Warning: This article contains spoilers for Transformers oneTransformers one is one of the most loved animated films of 2024, bringing a huge amount of praise for its characters, story and writing. Despite some box office woes, Transformers one Will certainly go down as a classic of the franchise, showing extremely well-known figures like Optimus Prime and Megatron in a new light, giving audiences a chance to connect even deeper with the beloved characters.
Transformers oneIts great cast absolutely helps sell each of its scenes, with moments that probably wouldn't hit as hard if the voice actors weren't on top form. Seeing the origins of Optimus Prime and Megatron on the big screen helped Transformers one Win its glowing reviews, and Many individual quotes in the film reflect the core themes and the characters' histories.
"Down here, the truth is what I make it."
Sentinel Prime
Sentinel Prime is a great antagonist in Transformers oneWhich eventually becomes the main problem that destroys the friendship between Optimus Prime and Megatron. This quote in particular comes when he has kidnapped Megatron, Bumblebee, and most of the High Guard after attacking their secret base on the surface. It's a great encapsulation of Sentinel Prime's characterShowing not only his arrogance but his desire for absolute control over Cybertron.
This line exposes both the true character of Sentinel Prime and the differences in methodology between the central duo.
This line also shows how Sentinel is the antithesis to both Optimus Prime and Megatron, but in very different ways. Orion Pax wants to tell the truth to all of Yakon City right away, while D-16 wants to make Sentinel pay. This line exposes both the true character of Sentinel Prime and the differences in methodology between the central duo.
"Don't you want to choose your own path, do what you want?" "We're minors. Me mine. That's all."
Orion Packs & D-16
This line is from the beginning of the movie, and it immediately gives the audience a solid look at what the 16th begins Transformers one like. He is not a hero who seeks to make the world a better place for everyone, like Orion Pax, He just wants to keep his head down and work in the systemTrusting the process and climbing his way up to try and make a better life for himself.
This line also works as a point of comparison for later in the movie. Comparing D-16 who says this to Megatron, shouting about order and justice and the death of leaders, is a great way to show the change in the character. Megatron and D-16 are clearly distinct charactersWith one looking to work himself up the system, and the other looking to burn it all down.
"Nothing can stop us if we stand together. Together as one!"
Orion Packs
When Orion Pax goes to the Miner Bots to ask for their help in defeating Sentinel Prime, they are quite hesitant to try due to their lack of transformation cogs. Orion Pax then delivers a rousing speechSomething he will no doubt become known for in his time as Optimus Prime, which includes this line, rallying the minors to his cause.
The quote is obviously related to the title of the film, transformers one, But it goes deeper than that. The phrase "until all are one" is a mantra that is repeated throughout Transformers FranchiseA rallying cry used by the Autobots to signify their hope to reunite all the people of Cybertron. Orion Pax using this word signifies him getting closer and closer to becoming the best prime that we all know.
"What defines a Transformer is not the cog in their chest, but the spark that resides in their heart."
Alpha Trion
The line uttered by Laurence Fishburne as Alpha Tryon is an excellent line that signifies one of the central themes of the movie, which Power in and of itself is not what makes someone great, it is what someone does with it. B-127, D-16, Orion Pax and Elita-1 had no cogs, Transformers one Shows they found the elder prime Anyway.
The line also cleverly hints at how D-16 and Orion Pax will differ as their journey progresses. D-16 and Orion Pax both receive transformation cogs that used to belong to the great heroes of Cybertron, protectors of freedom and everyone on the planet. however, Their path is obviously very different in the coming daysHow D-16 becomes a horrible villain, and Orion becomes a great hero.
D-16 first showed his aggression and hatred towards another when he learned of Sentinel Prime's betrayal, but this line is where the aggression was first directed at Orion Pax. While he didn't scream like he was in the cave, His intense attitude towards his best friend was very sincereBoth for the crowd and for Orion himself, trembling Transformers oneIt's the end.
The line is also very abrupt, which shows how quickly the turn of D-16 will be. He goes from happily taking down a villain and exclaiming that they can finally transform to slowly and not-so-subtly telling Orion Pax to back off and let him take charge, Foreshadowing his eventual need for total control in a similar way to Sentinel himself. This line is one of the first signs of the change in D-16 Transformers oneEnsuring everyone knows the worst is yet to come.
"You are inspiring. You can envision a better future that no one else can see."
This line of Transformers one Shows why Orion is the perfect leader for the team, and why he is the only one who would be able to bring peace to Cybertron. While characters like Elita or Bee are very capable in their own right, Orion/Optimus has hope. He truly believes that there is a better future for Cybertron aheadand that he can help it to live.
This line also helps Showcase Elita's character growth in the film. She comes across as a very bossy and uncaring person, especially at the beginning of the movie, because she just wants to move up the social ladder. Once she learns that her life is based on a lie, she has to find something else to believe in, and she chooses Orion Pax.
Even though it has such excellent characters, plot and writing, Transformers one is still a comedy, and Bee's attempt to create a cool nickname for himself is a perfect example of that. B-127 is certainly the comedic relief of the film, and The constant repetition of his nickname, "Badasatron," is definitely his funniest quirk.Made all the more hilarious by Keegan-Michael Key's delivery.
"Badasatron" is already the most iconic line of the film, as it is such an easy line to indicate as the comic tone of the film. While this joke is repeated many times throughout the movie, It sticks around enough to stay funny by the time the climax rolls around. This line is also a great introduction to a Bumblebee who can talk, a character many may know from the live action films as only speaking through the radio.
"I'm done saving you."
This line serves to indicate D-16's final transformation into Megatron. The build-up was slow, with D-16 gradually becoming less and less concerned about his friendship with Orion, focusing only on getting his revenge. The line, accompanied by Megatron dropping Orion to his presumed death, Shows that he is completely lostAnd Transformers one Uses Megatron's red eyes as a further symbol of his transformation.
Transformers one Shows that Orion Pax caused a lot of strife for D-16, and while D-16 was happy to be his friend, he always had problems with the way Orion operated. This quote extends the drama in Megatron and Optimus Prime's relationshipshowing that their subjects now understood their previous friendship.
"It's time to show that we are more than meets the eye."
Orion Packs
The phrase "more than meets the eye" is also very important to these Transformers Franchise as a whole. It has a literal meaning, in that the transformers look like simple vehicles, but there is more to them than that, but it also has a more metaphorical meaning that ties directly into the themes of the movie, especially how It is impossible to see who someone really is just from the surface level.
Orion Pax may look like a simple miner, but it's so much more than that. Characters like Darkwing can't see deeper than the surface level, but it's clear that Orion is a leader and a hero, the one who will save Cybertron when he's needed. What he was on the outside never mattered, He was always able to become Optimus Prime.
"Get up, best prime."
Alpha Trion
There are many things a film needs to get right to be great, but one of the most important things is the climax. It is the point where everything the audience has gone through with the character being portrayed comes to a head, and Transformers one Needed to nail the origin of Optimus Prime. Fortunately, the film absolutely delivers, as the first time the name "Optimus Prime" is mentioned, backed by Brian Taylor's excellent score, Absolutely sells this moment as the birth of Cybertron's greatest hero.
Crucially, the line doesn't just exist in a vacuum, as the scene of Optimus Prime's rise is brilliantly juxtaposed with Megatron's fall. Hear "I am Megatron!" shouted to a crowd of shocked onlookers, before cutting to the whispered name "Optimus Prime," is such a phenomenal moment that will absolutely go down as one of the best in Transformers one.