushed by Rita Repulsa, who weakens the Rangers' teleportation capabilities but can do nothing to stop the Black Dragon parts from merging with the Trini suit. Additionally, she uses the Black Dragon's energy to power the Triceratops Power Coin that Billy left behind, sending her and the Rangers to Drakkon's dimension to save their friends.
The Legacy of the Trini Black Dragon Armor Continues
Black Dragon Armor appears again
This isn't the last time readers see the Black Dragon Armor in action, as it goes back in time. Power Rangers 25th anniversary of the franchise. At the end of the Shattered Lattice arc, where Rangers of all iterations unite for a final stand against Drakkon and his army, the old, future version of Trini from the World of No Coins enters the fray. Since she no longer has her Power Coin (hence the nickname Coinless), Chief Canon Trini gives his future self the Black Dragon Armor to protect himself in battle MMPR #30 Higgins and Daniele Di Nicuolo.
If there's one big takeaway from all of this, it's that Trini has proven herself to be one of the smartest, most competent and effective Power Rangers - not just of the Mighty Morphin team, but in the history of the franchise. Future comics will help drive that point home, especially by showing how Trini earned her promotion as the leader of the Red Ranger. But MMPR #16 is one of the first moments of BOOM! this highlights Trini's abilities. Ultimately, turning the harmful Black Dragon armor into something useful to Power Rangers was almost a foreshadowing of Trini's future spotlight.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #16 available now in BOOM! Studios.